Completely off-Grail-topic, apart from the fact it’s one of our own doing good: Friday news admin Turner Young’s ‘webisode’ project Action Auto now has it’s own website, and three complete episodes available to watch. Action Auto is set in a car yard, following the adventures of some rather unethical salesmen in their desperate quest for sales.
Also: utilising the power of the Grail audience, if you think the web series is well made, give Turner and his cohorts a big leg-up by voting ‘Funny’ for the series on Will Ferrell’s Funny or Die website. If you don’t like it, how about just not clicking ‘Die’…
** WARNING – videos are definitely NOT SAFE FOR WORK (NSFW), and if you have delicate sensibilities or are a stickler for political correctness, you will probably consider them ‘vulgar’ in some sense. If so, do not watch, and definitely do not watch and then come back here and complain about them. **