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News Briefs 12-06-2009

“And when worlds collide, said George Pal to his bride – I’m gonna give you some terrible thrils…”

Masalu to Greg & Kat

Quote of the Day:

“In the velvet darkness
, of the blackest night
, burning bright
… There’s a guiding star – 
No matter what or who you are.

Richard O’Brien

  1. Monsanto’s House of the Future
    [quote]Fortunately for those of us actually living in the future, the all-plastic scenario was never fully realized.[/quote]

    AMEN to that!!!!

    I must admit that the Monsanto 1950’s vision didn’t age too badly. The color schemes do look kitsch for my taste, but no more than Karim Rashid’s more recent vision of what a home of the future should look like!

    10 years ago I would have laughed at the unnecessary curves of the facade; but nowadays there has been a strong revival of curves in modern Architecture —Zaha Hadid is a perfect example of this— so Monsanto’s concept can find a lot of modern contemporary descendants all around the world.

    it is my opinion that the strongest influence in modern Architecture came not from materials or aesthetic sensibilities, but from the now-ubiquitous application of CAD (Computer-Aided-Design) in the discipline. It enabled architects to visualize and bring to life wilder and bolder tridimensional shapes.

    The 2nd revolution in Architecture will come when we can finally fully automatize all the aspects in the construction of a dwelling; when we can build a home just the way as we build a car. There are some early examples of this already; but we’re not quite there yet; perhaps mainly because of the customer’s resistance to view their cherished new home as a mass product —what they fail to realize is that modern technology will permit their house to be both mass-produced AND customized to their personal tastes & needs at the same time.

    It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
    It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

    Red Pill Junkie

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