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More Death Before Life After Life

Last weekend I posted my article from the latest Darklore (Amazon US and UK), “Death Before Life After Life“, which looked at accounts of near-death experiences from before the phenomena became well-known through Raymond Moody’s book Life After Life (you can read the article in its original format as a PDF at the Darklore website). I was therefore very interested to read a new blog post this week from Michael Tymn – who’s a fair expert on afterlife-related literature – titled “A Near-Death Experience to Die For“. In his posting, Mike looks at an NDE first published in 1917, in Fanny Ruthven Paget’s book How I Know that the Dead Are Alive, which I didn’t cover in my article.

Paget’s account of what happened to her when she ‘died’ is a very detailed one, and includes many elements that you don’t find in the ‘vanilla’ NDE report. However, it does contain a number of the standards, including the OBE, the guide, meeting loved ones, and the life review. I had some chills though when I read her description of the “city of light”, which she said was constructed of a material that had “the transparency of glass of a variegated whiteness, into which colors, harmonizing in the most delicate way, were coming and going, ever changing”. Not only did I touch on this aspect of “transparent architecture” in my article (when discussing the NDE of Leonora Piper), but I have previously written about this in detail in my 2004 article “Cities of Transparent Gold“.

Curiouser and curiouser….

  1. You won’t believe this…
    But I dreamt of a city exactly as described only just last year. It was next to a lake, surrounded by mountains, and I was being driven by someone unknown along a picturesque, winding road, the city glittering in the near distance. I woke up before reaching the city, and I felt very restless that day, wondering what I’d missed out on by not sleeping in.

    Is it possible to dream when healthy, what others experience near death?

    1. Yup
      As mentioned in my older article, similar things have been mentioned by people undergoing visionary experiences. No need for the old flatliner treatment.

      Kind regards,
      You monkeys only think you’re running things

      1. The Day Time Ended
        You should give a look to that movie, as I suggested recently.

        I think you’d like the ending of the movie 🙂

        It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
        It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

        Red Pill Junkie

  2. Crystal cities
    I have often seen, and been in, these cities when I’ve been ‘travelling’ in meditations – they are very beautiful. Sometimes they look as if they are made of ice. Where they are I have no idea – I just seem to find myself there.

    Regards, Kathrinn

  3. Visions
    My mother (who was very ‘psychic’, though did not spend time in meditation nor did she study such writings) told me she had “seen” such a place. She described it as transparent and ‘pearlescent’ – right in synch with what others have reported. And that was years ago (before many of these books had been published) and while she was quite alive & healthy, busy raising a family!

  4. Afterlife Cities
    I think the first book I ever read on the subject of the afterlife – while still a schoolboy – was “Life in the World Unseen” by Anthony Borgia. The book is what we would now call channelled material and is now is now freely available online at:

    This article reminded me somewhat of a passage from that book:

    The buildings were not of any great height as we should measure and compare with earthly structures, but they were for the most part extremely broad. It is impossible to tell of what materials they were composed because they were essentially spirit fabrics. The surface of each smooth as of marble, yet it had the delicate texture and translucence of alabaster, while each building sent forth, as it were into the adjacent air, a stream of light of the palest shade of coloring. Some of the buildings were carved with designs of foliage and flowers, and others were left almost unadorned, as far as any smaller devices were concerned, relying upon their semi-classic nature for relief. And over all was the light of heaven shining evenly and uninterruptedly, so that nowhere were there dark places.


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