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News Briefs 08-05-2009

Fire on the mountains…

Quote of the Day:

“Man is the only animal that blushes… or needs to. ”

Mark Twain

  1. fuel cells……
    the problem is not the tech. to use almost free energy. The problem is trying to find a way to charge for it. There already exists a couple of forms of free energy that would save us now but the governments and buisness can not agree on how to charge for the free energy.
    Google Lutec. This may surprise you. Been around awhile but can’t get going. I know it works cause I have seen it but for some reason it is treated like a hot potato.
    One thing you can depend on in this world……profit is always before people.

    “Life can be whatever you want it to be, as long as you do what your told.”

  2. Duke Nukem Never?
    Duke Nukem Forever was the ‘Chinese Democracy’ of the video game industry.

    It’s highly unlikely they’ll ever finish it, but then again… ValVe also took A LOT of time developing Half Life 2, and when they finally released it, many people praised them as the best game of all time —I’m certainly one for those people.

    So Duke could still surprise us. It would certainly be nice to relive my final years in college, when I was playing Duke with a fellow co-worker at an Animation studio (that tanked) where I got my first job —stepping in the strip bar and giving some money to a dancer while saying “shake it, baby!” always made us laugh 😛

    It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
    It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

    Red Pill Junkie

    1. Strippers and Shrooms
      [quote=red pill junkie]Duke Nukem Forever was the ‘Chinese Democracy’ of the video game industry.[/quote]

      Except Chinese Democracy got released… 😉

      And was good actually. Surprised it hasn’t gained more praise – perhaps if Axl had claimed it (more correctly) as a solo album he would have got the credit due for one heck of an album.

      [quote]stepping in the strip bar and giving some money to a dancer while saying “shake it, baby!” always made us laugh :-P[/quote]

      Heh, you in strip bars and me in Shrooms mode in Rise of the Triad. Formative years for us both, I’m sure…

      Kind regards,
      You monkeys only think you’re running things

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