The first day of Spring has sprung. Happy Equinox to everyone!
- Underwater ‘ring of fire’ volcano erupts near Tonga, prompting tsunami warning. With video…
- Perfect storm of overpopulation and growing demand for waning vital resources will create a global crisis by 2030.
- Are cows’ electromagnetic sense disturbed by power pylons?
- Where does consciousness come from?
- Is Mars red because it’s rusty?
- Better Red (Sea) than Dead (Sea).
- The pagan roots of Easter.
- Study finds language of music really is universal.
- Life’s crystal code.
- Stephen J. Hawking’s bedtime stories… You know, for kids.
- Nanotube ribbons to give robots super strength. Time to put John Connor on speed-dial.
- Honey-gathering chimpanzees redefine ‘hive mentality’.
- NASA unveils new spacecraft plans for potential flagship mission to Venus. Bananarama fades in on the radio…
- The 4,500 year-old, bent pyramid of Dahshur to be opened and explored by the one and only ZH.
- Lab-coats crack enigma around the Sun’s corona.
- It appears 1/3 of birds in the U.S. are endangered or threatened. Meanwhile, once stable Caribbean fish populations are on the decline.
- Move over T-Rex, now there’s something meatier. Make room for the Cambrian super predator.
- U.S goes to pot… More here about the new administration’s vow to cease prosecution of medicinal marijuana dispensaries.
- Could doctors be on the verge eliminating Parkinson’s symptoms with a spinal-stimulation process?
- The realization of quantum computers just took another quantum leap forward.
- Think the Earth’s crust would be difficult to melt? Think again. Don’t take my word for it – ask the polar bears.
- Predicting the collapse of an ecosystem.
- The fine art of urban camouflage.
Danke to RPJ and GT!
Quote of the Day:
“…How can you buy or sell the sky, the land?”
Chief Seattle, Ted Perry