Sorry for the delay — computer problems.
- Ants can talk to each other.
- Scan of mummy’s casket reveals 3,000-year-old Egyptian priestess.
- Color affects cognitive task performance.
- Giant snake ruled Earth after dinosaurs.
- The secret of a hot kiss.
- Thalidomide was created by the Nazis.
- Secrets of Germany’s earliest genocide in Africa.
- Food writer’s online satirical guide to building an H-bomb was the evidence which led to extraordinary renditions, torture, and 8 years in Gitmo for former UK asylum seeker.
- On the trail of torture: UK government suppressed evidence on Binyam Mohamed torture because MI6 helped his interrogators.
- Spies want to scan your iris from afar.
- British farmers revolt over plan to electronically tag 30 million sheep.
- Say It Ain’t So: Science and energy on stimulus chopping block.
- Kurzweil to head Singularity University, backed by NASA, Yahoo and Google, to teach students how to cope when technology becomes smarter than humans.
- UK’s House of Lords issues warning about surveillance society.
- America’s leading skip tracer: the man who helps people disappear.
- Scientists say up to 40,000 planets could be home to intelligent aliens.
- Loren Coleman on Darwin’s Cryptid.
- Imagine how disappointed you’d be if you finally got to visit Portland, Maine, only to discover that the International Cryptozoology Museum was no longer open.
- Bushfire deaths now at 171, as fires rage on. Survivors describe frantic rush to escape flames. Tales from the inferno. Report of two deaths and one family’s harrowing escape.
Quote of the Day:
Everybody’s gone. Everybody’s gone. Everybody. Their houses are gone. They’re all dead in the houses there. Everybody’s dead.
Bushfire survivor Christopher Harvey, as he walked through the town of Kinglake, where most people were killed.