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News Briefs 09-02-2009

Sorry for the delay — computer problems.

Quote of the Day:

Everybody’s gone. Everybody’s gone. Everybody. Their houses are gone. They’re all dead in the houses there. Everybody’s dead.

Bushfire survivor Christopher Harvey, as he walked through the town of Kinglake, where most people were killed.

  1. Bush fire deaths
    Watching the terrible fires on television here in the UK filled me with dread as one of my sons was back-packing somewhere in Victoria. I had good news, he was safe and well, and far from the fires.

    My joy though has turned to sadness as the scale of the disaster is now being revealed, and my thoughts are with the survivors.

    Australians are a tough people that will pull together to put this disaster behind them – all I can offer is hope to those involved.


    1. My Hope…
      Is that they find the ones responsible for these fires. I hope there is a very special fate awaiting them. An empty cell with a mat and a blanket and a hole in the corner of the floor. No lights, no sounds, no windows. A slot in the door through which 700 calories of food are pushed three times a day until the tray isn’t pushed back. Then the slot is sealed and the door welded shut.

      There can be no mercy, no forgiveness for the monsters who perpetuated these crimes.


      1. Monsters?
        Are we talking about terrorists here, or imbecilic pranksters?

        The former denotes a specific purpose to hurt and destroy; the latter deals with a total disregard for the consequences of one’s actions.

        It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
        It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

        Red Pill Junkie

        1. Pyromania
          Excerpt from here:

          In a 2006 letter to the editor of the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, psychiatrist Jon Grant reported a case of one patient who fit the clinical definition of pyromania. Grant was able to examine the brain of this patient with SPECT imaging and found a region in the left inferior frontal portion that had a low blood flow [source: Grant]. The patient underwent three weeks of daily behavioral therapy and a daily regimen of topiramate, an anticonvulsant used to treat seizures, for 12 months. During that time, the patient reported a substantial decrease in his urge to set fires. When Dr. Grant reimaged the patient’s brain, the problem was gone. The patient continued to be symptom-free while on the medication. This is the first report of a possible biological cause for pyromania and combination drug and behavioral treatment for it.

          1. Hmm
            And surely, after the Fire-Jihads there will be Melting-Jihads, with Al-Qaida factions behind the thinning of the ice caps in Antarctica.

            Sorry, but I don’t buy it.

            It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
            It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

            Red Pill Junkie

          2. the sun
            There will be events on the sun, and some jihadist people will take credit for it.

            Have they taken credit for the sunset last evening?

            But for sure they will take credit for weight loss among their members, because it makes them more healthy.

            It is not how fast you go
            it is when you get there.

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