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ESP and Geomagnetic Activity

Another one from late last year that got lost in my messy brain – and quite fascinating too. A paper from the Journal of Scientific Exploration titled “New Insights into the Links between ESP and Geomagnetic Activity” (by Adrian Ryan) suggests that psi abilities could vary in relation to geomagnetic pulsations:

A database of 343 free-response ESP trials conducted at centers in the U.K. was constructed in order to test the hypothesis that the relatively fast varying components of geomagnetic activity, geomagnetic pulsations, might be driving the reported associations between ESP, geomagnetic activity and local sidereal time. Local geomagnetic field-strength measurements taken at 1-second intervals during 99 trials, and at 5-second intervals during 244 trials, were converted by fast Fourier transform into power within five frequency bands. Two patterns were observed: ESP was found to succeed only during periods of enhanced pulsation activity within the 0.2-0.5 Hz band, but ESP effect was absent during the most disturbed periods of activity in the 0.025-0.1 Hz band.

The pattern of ESP effect by local sidereal time was similar to that found by Spottiswoode (1997b), and this shape was found to be attributable to the pattern of ESP results by pulsation activity in the 0.2-0.5 Hz band.

The observed patterns were demonstrated to have excellent explanatory power in terms of accounting for findings previously reported in the literature.

I’m still wrapping my head around it, but the author believes that as the frequency band of geomagnetic pulsation varies on a seasonal and daily basis, this could provide some explanation of the “Local Sidereal Time” (LST) effect previously noted in psi experiments (by James Spottiswoode).

The full text of the article is available as a PDF file download.

  1. LST and other effects
    Upon hearing of Tom Van Flandern’s passing a couple of weeks ago, I was lying in bed contemplating his impact on the world. (I was really disappointed I missed his conference last September which took place about 25 miles from my home while I was in Perth half a world away!) Anyway, it hit me that if the Local Sidereal Time affected Remote Viewing, maybe there was an effect on conceptions, births, and/or deaths. In other words, is there a portal-like effect that may influence when (some) people arrive or depart this realm?

    I wrote Spottiswoode to suggest a new research effort, but have not received any response. It seems to me to be fairly straightforward to do a FFT analysis of documented death time/dates and see whether there are any spectral peaks or valleys when plotted against LST.

    In a similar vain, I have always been curious whether the tribes that practiced the ayahuasca ceremonies were in tune with LST. It wouldn’t shock me to find that there were certain times of the year when the proper LST coincided with the late evening that the ceremonies were practiced.


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