A strange assortment to get you through the week…
- The latest Binnall of America Audio podcast features Charles Upton on metaphysics and UFOs (available as mp3 download or streaming via Flash).
- On his website, author/researcher Filip Coppens profiles “Otto Rahn: author, poet, Grail seeker, SS officer“.
- At Skepticblog, Brian Dunning takes a closer look at “The ‘Incorruptible’ Hambo Lama Itigelov“.
- Cosmic Spoon features a guest essay by James Burnett, Ph.D., “On the Nature of Reality and Remote Viewing”
- Reality Sandwich features Martin Ball’s essay “Entheogenic Spirituality as a Right“.
- At UFO Mystic, Greg Bishop tells of his “Three Psychic Experiences“.
- Forgetomori investigates “The Lead Masks Case“, probably best known in the English-speaking world due to its appearance in Jacques Vallee’s Confrontations (Amazon US and UK). Also worth checking out over there is Mori’s piece on False Fortean Memories.
- The Hierophant’s Apprentice makes his thoughts on Richard Dawkins clear at the Fortean Times website.
- The Psychedelic Salon has a podcast of Timothy Leary’s talk “The League for Spiritual Discovery“.
- Richelle Hawks looks at some “Pretty Puzzling Pareidolia” in her Medusa’s Ladder column for BoA. The image is worth a look all on its own.
- The latest Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe podcast features discussion of Junk DNA, Moon probes and mini-nuclear reactors.
- The Mitchell-Hedges website documents some alleged weirdness during a showing of the crystal skull in Australia.
- The November MAPS news update is now available online with all the latest from the psychedelic research community.
- Nick Pope investigates reports of “Military Ghosts“.
- Anthony North gets into some “Sacred Geometry” at Beyond the Blog.
- UFO Casebook #333 has the latest ufological news roundup.