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News Briefs 04-11-2008

Space is the place today. Post your thoughts.

  • Has new physics been found at the Tevatron?
  • Strange portal connects Earth to Sun.
  • Magnetic shield for spacefarers.
  • More mystery space machines.
  • Predictions, falsifiability and the standard model of stellar evolution.
  • Mud eruption caused by drilling, and voting.
  • Solar power game changer: near perfect absorption of sunlight from all angles.
  • Why do people develop lung cancer?
  • Women carry more bacteria on their hands than men.
  • Taurids may produce dazzling fireballs.
  • King Solomon’s mines and the empire of King David.
  • Anti-cancer beer under development.
  • Spider God temple found in Peru.
  • Why dont archaeologists join the looters?

Thanks Greg

Quote of the Day:

The Earth is just too small and fragile a basket for the human race to keep all its eggs in.

Robert Heinlein

  1. Why don’t archeologists join the looters
    See?? Indiana Jones was RIGHT, after all!! 😉

    It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
    It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

    Red Pill Junkie

    1. Indiana right?
      No man, Indiana Jones was always part of the left-leaning east cost university establishment. He has even been quoted as saying “I hate Nazis”. You call that “Right” ? Sounds like a left-wing guy to me.

      Oh wait, the election is over? Ok then nevermind.

      Do I have to do this ===== 😛

      It is not how fast you go
      it is when you get there.

        1. Er… you sure about that?
          Because one of the decrees of National Socialism was a complete opposition to Marxism and Communism.

          It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
          It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

          Red Pill Junkie

          1. naming rights
            Actually we are all right. The Nazis and the communists tried to occupy the intellectual territory of industrial workers. And then of course they both occupied eastern Europe. So there is a similarity there.

            Another thing about rights. There must be a song or a book or a movie with the title “I love you”. So if I should say that to a nice woman, or a mother would say that to her baby, who gets the royalties? Paul or Heather?

            It is not how fast you go
            it is when you get there.

          2. Left/Right
            I’m about half way through Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism. He does a remarkable job of putting all the flavors of left/right over the last century into perspective. Even though his political bent is an American version of Conservatism, his scholarship will be enlightening to anyone interested in the subject.

            The underlying differences in the Fascists, the Nazis, and the Commies was mostly the difference in “National” and “World”. The Marxists thought they could get the common man (worker) to offer allegiance to the world, but Mussolini and Hitler realized that it was much more natural and therefore easier to drum up national allegiance. After that, most of the distinctions fall into personalities, egos, and degree of brutality. At different points they all claimed to be Leftists (Progressives) and therefore anyone else was a rightie (from the original French distinctions).

            Amazingly, (to me) the U.S. was in the thick of it with Wilson and later with FDR, but for all the empathies in both directions across the Atlantic, they (our Presidents) never usurped their elective positions or went beyond thuggery and camps to the point of mass murder. Of course we never learned any of this in school.

            Comparatively, this all make the modern BusHitler stuff seem really lame.

            And, NO I am not trying to drum up a debate here, just sayin’.


            Xavier Onassis

          3. Not so RPJ
            Marxism and Communism were tweaked up versions of socialism. Karl Marx and Stalin were both supporters and attended international conferences on socialism. They just tweaked it to fit their own purposes. Socialism by definition is anti-capitalism and “redistribution of wealth” to the masses. The variants of socialism depend on how much wealth is left after those who redistribute it take whatever they feel puts them above the rest, and finally make its way to their people, or another way to put it, “how equal is everybody, except me”.

            Now, with that said, the original Nazi party was an extreme left socialist party, not an extreme right as it is portrayed today with the Neo-Nazi white supremacists… Mind you, today, I’d be hard pressed to say which party is right or left… 🙂

          4. Left. Right… is the same old crap
            The National-Socialist party had his origins among the workers of Germany, but it quickly evolved into something totally different. It’s useful to have workers backing you, though. Every movement needs its pawns.

            In the end, all these -isms use the same tactics: use force to make everyone obey you, and brutally silence everyone who criticize you.

            It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
            It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

            Red Pill Junkie

          5. advertising
            The Nazis called themselves The National Socialist German Workers party. Something for everyone in there, and appropriate repetition too.

            It is not how fast you go
            it is when you get there.

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