A strange assortment to get you through the week…
- The latest Skeptiko podcast features Ben Radford (editor of Skeptical Inquirer) responding to questions about his investigations of psychic detectives.
- Filip Coppens has a new essay on his website, concerning the other archaeological enigma of Bosnia: giant stone spheres.
- Michael Prescott asks: “Will the Real You Please Stand Up“.
- This week’s eSkeptic newsletter discusses a Marilyn Monroe hoax and it’s ramifications for one ‘psychic’.
- The Parapsychology Foundation blog features Carlos Alvarado’s survey of “Charles Richet’s Work in Psychical Research“.
- The latest podcast from the Psychedelic Salon is Robert Anton Wilson’s lecture, “Can the Human Lifespan Be Extended”.
- Skeptic Randi’s latest newsletter touches on Billy Meier, Derek Ogilvie, and announces a change of format for the future.
- This week’s Fate Radio interview is with Dr Bob Curran, discussing zombies (mp3 or Real Audio).
- Kevin Randle reveals a new Roswell insight in his blog entry “Moore Knew Mogul’s Name“.
- Nick Redfern reviews Brad Steiger’s Otherworldly Affaires (Amazon US and UK).
- UFO Casebook #327 is now online.
- The latest Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe podcast features Martian snow, PETA nonsense, and a chat with a descendant of Charles Darwin.
- Anthony North looks at the pre-eminence of superstition in the modern world, at Beyond the Blog.