”Technology, while adding daily to our physical ease, throws daily another loop of fine wire around our souls…”
- Eternal sunshine of the spotless mice…
- Life, the universe and everything.
- Lab-coats discover link between physical and emotional warmth. Mind over matter…indeed.
- The sound of three stars… pulsating.
- Overfishing oceans to feed the barn animals? Orwell’s Animal Farm has apparently mastered the art of take-out…
- Rare species of coral cross-breeding to prevent their own extinction?
- Hopes of lunar ice appear to be nothing more than dust in the wind.
- Amateur astronomers will help keep track of light pollution–presuming they can see any stars.
- 2000-year-old stonework depicting figures dancing with ancient musical instruments unearthed in India.
- Do rods grow into orbs that later grow into UFOs? Inquiring minds want to know!
- Beware The Lazarus sign and how the ‘recently dead’ pose Egyptian. Rod Serling enters from stage right…
- The Hubble could be up back in action by this weekend. Underline could. Let’s hope there aren’t any more aptly timed glitches.
- Did someone say glitch? CERN officially inaugurated the LHC last Tuesday. And me without my mini black-hole flag to wave.
- In case of emergency, please move Earth.
- Magnetic fields aid coma victim.
- Photosynthesis 911? Plants under attack send signal to microbial friends for assistance…
- Pwnage news: Uncovering the secret codes output by your printer at the request of certain unnamed agencies.
- Japanese researchers discover world’s oldest cremation site in Syria.
- From the matrix-imitates-life-imitating-art files… Is the brain the ultimate computer interface?
- Guillermo del Toro wants Neil Gaiman to direct Death. Meanwhile, Neil Gaiman and Guillermo del Toro still want to make Doctor Strange movie.
- Swedish man discovers time travel portal under kitchen sink. Terry Gilliam is already bidding for the film rights.
- Buzz Aldrin to Mars pioneers, “…Stay there.” Wonder how Buzz would’ve felt if they left him in Arizona— I mean on the Moon?
- The best and worst historic sites, as rated by Nat. Geo (w/ photos).
- DIY X-rays? Requirements: 1 roll of sticky tape. Fade in Flight of the Conchords…
- Who watches the Watchmen? I do – new trailer right here.
- And last but not least, I give you… Supersonic Rocket Car.
Huge dankë schöens to RPJ, RMG and the one and only GT!
Quote of the Day:
“Man does not live by words alone… in spite of the fact that he sometimes has to eat them.”
A. Stevenson