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News Briefs 01-10-2008

Snowmen are from Mars, women from Venus…

Thanks Greg.

Quote of the Day:

Mars is there, waiting to be reached.

Buzz Aldrin

  1. Eels in the last supper
    I seriously doubt it.

    Eels, like all scale-less fish, are not kosher. Check your Torah 😉

    BTW, Happy New Year to all the jewish members of the TDG

    It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
    It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

    Red Pill Junkie

  2. Ica Stones
    I read an article in a spanish magazine, where it was clear most (maybe all) were hoaxes made by two villagers, a man and a woman. Under the microscope, clear traces of colored pencils were seen on the stones.

    The magazine showed images of the process of creating an Ica stone. The thing could be accomplished with a simple file and a pen; in 15 minutes you could prepare one the size of a tangerine.

    For Dr. Cabrera however, the telling sign of which stones are genuine and which are false, lies in the fragility of the material: according to him, a real Ica stone, if banged against a table, would crumble to pieces.

    Then again, it’s funny to see these images of dinosaurs, depicted the way they were painted in scientific illustrations 30 years ago —with their tails in the ground.

    It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
    It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

    Red Pill Junkie

    1. ICa stones
      There were also reports that the original farmer was basically forced to say he made them because he was selling historical artifacts and faced jail time for doing so. Some of them that were tested showed inconclusive because of deposits in the carvings that take thousands of years to form, while a lot of them were showing freshly made carvings. I think some of them are original while most are hoaxes. Hard to say either way. Like the crystal skulls kuffuffle 🙂

      1. Jail time
        I don’t know if I believe that jail time story. Peru, like Mexico, is not exactly the greatest enforcer of heritage preservation. Many people live off raiding tombs in Nazca and other regions, so why would the government threaten this one farmer over a bunch of stones that haven’t been confirmed by their archeologists? Likely, they threatened him to have a piece of the profits; but yes I know I’m speculating here.

        You are right, it’s hard to say either way now what part of this story is bogus, and what might just be true. Maybe some archeologist needs to spend a few weekends on that region.

        It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
        It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

        Red Pill Junkie

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