The sky is falling and i want my mommy…
- The Odyssey and the Illiad are giving up new secrets about the ancient world. There are other views.
- Experimental philosophers emerge from the shadows.
- Invisibililty cloaks could take the sting out of tsunamis.
- Mars Lander sees falling snow.
- Sunspot hurricane link proposed.
- Traces of ancient civilization discovered in Chelyabinck region.
- Ancient Phoenician harbour discovered off Sardinian coast.
- Mars in miniature.
- Creationist issues $11 trillion challenge. Not much of a challenge as that kind of money is about to be around 5 pence.
- Next for SpaceX: Falcon 9, NASA, humans and the Moon?
- Earth’s poles are shifting to new coordinates.
- An unintenionally funny article about the difference between doubt and dogmatism.
- Hitler’s private library.
- Orion vs. Apollo: NASA’s 21st century moonshot.
Thanks Greg
Quote of the Day:
An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn’t happen today.
Laurence J. Peter