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News Briefs 18-08-2008

The Spoof‘s spot-on spoof of the spoof.

Quote of the Day:

I’m not here to convince you that Sasquatch exists. I was hoping to convey to you that there is a body of data that is extremely compelling. I am convinced there is something out there. Something is leaving footprints. There’s something out there that begs for our consideration.

The amassed evidence of the footprints is strong evidence that there is a real animal that exhibits a consistent anatomy that is distinct from human anatomy and yet shows adaptations that are very elegantly suited to the habitat where they are reported to exist.

Jeff Meldrum, PhD, author of Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science (New paperback at Amazon US Sept 4, & UK Oct 10), speaking in Edmonton Sunday at the Royal Alberta Museum on his research into Bigfoot.

  1. The article, “Is Jon Stewart
    The article, “Is Jon Stewart the Most Trusted Man in America?” is fantastic. I suppose I’m a bit of a fanboy for Jon Stewart, but I’m just glad there’s someone there who thinks as clearly as he does and cares enough to point out the insanity and absurdity of current events. “Reality! What a concept!” – Robin Williams

    1. I prefer…
      I think I preferr that Colbert fellow better.

      If anything, a man who dares to pull this stunt off in front of the most powerful man in the World, clearly shows he has some major brass balls.

      Major. Humongous.

      It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
      It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

      Red Pill Junkie

  2. Peak oil is coming…well not yet.
    Firstly, oil prices are driven by the oil producers, not by real shortages. This cry of “peak oil” was heard in the 1970’s during the oil crisis then. It wasn’t an oil crisis by way of a real lack of oil in the ground – the oil producers were just not pumping it out and selling it.

    Iraq’s oil reserves seem to always be absent from any “we are running out of oil” statements. Why is that?? Simple – Iraq is sitting on third largest reserve of oil and hardly a trickle is coming out of it.

    So what better way to ensure that the price of oil stays high when Iraq eventually comes uncorked is “peak oil” propaganda.

    Not true you say?

    When a new diamond field is discovered does the price of diamonds drop? No… that is because the supply of diamonds is strictly controlled so the price remains stable.

    After the 70’s oil crisis the supply of oil mysteriously returned the price recovered but stayed high.

    Simple “Business 101”.

    This is not to say we should not find alternative renewable energy, however it is apparent that the general public is rather dumb and needs manipulation in order achieve this. Baaa Baaa Baaa… (goes the sheep…)


  3. Need new glasses!
    Clicking on the second news link I wondered if ETs had developed a taste for Sushi and whether humpbacks were on their list of delicacies.

    Silly, silly, silly – WALES not WHALES – as in the place where Welsh people live. I’d better make an appointment at the optometrists!

    Thanks for a great news list, Kat.

    Regards, Kathrinn

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