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News Briefs 24-06-2008

Need a laugh?

Quote of the Day:

An animal resting or passing by leaves crushed grass, footprints, and perhaps droppings, but a human occupying a room for one night prints his character, his biography, his recent history, and sometimes his future plans and hopes. I further believe that personality seeps into walls and is slowly released.

John Steinbeck, as quoted in Amazon’s excerpt from Snoop: What Your Stuff Says About You (Amazon US & UK).

    1. two days in a row
      >>Wow! News from you two days in a row – you’ve been working hard, lady. All great items – thank you.

      You’re welcome! Might as put my insomnia to good use once in a while. 😉


  1. phone masts and suicides
    Some idle speculation – there could be many more suicides due to people talking on their mobile phones all day than due to the radio waves.

    The large print giveth,
    The small print taketh away.

  2. Images of clouds
    [quote]Love is in the air over a mexican island[/quote]

    …Must be Isla Mujeres (Women Island) 😉

    It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
    It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

    Red Pill Junkie

  3. Star Wars 2008
    Didn’t anyone else think Star Wars Dance Off was funny? (link in intro)

    Sure would be nice if some scientist would figure out how to reboot my sense of humor. I’d even try stem cell injections – straight into the heart of the problem (which is actually a little higher up).


    1. These aren’t the moves you’re looking for 😉
      Your sense of humor is fine—so is your midiclorian count 😉

      It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
      It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

      Red Pill Junkie

  4. Climate Criminals
    Big Oil makes, on average, 8 cents on a gallon of gas.
    Big Gubmint takes, on average, 46 cents on a gallon of gas. (there is no such thing as a tax on business since those costs on passed on to the consumers in order to maintain profit margin. So in reality, Big Gubmint’s take on each gallon of gas is even more.)

    Big Oil is motivated by profit. As is every business, every non-profit and every individual. To that end, all things being equal and artificial barriars to free market ecomonies(government) minimized, they are constantly trying to lower costs and improve products or services.
    Big Gubmint (indiviudal politicans and unelected career bureacrats) is motivated by power. Cost, efficiency, waste, fraud…nothing else is really on their radar.

    Big oil provides the fuel that drives the economy that we ALL take part in and (usually) benefit from.
    Big gubmint does nothing to help the economy or fill your fuel tank. Every new bit of legislation they pass is one more impedement to ecomonic progress and personal liberty.

    I could go on.

    I’ll trust anyone motivated by the almighty Dollar, and therfore dependent on their customers, than polticians who 1. look out for themselves first, 2. look out for their party second, and 3. look out for their idealogy third. Every once in a while they do a little something for their constituants in the form of “free” handouts and benefits (see motivation #1).

    Stop taking yourself so seriously. I don’t.

    1. All Sad, All True
      And there’s nothing to add, except . . .

      Fortunately, I have the key
      to escape reality

      So if you see me tonight,
      With an Illegal Smile . . .

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