Drink up, it’s closing time…
- ‘Om lingalingalingalinga, kilikilikili’ – President of Rationalist International survives televised tantrik death magic ordeal. Hat tip.
- Aliens not bothered with Earth? All those UFOs must be black ops then.
- Al Gore says that thinking climate change isn’t manmade is like believing the moon landing was staged. :o)
- Walt Disney cartoons ‘contain secret messages on the environment’. Who killed Bambi?
- Supermarket robber hypnotises checkout assistant. Look into my eyes, look into my eyes, the eyes, the eyes, not around the eyes, don’t look around my eyes, look into my eyes, you’re under.
- Did body-painting Neanderthals have something to say?
- How terrorism works. Or how anti-terrorism doesn’t.
- China’s olympic weather arsenal.
- Does ‘Strange Highness’ Overlap High Strangeness?
- Negative thinking about carbon emissions.
- A useful roundup of ‘dragonfly drone’ eyewitness reports.
- Kiss the Earth goodbye in about 7.59 billion years…
- …or maybe a little earlier, if the Large Hadron Collider lawsuit fails.
- Monster top 10.
- Kurzweil pops 180 to 210 pills a day in bid for immortality.
- Meditate on this: you can learn to be more compassionate.
- Stink bombs cause metabolic shutdown.
- UN rejects water as basic human right.
Quote of the Day:
Access to water is a fundamental human need and therefore a basic human right.
Kofi Annan