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News Briefs 12-03-2008

Meanwhile, on planet Earth…

Quote of the Day:

Trust in the GOOGLE with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge Her,
and She will direct your paths.

Susan Harrison

    1. Oh oh!
      Hi, whitewolf.

      It might be that the video you received has been already discussed here at TDG, and it has been proved a hoax.

      You may want to check this out.

      Of course, I cannot be certain, since I haven’t seen it, but that other UFO video I’m talking about had also two very cool flying UFOs flying on a sunset near a palm tree, and it was supposedly from Haiti.

      It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
      It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

      Red Pill Junkie

  1. Brian processing

    “Brain processing” sounds pretty hairy to me, but “Brian Processing”? Still – keep up the magnificent work! I dont log in very often but I read your lists every day (well – almost every day).

    ‘Whatever you do, comes back to you’

    1. Lol!
      Maybe Perceval meant to make a joke about it 🙂

      Well, I’ll take the liberty to correct the typo (hope you don’t mind, Per)

      BTW this is some scary news to me, although I’m not that surprised, for I live in one of the most polluted cities in the planet (Mexico), and you can plainly see that cab drivers and bus chauffers are already exhibiting clear examples of “brain asphyxia”!

      It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
      It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

      Red Pill Junkie

  2. Seven Deadly Sins, v. 2.0
    Waitiminit… they forgot SPAMMING!

    Spammers should rot in the central ring of Hell, right along Judas Iscariot, Cassius and Brutus 🙂

    It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
    It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

    Red Pill Junkie

  3. North American tribal leaders gather to save the planet.
    Not one F***ING word of this event was printed on mexican newspapers. All the things the media is concerned with right now is the imminent strike of the goddamned union of electricians, the fight against drug cartels, and those idiots that were killed on the FARC camp at Ecuador.

    It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
    It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

    Red Pill Junkie

  4. Air pollution UK
    The dreadful air pollution in the UK has obviously not addled your brain, Percival – great news again.

    Between a visit back in 1986 and a second in 1993 I was horrified at the increase in petro-chemical smog that was everywhere. Only place I got out of it was on the top of the Peak District. Couldn’t wait to leave for home as I felt I was suffocating!

    Regards, Kathrinn

    1. Don’t suppose things have
      Don’t suppose things have improved here in the last 15 years!

      As I only commute down the garden, I guess pollen is my main atmospheric concern.

      Oh yes, there’s always the small matter of CO2…

      1. UK pollution
        I lived on the outskirts of Birmingham for over a decade, near a motorway – one of the most polluted places in Britain. Then I moved back to my roots, where I remain, in a tiny village in the shadows of the Yorkshire Moors, and one of the least polluted areas.
        In terms of air quality, it was like moving to another planet.

        Reality, like time, is NOT ALWAYS relative to the observer

        Anthony North

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