With apologies to Kuato… Open your mind. Open your mind! Open your mind!
- What a 7-year-old describes as ‘funny lightning in the sky’ leads to a 14-minute video of a Stephenville UFO — filmed January 19th. A local tv station aired a little of the video in this video report.
- ‘Lost city’ at the bottom of the ocean contains chemical traces that suggest it could have been the cradle of life on Earth.
- Land-roaming croc may be missing link. Now that is one fugly varmint.
- Discovery of hunting tools turns the clock back to 8,000 BC for ancient English city of Bath.
- Ruins of 7,000-year-old city found in Egypt’s Faiyum oasis. Tombs yield ornate painted coffins and a female mummy still adorned with a gilded mask.
- The amazing 14th-century map of Britain. The Gough Map: The Earliest Road Map of Great Britain is available at Amazon US & UK.
- Language evolves in quick bursts, mirroring species evolution. More from Abnormal Interests.
- They were made in Norway, lost en route to Ireland, washed up in Scotland, and are now on display in England. So, which country can justly lay claim to the Lewis Chessmen? Most fiction seems banal in comparison to this history.
- Wilhelmina Jashemski and the Roman gardens of Pompeii.
- Researchers reveal hidden complexities of why we kiss.
- Cultivated from stem cells, transplanted jawbone was grown inside recipient’s abdomen.
- Hunting for your child’s DNA doppelganger.
- Scratching an itch temporarily shuts off areas in the brain.
- Research suggests 85% of us can develop the ability to remote view.
- The Eureka! Myth: Innovative epiphanies actually take years of hard work. Scott Berkun’s book, The Myths of Innovation, is available at Amazon US & UK. Or check out Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention at Amazon US & UK.
- Hair analysis can now reveal where-all you’ve been.
- Cosmic Log: How animals gauge the weather.
- Mutant killer seaweed of doom.
- The science fiction event horizon.
- Study says many studies suck: Mark Morford takes on inane science.
- The black box economy. And, why the middle class is no longer coping.
- An insider explains how the sub-prime mess happened. More black boxes.
- Why won’t bankers say sorry?
- Do all companies have to be evil? Michael Shermer on Enron, Google and the evolutionary psychology of corporate environments.
- The Tectonic Interpretation of the 1908 Tunguska Event.
Quote of the Day:
I’ll admit that I wasn’t excited about running the initial story of the mysterious sightings when it came to us last week. I was even less excited the next day when I opened the paper and saw the word “UFO” in the headline. (That’s what I get for leaving the office early.)
At first glance, I screamed. Then I said a couple of bad words. I’m not a fan of tabloids and I was worried that we looked like one.
Since the story broke, and spread across the world, I’ve been contacted by four editors in the country congratulating me for having the “guts” and “good sense” to go with the story.
“You are listening to what the citizens are telling you, and newspapers don’t do much of that any more,” one wrote.
Sara Vanden Berge, Managing Editor of the Stephenville Empire-Tribune, in this January 18 editorial.