In a few hours, two separate shows titled “UFO Hunters” will debut at the same time, on different networks: Sci Fi and the History Channel. Both were originally scheduled to air next week, but both networks moved their shows up a week to January 30:
It’s unclear which network made the first move, but in what appears to be a game of trademark chess aimed at ensuring neither show can claim to have aired before the other, The History Channel and Sci Fi Channel have both announced plans to move the debuts their UFO Hunters programs up a week…
The History Channel’s UFO Hunters will follow a team from UFO Magazine as they investigate UFO cases in North America and Europe while Sci Fi Channel’s UFO Hunters will follow a team from the New York Strange Phenomena Investigators organization investigating their own set of UFO cases.
Sci Fi have a website devoted to their show, as does the History Channel, and both sites have extra information, videos to watch etc. Let’s hope they do a decent job…