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News Briefs 22-01-2008

Back to UFOs, Atlantis and Global Warming.

  • Maximum temperature trends and global warming.
  • Cosmic strings observed in background radiation.
  • Britain’s Atlantis: the search for the lost capital.
  • Visitor from space?
  • Pentagon explores human fear chemicals.
  • Going down a black hole?
  • UFOs spotted over San Antonio.
  • Secret is out about field we cant talk about.
  • ID cards would benefit racketeers not the public.
  • At a loss for words.
  • A world united on water.
  • Project Camelot interviews Hoagland. Part 1, part 2 and part 3.

Quote of the Day:

It is called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.

George Carlin

    1. Yes what a terrible thing!
      making people laugh, and taking their money. Why could he just make a law and take it away like the government. Oh! thats right that law didn’t really pass, but you better pay up anyway. Maybe it is time to WAKE UP!

  1. Pentagon explores human fear
    [quote]The authors collected sweat, urine, blood, saliva, ECG, respiration, and self-report measures in 20 subjects (n=11 males and n=9 females) before, during [emphasis mine], and immediately following their first-time tandem skydive, as well as before, during, and immediately following their running on a treadmill for the same period of time.[/quote]

    …Just how in the world do you collect urine in the middle of the air???

    Wait… I think I might imagine… great! That’s a mental picture I really could do without. Thanks a lot, imagination! 🙁

    It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
    It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

    Red Pill Junkie

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