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News Briefs 26-12-2007

Where is global warming when you need it? It is bloody freezing here.

  • Has global warming stopped?
  • Far above space and time.
  • Repressed memory: a cultural symptom?
  • Clue to migraine headache cause.
  • However virtuous, virtual science is no substitute for the real thing.
  • Theories stir on star of Bethlehem.
  • Extraordinary discovery in Sahara desert.
  • Meteorites may have fostered life on Earth.
  • A case for mistaken identity.
  • Drilling up into space for energy.
  • Against Archytas: How the West lost Alchemy or Paranormal Complimentary Opposite Harmonics.
  • NASA told to study own files for UFO data.
  • Mysterious Neolithic structure unearthed in Orkney.
  • Dark Mission. The truth, it is out there.
  • To those that have shall be given.

Quote of the Day:

Science is the knowledge of consequences, and dependence of one fact upon another.

Thomas Hobbes

  1. Thanks man
    I hope you had a nice Xmas Jameske 🙂

    It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
    It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

    Red Pill Junkie

        1. Duh
          Uh…..I was sharing a sense of humor with you. Apparently only one of us really has one. Maybe I’ll start including a little “nudge nudge wink wink” emoticon to help you out on these occasions.

          1. I raise a glass to Jameske
            Jameske, you’re a class act.



            Popular opinion is the greatest lie in the world.
            Thomas Carlyle

  2. Drilling up into space for energy.
    The concept of beaming energy via microwaves sounds like a good idea for energy generation. It could also make one hell-of-a weapons system. I am concerned that a small deviation at the transmitter orbiting at 300-miles above the earth could convert this system into a real terror in the law of unintended consequences. But let’s hope that we can assume that the proper fail-safe mechanisms could be installed to keep the energy on target.

    The downside of this space-concept is the same gotcha that accompanies many alternate energy ideas – that being energy storage. We are still using the same technology as the Baghdad chemical batteries. Before we invest money and engineering talent on this or any of the other alternate energy ideas, I would like to see new energy storage concepts being developed and I don’t mean glorified capacitors. I want a rechargeable terawatt-Energizer Bunny that will last and last.

    Unfortunately, with the UN involved, the entire cocept is corrupted from the beginning.



    Popular opinion is the greatest lie in the world.
    Thomas Carlyle

    1. I Agree
      For once we’re in agreement, Bill. Energy storage is a major problem that must be overcome. How, I have no idea. That’s an engineering problem.

      I’m fanatical about moderation

      Anthony North

  3. General comment
    Since I have found this site I no longer have a life. I thought stumble upon was bad, but I am just chasing url, after url, after url.

    Thanks – I think.

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