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News Briefs 17-12-2007

Have you noticed that ‘unavoidable interruptions’ multiply in direct proportion to the perceived importance of any project you’re working on?

Thanks, Rick.

Quote of the Day:

It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble — it’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.

Mark Twain

  1. Pushing the fog (Where’s my prozac?)
    Today’s post sure is a happy read.. just might throw myself of the bridge! (not to be misunderstand Kat, Greg, Rick and all, i am an avid reader of your website. one of the best out there!)

    Seriously, this being generally the angle of todays news media what effect is it having on people? Seeing how people generally seem to be more ignorant and material-proned than ever, the focus on the growing crisis seems to lead to an increase in the winds of the destructive force of mankind. And everywhere it’s like The Circus just came to town. Who are the clowns, who are the prophets, who are demons (or shape-shifting reptilians 🙂 )? Everything everywhere, and nothing means anything, war is the new peace.
    On the other hand, there seems to be a growing alternative movement, or may i say a sharper and sharper opposition to the destructive dogmas of the day, shapeshifting as they are. But i must admit, it looks to be far from blossoming soon enough. Too scattered and far too often misled by the lure of symbols or even worse, cruel intentions.

    Where are the great people of the past? Were they just a myth, legends of novels? The great movements, families, communities, driven by love and compassion?
    Why does nobody seem to see through the fog? We all do from time to time, but we need humans now who can push the fog away and clear the way. And we need many of them.

    I’m certain many of TDGs readers are already in the act of pushing the fog, and we need the true visionaries now – wake up and stand up. There are thousands, millions if not actually all of us.

    This is starting to sound like something that could be in a terrorist recruiting pamphlet, but this is the sound the whistle is making these days. And great trouble can arise from this sound, the winds in our noosphere, it already has done great damage. Can we find peace? Can we at all even believe in a We?

    Are we, all the people of the world, strong enough to overcome our weaknesses? Are you? Am I? Because strong must you be to wake up from this slumber of a dusk for there to be a new dawn, or even a dawn to be at all.

    I know you are out there somewhere.

    1. Apathy
      Hi bOneshaker,
      As far as I can see the west has descended into a period of apathy, satisfied by a trivia-based culture that seems to provide for them. We’ll wake up eventually – and a paradigm will shake.

      I’m fanatical about moderation

      Anthony North

      1. I just wish…
        that it is a relatively SOFT waking, instead of a brutal shake-up.

        Then again, when you’re having a horrible nightmare, you end up more grateful than angry with the person that shook you up 🙂
        It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
        It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

        Red Pill Junkie

          1. Thanks for that Paul
            I had a chocolate Lab, his name was Anakin.

            Alas, as his namesake, he was corrupted by the dark side, si I had to give him away 🙁

            Labradors give a whole new meaning to the word omnivorous!

            It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
            It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

            Red Pill Junkie

          2. Thanks, Paul
            I think the Snowdog is my favourite Jacquie Lawson card – thanks for sending it to us all.

            Best wishes for the festive season and the new year.

            Regards, Kathrinn

  2. Warp Drives
    Stephen Hawking was being given a tour of the Star Trek studios. He politely followed his hosts around looking at the various “technologies”. When they came to the engine room, the guide said “This is the warp core, the source of our warp drive.” Hawking’s vocoder then piped up “I’m working on that.”

    No, I am not the brain specialist…..
    YES. Yes I AM the brain specialist.

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