Sleepers awake and post your interesting dreams.
- Military experiments target the Van Allen Belts.
- How the push for infant academics may be a waste of time or worse.
- The Venusian greenhouse.
- The really long goodbye of the baby boomers.
- Haydn versus Mozart. Celebrity death match with kid gloves.
- Let there be Aluminium 42. Experiment creates surprise isotope.
- Why blame me? It was all my brain’s fault. Put the brain on the witness stand!
- Electric Io revisited.
- Iran threatens decisive strike if US attacks.
- Ming the clam is the oldest animal. Flash Gordon must be a cockle.
- Researchers show evidence of memory in cells and molecules.
- Light activated cancer drug hope.
- Aliens caused Sicily fires. Blaming ET for the Electric Universe.
- Building tomorrow’s nanofactory.
- Digging the scene: Dinos buried and built dens. Or, quick get digging. There’s a giant conflagration headed this way.
- Altering perception: good outcomes from club drugs?
- Scientists say dark matter does not exist.
- Debunking the commercial press, and why scientists hate to talk to the media.
- Airforce veteran chimes in on Phoenix Lights.
Thanks Greg
Quote of the Day:
We have no dreams at all or interesting ones. We should learn to be awake the same way – not at all or in an interesting manner.
Friedrich Nietzsche