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News Briefs 23-10-2007

Short, sweet and a little late.

  • Optimism no bearing on cancer.
  • Stone monoliths.
  • U.S. Presidential speeches confirm Ronald Reagan was critically concerned about Extraterrestrials.
  • The fish that can survive for months in a tree.
  • Woman conceives twice in a month.
  • Link Fixxored: Stonehenge, the Vatican observatory and SETI.
  • Nanotech enters the unexplored.
  • A 3,000-year-old mystery is finally solved: Tutankhamun died in a hunting accident.
  • Denied in full: federal judges grill CIA lawyers on JFK secrets.
  • Scientists discover how gold eases the pain of arthritis.
  • A predisposition to paedophilia?
  • Platypuses may be older than we think.

Quote of the Day:

History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.

Karl Marx

  1. Optimism and cancer.
    I think the article has kind of a mixed message. On one hand they say there’s not a direct link between cancer progression and the patient’s state of mind, and on the other they say:

    [quote]Professor Jane Maher, of Macmillan Cancer Support, said although there was no good evidence that emotion had an impact on the cancer itself, a patient’s mental outlook would have a bearing on their long-term outcomes.

    “More and more people are surviving with cancer. And that survival will be affected by their emotions.

    “For example, depression and anxiety can make it less likely that they are going to get back to a normal, healthy life.” [/quote]

    I think this study was meant to disprove the wild claims of some New Age Healers that keep telling people that if they read “The Secret” and have happy happy thoughts, they can be cure of any disease, even cancer. Well I don’t believe that, will power alone won’t make such a serious malady just go away, and although I don’t pretend to refute testimony of people who have experienced miraculous cures, I would strongly advise any person with cancer not to discontinue the treatment prescribed by a doctor.

    Now, having said that,I do believe having a good attitude towards life is a great way to prevent diseases. People with depression and low levels of serotonine not only tend to avoid a healthy exercise routine and a proper diet, but also have a lower immune response than people who are not depressed, and your metabolism gets more lazy too. That’s why when you’re having “the blues” not only you gain weight, but you also have more difficulty getting out of bed in the mornings (believe me, I know from experience!) and are more prone to catching colds.

    Also, I think studies involving prayer helping imrpove the health of a patient (which is not the same as a complete cure,mind you) should not be dismissed a priori. If anything, and in the most materialistic point of view, feeling that someone cares for you might cheer you up and encourage you to fight the disease. And who knows? it might also inffluence things in ways we are not aware of. We should combine the best of both worlds (alopathic medicine and alternative treatments) is all I’m saying. Meditate and drink lots of green tea, but don’t forget to take your meds 😉

    In the end, I think we should remember the old eastern philosophy of balance. when you don’t have balance in your life you’re welcoming illness. And I also believe cancer might be self-induced most of the time, due to a lack of a healthy routine, and having a bad attitude toward life; not only cancer, but many other ailments. When you take hard drugs and consume alcohol withoutrestraint, you’re secretly wishing to die, you’re just not voicing your wish out loud, people are often too cowards for that.

    Humans may be the only animals who have the opportunity to CHOOSE the manner in which they die, whether they’re consciously aware of the choice or not.

    It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
    It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

    Red Pill Junkie

    1. Optimism and cancer
      Good morning everyone,
      I once visited two men in hospital with the same cancer, same background and almost same age. They were friends of each other and one was my father.
      He was an optimistic person, whereas his friend was close to a depressive. I watched my father recover, and his friend whither away.
      We haven’t even begun to understand the link between illness and mind. We see illness in terms of the physical and the mental, but as a chronic fatigue syndrome sufferer over many years, I can tell you the link isn’t that absolute.
      We know that hormones can have an effect on the body, yet they can be controlled by the mind. We know of biofeedback, where intention can cause changes in metabolism.
      There is a phenomenon known as ‘vegal inhibition’, where a sense of hopelessness can cause the autonomic nervous system to stop, resulting in your death. This even explains curses.
      I think it is time for an outlook on illness that researches what I would call ‘psycho-physicality’. In doing so, we may discover that the mind is one of the major contributors to illness.
      It is a quirk of the English language that disease can be expressed as dis-ease.

      I’m fanatical about moderation

      Anthony North

  2. Reagan and the aliens
    Another take on why Reagan made statements about supposed alien military threats: He may have been falsely briefed for years about nonexistent aliens, by militarists, in hopes that he would get into high office and promote a military buildup for the glorification of the military-industrial complex. Certainly there have been plenty of false stories about “militant aliens” for decades, many put out by military disinformation strategists. Reagan may even have been one of these disinformation disseminators, well aware of how false the stories were, but hoping the public would believe in them. Some people who haven’t follow the development of the “alien agenda” over the past few decades, aren’t aware that there’s proof that some in the military have been faking incidents for years, and some of these militarists even seemed to be about to begin faking an alien invasion, using high tech tricks; something stopped them. Maybe they got it through their thick heads that the public was smarter than they were, and would immediately point to the fact that if aliens wanted to “take over”, they’d have done it long ago; there was also the difficulty of making sure that every instance of faked alien invasion was done so well, that its true human source couldn’t be traced back.

      1. Huh?
        Let’s see–two instances of the word “may”, and one of the word “maybe” (meaning the same thing). One of the key values of TDG is speculation, and I think the possibilities I describe are reasonable speculations–if all that appeared on TDG were things we absolutely knew, then half of TDG’s content would be gone. I’ve watched developments in the “alien agenda” field since the 70s, and if you had too, you’d have seen some fair indication that my speculations about Reagan’s motives aren’t baseless or pointless. Take the time to study the field.

    1. disinformation
      I say that (maybe) the alien incidents faked by the military are part of a snow job, trying to confuse the Soviets.
      There is a reason why many boring things are secret – to hide the few interesting things that have to be secret. Even better to make some things secret that don’t exist.

      If we don’t succeed, we run the risk of failure.

      (Bill Clinton, and perhaps others)

      1. It could very well be.
        We also have to take into account the physical and MENTAL conditions Reagan had by the end of his presidency. The man was suffering from an advanced set of Alzheimer, and we didn’t know about it until he stepped out!

        And let’s not forget he always consulted his astrologer for advise concerning important decissions. Ever since he was governor of California in fact.

        It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
        It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

        Red Pill Junkie

      2. Once again…
        [quote=earthling]I say that (maybe) the alien incidents faked by the military are part of a snow job, trying to confuse the Soviets. [/quote]

        More sage words.

        Kind regards,
        You monkeys only think you’re running things

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