The Charles Fort Institute, with a little help from Fortean Times, are looking for nominations for their list of the ‘Seven Fortean Wonders of the World’:
Earlier this year the publicly voted New Seven Wonders of the World were announced, which put an idea into the collective head of The Charles Fort Institute. They want to establish the Seven Fortean Wonders of the World – the places and artefacts that are most steeped in mystery – and they need your suggestions!
They will draw up a shortlist from the ideas that are sent in, and to get the ball rolling we have put together a selection below of likely candidates. (Note: these are not our choices – just suggestions). You have until the end of September 2007 to get your vote in.
I’m sure, between us all, we could assemble a fair list of ‘wonders’ worth voting on. Email your thoughts to the CFI, or post a comment here and I’ll see that the CFI receives it.