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News Briefs 10-07-07

Political incorrectness features today. Smoke up, Johnny!

Thanks Greg

Quote of the Day:

To believe is to know you believe, and to know you believe is not to believe.

Jean-Paul Sartre

  1. 7 wonders… what our old friend Zahi said!
    From the article found at:

    “This contest will not detract from the value of the pyramids, which is the only real wonder of the world,” Egypt’s antiquities head, Zahi Hawass, said. “This competition has no value because it is not the masses who write history.”

    Mmmm… that’s kind of interesting. So a poor Joe can only be worthy to leave a mark in “history” only if a) he was killed at least 100 years old and b) his death wasn´t boring, like in a sacrifice, or a murder like the mummy ötzy!

    I’m not defending the internet contest, but I wanted to point out the blatant elitism Hawass displays, which I think also reflects on the way he dismisses unorthodox theories that try to explain the many misteries surrounding the pyramids and the sphinx.

      1. nevertheless
        I wish the Zahi has a long and healthful life, he is pretty harmless in the larger scheme of history.

        Just don’t believe all he proposes.

        meetings, n.:
        Where minutes are kept, and hours are lost.

        1. Hypocrite?
          Good morning everyone,
          I was watching Hawass last night – UK Channel 5, Egypt’s Lost Tomb: Revealed – and he was jumping straight to conclusions, again.
          He may be right, but he was going ahead of the evidence. And I found myself thinking, ‘pseudoscholar.’
          Maybe he is externalising his own self-hate.

          I’m fanatical about moderation

          Anthony North

  2. Human nature
    You gotta love this quote from the article about “politically incorrect truths about human nature”:

    Until very recently, it was a mystery to evolutionary psychology why men prefer women with large breasts

    I’ve got a couple of reasons why………but I think you probably know me well enough by now to know where I’d be taking this…….:-D

    yer ol’ pal,

    (This post was brought to you by “Realm of the Dead”)

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