Ever get the feeling this has happened to you?
- BBC was half an hour too early reporting WTC7 collapse. More here. BBC responds. Further analysis.
- Major number theory puzzle unlocked.
- Scientists warn that world needs to keep an eye on asteroids.
- New research ties harmless viruses to cancer.
- James Cameron, Jesus and Son. Is he out to sink Christianity?
- The New New World Order.
- Why has mankind always loved to draw animals?
- Hitachi shows off powder sized smart tags.
- Israelites didn’t build the pyramids.
- Stone Age solutions to modern day depression.
- Plasma on stone.
- Bauval and Collins: Cygnus/OCT debate.
- The tyranny of peer review?
- Creationist receives PhD.
- Belief and knowledge – a plea about language.
- Urey to test for life on Mars.
- When this blows up…
- Ice cream gets you pregnant. Or gets you wind.
- Vitamins could shorten lifespan.
Quote of the Day:
There’s a touching argument that people used to use against the idea of artificial people, namely that a machine will never be able to paint like Velasquez. But the world is full of real people who couldn’t paint the Rokeby Venus, either. They may lack originality or talent, or they may happen to lead unfortunate lives cut off from beauty, lives wholly constrained and mechanical.
John Sladek