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News Briefs 28-02-07

Ever get the feeling this has happened to you?

Quote of the Day:

There’s a touching argument that people used to use against the idea of artificial people, namely that a machine will never be able to paint like Velasquez. But the world is full of real people who couldn’t paint the Rokeby Venus, either. They may lack originality or talent, or they may happen to lead unfortunate lives cut off from beauty, lives wholly constrained and mechanical.

John Sladek

  1. Reactions to Jesus Tomb
    Thanks for a bit more on the claimed tomb. The A-O website was whacked-out Christo-paranoia – a bit full on. When I think just how close years ago I was to going down that same dark path of colouring everything in the World in terms of Satan vs God… I shudder.

    What turned me from the “darkside” of Xian belief? Realising that often times the people spouting such guff aren’t great advertisements for Xianity – nasty, spiteful, little people. Souls not big enough to let others who challenge their minds in.

    This is not to say there is no One World Conspiracy – there are many, thus they won’t succeed, ever. Just the same endless arguing, fighting and missing the point: we are already One.

    The Kingdom is cast forth upon the Earth, and they see it not.

    The Universe is not only stranger than we imagine, it’s stranger than we CAN imagine.

  2. New format rocks.
    Greg, you have really improved TDG. The new vidio section is something to educate and all vids so far have been spot on. Thank all who work to make this web page amongst the very best. Shine forth brave souls. Respectfully, Dennis.

  3. BBC miracle
    I think whats most interesting is with that piece from the bbc none of the anti-conspiracy nuts out there arent saying shit! Where is your reply to this fact. How has the BBC reporter managed to acquire clairvoyance? Should she get the prize from Randi?

    What say You?

    Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
    John 8:32

  4. BBC/WTC7 story
    The comments section (472 comments so far) under’s BBC/WTC7 story are as informative as the article itself.

    If you’ve got a hard drive that can handle it, in this comments section you’ll even find a link to a 40GB torrent of all the major networks’ broadcasts on 9/11.

    The most telling thing about this story is how fast closed access to their archives of ALL the networks’ 9/11 footage, and how fast google pulled – and is still pulling – the video.

    Update: from pp comments:

    ‘The BBC is censoring discussion of the BBC World clip:…? thread=3928497

    ‘The title and initial posting of the above thread has been censored.’

    Here’s a related article from Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2007 – with many relevant quotes:

    How did they know Building 7 was going to collapse?


  5. CNN also clairvoyant regarding WTC7
    CNN has also been caught reporting early on WTC7 collapse. The difference seems to be that, unlike the BBC people, this CNN reporter actually knew what WTC7 looked like, and could see that it was still standing there, even as he was stuttering out the wire report.

    Check out the video here, or if that link disappears, here.


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