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News Briefs 20-02-2007

During Free Speech TV’s Fund Raising Drive over the past two weeks, I’ve ingested such a concentrated dose of great videos (i.e., the sort that are never aired on mainstream networks), that I’ve developed a rabid case of what Cernig over at Newshog has aptly dubbed Lying Bastard Fatigue. If you’re keen to experience L.B.F. for yourself, just expose your eyeballs to 9/11 Mysteries. Here’s the whole 90-minute version on YouTube. Not enough bandwidth or time? Just go to YouTube, enter “9/11 Mysteries” in their search window, and you’ll find it divided into 9 shorter segments.

Thanks, Harry.

Quote of the Day:

Probability factor of one to one. We have normality. I repeat, we have normality.
Anything you still can’t cope with is therefore your own problem.

Trillion, in The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy

p.s. Still can’t cope? No worries – the free market has provided a sure fix.

  1. Don’t believe your eyes
    That is eye popping. (trying to be a good jester here, haha)

    The video that shows the steps to better the original is very telling.

    That would be especially striking for anyone who would have seen Celine in person and compare with the magazines’ renditions.

  2. Good intentions of ocean engineers
    That gives us a microscopic view on the macroscopic meaning of human well wishing theories on what makes things tick in nature.

    We take science as a new dogma, a new religion of the intellect but fail to realize the full impact of our ‘science’ based actions upon the environment.

    We really like to think of ourselves as the self-appointed masters of nature on this planet while we are administrating it with the consciousness of blind civil servants applying the rules by the book of our truncated projections from what we believe we have understood and uncovered.

    Medicine, environment, geopolitics, economics, all of these pills have undesired side effects. Like drug addicts though, we would rather ignore the consequences to get our high.

    Small article that is very telling.

    1. Religion is the new religion
      Medicine, environment, geopolitics, economics, all of these pills have undesired side effects. Like drug addicts though, we would rather ignore the consequences to get our high.

      You left out religion.

      1. Of course I left out religion
        Since I was referring to scientific knowledge as being rationalized as the new universal truth, even though when we apply what we believe we know, it often spells disaster.

        Guess I did not write what I meant clearly enough.

      1. atheists are religious
        Angry atheists are just as insistent that they have discovered the one and only truth as any fundamentalist Islamists or Christians.

        Experience: it enables you to recognize your mistakes even as you repeat them

      2. Kicking
        For one, I am not supporting any Christian agenda. I belong to no religion.

        Secondly, this is not kicking at atheism but kicking at dogmatism, regardless of its source.

        Lastly, I don’t care if I spelled his name wrong.

  3. Maybe we deserve to be ripped off
    Maybe We Deserve to Be Ripped Off By Bush’s Billionaires.

    What do you expect from a ‘free press’ – that’s owned by 5 giant media conglomerates?


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