I’ve known farts to cause time to stand still.
- Why say no to free money? It’s neuro-economics, stupid.
- Theory in particle physics: theological speculation versus practical knowledge.
- Ancient nuclear blasts and levitating stones.
- World oil exports: a comprehensive projection.
- Abolish schizophrenia!
- Planet enters ecological debt.
- The deep mystery of melted steel.
- Geocatastrophe and mass extinction.
- Future shocks.
- The eclipse that saved Columbus.
- When engineers genes collide.
- Psilocybin and spirituality.
- Galaxy gardening more than a hobby for future Moon and Mars residents.
- String theory: is it science’s ultimate dead end?
- Ball lightning: great and small balls of fire.
- What happened to Uranus?
- When you smell sulphur is something else going on?
- Generating power from kites.
Quote of the Day:
The joy of a spirit is the measure of its power.
Ninon de Lenclos