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News Briefs 13-09-06

Short and sweet.

  • The reason so many doubt the official 911 story is that it is not believable.
  • The tragedy of Conrad Black. Hard to have much sympathy but interesting things said in the article.
  • Empires with expiration dates.
  • The rise and fall of the intellectual.
  • Scent of father checks daughter’s maturity.
  • Cancer quack or medical genius?
  • Humans strange, Neanderthals normal.
  • The Japanese Jesus trail.
  • Green aurora over Lake Superior.
  • Big crater seen beneath ice sheet.
  • Humanoid robots existed in ancient civilizations.
  • Bubble fusion discoverer Taleyarkhan strikes back.
  • Making electrical grids more efficient.
  • Earth: a self repairing capacitor.
  • The comet and the future of science.
  • Dig unearths evidence of Neolithic partying. So they finally found Mick Jagger.
  • Unpublished papers reveal research of Isaac Newton.
  • Genetic surprise confirms neglected 70 year old hypothesis.
  • Decoded: the genius of Leonardo da Vinci.
  • Should he have spoken of rivers of blood?
  • Inside the planet definition process.
  • Common pain killer may induce heart attacks.
  • Energy for a cool planet. Series of papers on subject of energy.

Quote of the Day:

Silence propagates itself, and the longer talk has been suspended, the more difficult it is to find anything to say.

Samuel Johnson

  1. Five Years After And We Still Don’t Know
    “Polls show that 36% of Americans do not believe the official account.”

    A substantially higher percentage of Americans-and people in general-believe that some old bearded guy in a bathrobe created the universe just so he’d have housing for a bunch of grinning primates…and this ludicrous fantasy with nothing to substantiate it save its own fairy-tales has sustained itself for somewhat longer than five years.

    People have an endless ability to believe nonsense and ignore objective fact.


    Good News: There’s a guiding force at work in the Universe. Bad News: It’s Irony.

  2. 9/11 Conspiracies

    Popular Mechanics, March 2005 has an article, 9/11: Debunking The Myths. This is a good treatment for most of the 9/11 conspiracy theories. Most of the theories stand on some outright lie. For instance, it is said that there are no engine marks marks on the Pentagon. There were marks, the marks were quite apparent, and someone took pics.

    BTW, “pull” is not a demolition term. The authority is considering pulling the firemen out of the building. And he did because, unlike the conspiracy states, WTC7 was on fire and out of control.

    Conspiracy theories are made to appear believable because people simply don’t have time to check them out. And sometimes terrorism is just terrorism.


    1. Hello Bill, Binro,

      Hello Bill, Binro,

      Whats this, the popular mechanics article was debunked and recognised for what it was – a republican service- if these guys had any credibility they’d done something on 9/11 in the year that followed.

      I wonder what will become of the media that have supported the official version, as far as i’m concerned they have become complicit. As for wtc 7, last week a local demolition expert was shown the imagery of its collapse, he said thats demolition for sure..he was mighty surprised when the reporter told him this was 9/11 too, in fact he refused to believe it at first. This same guy did express doubts about wtc demolition before that.

      I have no such doubts, the hot molten steel (base) months after the collapse, the outrageous refusal (juliani) to allow experts access to the steel at all, the numerous statements by people inside the buildings fireman and civilians about explosions prior to the collapse, the registering of 2.1 earthquakes…a second before to the collapse.

      What i dont understand is why people like you Bill, cant imagine your government capable of this..i’m sure they had outside help (people who still have strong incentives to keep their mouths shut), follow the money trail ( did you know tens of bilions worth of gold was kept at the WTC and just hundreds of millions recovered) ? Or odigo, not to mention the dancing jews that were arrested after been seen cheering the collapses. Or the fact the airplane blackboxes are supposed unrecovered, but the german company that worked on the recovered harddisks and found foulplay, were quickly takenover by…a jewish company, gagging order since…

      Binro i”m not sure where to you are misleading here,” A substantially higher percentage of Americans-and people in general-believe that some old bearded guy in a bathrobe” was responsible for 9/11 (Bin Laden). Thats was the idea, no ?

      I’m sure the arrogance of the real culprits had them counting on the general gullability of the american people. The support of the big media, totally controlled by one group of people that share a religion- a repulsive scripture- that says clearly, you can do what you want to (goyim), those that aren’t part of our demonic conspiray against the world.

      So tell me Binro aren’t you just another little cogwheel trying to sells us for dumb in other to advance, or in this case save, your brethern ass. Because were all this to blow wide open, all hell would break loose with zionists and those seen as associates in the immediate fireline.

      1. Hiya Rho

        I never said I couldn’t conceive of anything. I can concieve many things. What I did say was that the article in question answered most of the popular 9/11 conspiracy theories. I read the article and it seems to do just that. I do know that if there was a conspiracy as involved as the ones I have read, the secret could never have been kept. Somebody would talk.

        You say the article has been debunked. Where? By whom? Why? We’ve got to do better than “some guy” who is a demolition expert.

        Take it easy. You seem to lack a little coherency in your response. Try to focus on one theory or one aspect or event and we can discuss it. And show me where the article has been debunked.


        1. get real
          Hello Bill,

          Well Richard provided you here, thanks Richard. I do want to add an article by Morgan Reynolds, Ph.D., professor emeritus at Texas A&M University and former director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center for Policy Analysis headquartered in Dallas, TX. He served as chief economist for the US Department of Labor during 2001–2, George W. Bush’s first term. Not an avarage conspiracy theorist i’d say.


          Any comments ?

          1. What’s real?
            Hi Rho and Richard,

            I suppose we could do this the rest of our lives. I grow weary from reading about the mechanics involved in collapsing buildings.

            A Critical Review of Morgan Reynolds’ Why Did the Trade Center Skyscrapers Collapse?

            9-11 Conspiracy Fact & Fiction

            I suppose the bottom line is that you believe it was a set-up or you don’t. Using Occam’s razor, admission of guilt by the accused, and the knowledge that a conspiracy of this nature could never be concealed I believe the official WTC version.

            If you don’t, we can agree to disagree.


      2. Well…
        Rho, somehow I’m pretty sure that if Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the rest of them stood up on their hind legs and said “Yes, we engineered the attacks to mislead the US into a war” you would find some way to see that as proof of some deeper conspiracy; you will not accept any other explanation because the conspiracy is what you want to see.

        If a tenth of what you and others claim was actually true, hundreds or thousands of people would have to have been involved and I flatly reject the premise that any serious number of Americans could have kept such a secret without one or more of them selling the book and movie rights….I can see it now: “Malice in Blunderland, the true story of 9/11.”

        In short, get a grip.

        Good News: There’s a guiding force at work in the Universe. Bad News: It’s Irony.

        1. Really?
          It would have taken hundreds of thousands of Americans to achieve a tenth of what a few Arabs led from an orginazation hiding in a cave alledgedly did without any kind of help?

          Hmmm… we got some catching up to do then I guess.

          Sorry Binro, could not resist jesting on this one.

          Actually, if there is a conspiracy on the government side, the simpler implementation would have required the involvement of far less than what you are suggesting.

          The problem is that some of the claims are so outlandish, going so far as saying that there were even no planes involved on 911 that it shadows with ridicule the more serious challenges.

          The premises for False Flag Operations are not as outlandish as most would believe and there are several precedents such as Operarion Northwoods.

          How many people would have been involved?

          1. That last question has a long answer
            I am a mechanical engineer by profession although my current line of work is somewhat different. I claim no practical knowledge of building demolition beyond what I have learned from research and watching a few documentaries. I was in Las Vegas, in 1995 I believe it was, when the MGM hotel was brought down; I did manage to see a fair bit of that although I had no direct interest in it at the time.

            Such understanding of demolition as I have gained suggests that imploding a building is a complex task, requiring the careful placement of charges and routing of wires, difficult work even when the building has been gutted and there is easy access to the structural members that must be cut. Consider the task of imploding two buildings as massively strong as the WTC towers, how many charges one must place, how many wires must be run, all the while avoiding the eyes of curious passers-by…logic suggests that the task was done, if it was done, by either a very few people over a rather long time or by many people in a shorter time. The latter seems more plausible if only because the greater the time-lag the more people would have had a chance to notice what was going on. It wouldn’t have been simple in any case; since it was considered impractical to install a water-sprinkler fire suppression system in the WTC towers, the steel structures were insulated and the walls were sheathed in a double layer of gypsum sheeting…it does not seems terribly likely that anyone could have gained access to the structural members without anyone at all noticing. The materials would have to be bought and transported to the site, holes made and later covered, plausible explanations provided to the people who would inevitably happen by at inconvenient times, janitors, security guards, etc.,…somehow I can’t see such a thing being done by a couple of guys working overnight. (All this leaves aside another issue, i.e., how did someone arrange to have the planes impact the structures at the right points and in the right way but I’m not going to address that.) In short, I have serious problems with the notion that such a thing could be conceived of, planned and implemented in a secure way, without the involvement of a large number of people all of whom would need to keep their gobs shut ever since and forever after.

            It’s mostly a similar matter with the curious failures in a number of layers of civilian and military air-traffic control, in the military as a whole and in the executive branch from the Oval Office on down. Here I see two major possibilities: either you assume a systems failure at a number of levels when faced with a unique threat or you assume the collusion of a large number of military and civilian personnel in ignoring a clear and present danger, aware that all parties involved would need to be briefed in about what was happening and why, lest someone ask inconvenient questions or take precipitate action resulting in the derailing of the plan. I would see this as being particularly important as regards miltary involvement…when faced with a unique situation, the lower echelons tend to kick the matter to a superior, who will kick it upstairs, etc., and with a matter that quickly got as dramatic as 9/11 did there would have been a lot of questions both during and after the emergency. I tend to think that either some lower-echelon people ignored the developing situation and somehow weren’t publicly crucified for it or orders came down the chain of command to ignore the developing situation in which case the lower ranks would be frantically pointing fingers at the upper levels…either many people were involved, too many to maintain air-tight security, or no one was involved because what happened that sad day was the result of a lot of things going wrong at the same time, not because some appalling conspiracy made it happen.

            I have no problem with the notion of a government staging events to provide a casus belli, in fact there’s little I would put past that bunch of right-wing nutbars currently in Washington, but are they all horribly stupid? If 9/11 was to provide a pretext for war, don’t you think the result to be highly problematic? I can easily imagine that bunch of thugs discussing a number of ideas and dismissing them, not because of moral considerations because they have no morals but because of the practical difficulties involved.You bring up the Bay of Pigs fiasco; if that’s the result of high-level military planning, how would another group pull off something like 9/11? Keeping in mind, of course, that we’re talking about the same bunch too stupid to plant WMD in Iraq to retroactively justify invading that country…

            In order for the conspiracy theorists to be right, every element of a very complicated plan had to work perfectly…in order for them to be wrong a lot of things merely had to go wrong; where Human beings are involved, I believe things going wrong a lot more than I believe them going perfectly…at least, that’s how I see it.


            Good News: There’s a guiding force at work in the Universe. Bad News: It’s Irony.

          2. Well made points Binro
            I see where you are coming from and your position is certainly sensible.

            Here are a number of points, many of which still unanswered that are the base of the growing and enduring suspiscions:

            THE TOP 40 reasons to doubt the official story of September 11th, 2001

            There are also a number of scholars who have sided against the official explanations:

            Why Doubt 9/11?

            You might find them interesting even if you do not adhere to the Scholars for 9/11 Truth thesis.

            One last thing:
            Beyond the question of the collapse, especially that of 7, there are items that are even more interesting and that are unfortunately seldom if ever discussed at all.

            These have to do with obscure relationships and events such as Mahmud Ahmed’s meeting in NYC with Graham and Goss on the morning of 9/11.

            More about this in 9/11 and the Pakistan Connection.

            It at least points out some to the geopolitical intricacies that are being played under our noses showing that beds are often shared by unlikely couples.

          3. Indeed
            Richard, in a number of ways I agree with you, particularly as to how the US main-stream media have failed to keep certain issues in the public eye. Some shows, like “Frontline” on PBS have done an admirable job but everyone doesn’t watch PBS…

            There’s a danger here. As has been noted elsewhere, it can be quite difficult to engage and hold people’s attention. There’s a constantly rising din of people each claiming to have the whole truth…some are sincere, some are simply wackos, some are out for nothing but profit, but the din they produce may have the unintended effect of disengaging the attention of the general public, to the extent that whatever may be eventually revealed will cause little but yawns.

            There’s something else too, on the theme of unintended consequences. I think that the conspirators, if there are any, must be laughing their asses off at the spectacle the conspiracy theorists make of themselves because the conspirators could not in their wildest dreams imagine muddying the waters a tenth as well as the theorists are doing. Whatever truth may be found will achieve little if it’s ignored by public opinion. The body of theories relating to 9/11 has grown so complex that many people could be excused for having lost track…the inertia of the competing theories may well resist any real revelations.

            The internet certainly allows information to spread at a rate unprecedented in our history but it unfortunately also allows bullsh*t to propagate at the speed of light. That may well bite us in the ass in a number of ways.


            Good News: There’s a guiding force at work in the Universe. Bad News: It’s Irony.

      1. Loose Change.
        The CBC actually featured Loose Change a few days ago. They say the film has been downloaded over ten million times. I must admit I still find controlled demolition unbelievable.

      1. Pull

        From USINFO, 9/11 Revealed?” I find this:

        In the afternoon of September 11, Mr. Silverstein spoke to the Fire Department Commander on site at Seven World Trade Center. The Commander told Mr. Silverstein that there were several firefighters in the building working to contain the fires. Mr. Silverstein expressed his view that the most important thing was to protect the safety of those firefighters, including, if necessary, to have them withdraw from the building.

        Later in the day, the Fire Commander ordered his firefighters out of the building and at 5:20 p.m. the building collapsed. No lives were lost at Seven World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

        As noted above, when Mr. Silverstein was recounting these events for a television documentary he stated, “I said, you know, we’ve had such terrible loss of life. Maybe the smartest thing to do is to pull it.” Mr. McQuillan has stated that by “it,” Mr. Silverstein meant the contingent of firefighters remaining in the building.

        The rest of this page is a good read too. But it doesn’t really matter. People are going to believe what they want to believe despite the facts.


        1. Pull it
          That is not the full quote of what Silverstein said. I saw him a few days ago on TV, and he used the word “pull” twice. First he said “pull it”, then in the next sentence he said “pull”. It definitely sounded like he was referring to the building, not to the firefighters, but it doesn’t really matter, because people are going to believe what they want to believe despite the facts.

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