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News Briefs 02-08-06

Plenty of weirdness for all you Orang-utans

  • It’s like this, you see.
  • The adverse health effects of indoor moulds. I collect spores, mould and fungus – though not on purpose.
  • Artist claims ET code in Arecibo signal.
  • Why men are like dogs. And there was me thinking it was because the farts smell bad.
  • Martian butte and crater.
  • The peculiar disappearance of the war in Iraq.
  • What kind of genius are you?
  • The search for the Apollo 11 missing tapes.
  • Rare clouds seen above Antarctica.
  • Granite city in a spin over UFOs.
  • Prayer book reveals scientific secret.
  • Bronze age boat discovered.
  • Russian woman stops sleeping for 8 years out of fright. If you had no fear could you sleep for 8 years?
  • Abundant power from universal geothermal energy.
  • Has Alien contact been made? SETI urged to fess up over Alien signals.
  • Methane lakes on Titan?
  • Space show: the low down on tethers.
  • The spirit of the lone eagle.
  • The silent epidemic: the health effects of illiteracy.
  • Orang-utans, our smartest relatives. Orang-utan and the enigma of human origin.

Quote of the Day:

Nothing is as simple as we hope it will be

Jim Horning

  1. great news links Jameske
    Thanks for the many fine articles today! Wonderful mix of topics that I’m sending on to others. Good quote too! Love, Pam —————————–Truth is stranger than fiction.

    1. That Is An Over Generalization!

      I agree that in many cases, too many cases, it’s true that men act like dogs. And, it is very unfortunate. But, some of us use our brains!


      {You Can Teach People How To Think Or What To Think; But, You Can’t Do Both! It Is Better To Teach People How To Think!!!}

      1. instinctual dominance displays
        Hey, now, I never said I agreed with these research findings. I just thought some people might at least find it interesting. Which is why, when I noticed that Jameske had posted an abreviated version of the article, I decided to post a link to the whole article.

        Apparently it needs repeating quite often —
        Just because we editors link to an article doesn’t mean we agree with everything in it – or for that matter, anything in it!


        1. I Was Replying To Your Comment! Just Replying!

          My replies are replies to comments! I never presume that I know the beliefs of the commentors. But, I usually, not always, state my opinions in my replies. In this case, I stated my opinion. When one comments on TDG, one leaves oneself opened for a reply. What is the problem?


          {You Can Teach People How To Think Or What To Think; But, You Can’t Do Both! It Is Better To Teach People How To Think!!!}

          1. steady as we go
            Dear cnnek, I agree with you, as not all men are dogs (nor are all women b!+@&$) things tend to get out of hand and to avoid the minefields of disaster there is a propensity to be overly careful, better that than the resultant fall-out. After many years of being as dipolomatic and as politically correct, gentle and also as kind hearted as possible. Some of us (maybe not all) have been “freaked” out just one too many times and actually it’s not for themselves but the saddest fact is certainly for the person dishing it out! Far be it for me to comment on anyone else’s thoughts on this but after much discussion and time (close to three years now) it’s that way for me, quite wearisome but we have to have patience for not all are on the same page, much less in the same book. Very similar to your own tagline, you can lead the horses to water but you can’t make them drink. Greg was and is very PC here at TDG and for his stint at P mag/forum and Kat is covering her … ummmm … bases! How’s that for PC! Love, Pam —————————–Truth is stranger than fiction.

          2. misperception
            Several months ago I posted some articles about the Rapture – or something having to do with the book of Revelation. A week or two later I got an email from a TDG reader (I forget who, at the moment) who thought that because I posted those articles, I believed something in particular about Revelation. In my reply, I (nicely) told this reader that I believed no such thing, and that what I mainly believe about the book of Revelation is that the author probably just had a nightmare which he misperceived to be a prophecy.

            As I said, the exchange above was via private email, but over the years I’ve seen plenty of other examples of readers who think TDG’s editors believe certain things just because they’ve posted related articles.

            I post UFO articles, but I’m not a member of MUFON. I post Bigfoot articles because I’m curious about the possibility, as are others here; not because, based on current evidence, I think Bigfoot exists. I do happen to think Atlantis actually existed, but I suspect we may never find hard evidence of where or when. And I think both male and female humans allow instincts to guide their behavior far too often for the good of the world, and for their own good, which is why I found the whole article on male dominance behavior interesting. But considering how much poorly designed and/or fraudulent research is published these days, at this point, I can’t say that I think the article is factual.

            (I should have put a winking smiley face somewhere in my reply to cnnek — I think I may have come across as a bit too defensive. Sorry ’bout that.)


          3. Your Comment Bewildered Me!

            When I don’t think that a commentor or poster is really stating what they actually believe and I’m interested enough to find out, I do two things. First, I make comments that are designed to encourage them to be more specific. Second, I contact them, when possible, and point out my disagreement
            which is backed up by data! If I have no data, I don’t make contact! I would not want to see a member of TDG get their face kicked; because, someone wanted to throw verifiable data in their face, especially if they were an editor!:) But, it is important for me to know that editors don’t always believe everything that they write and I will remember this! I’m not an idiot!:) Actually, in order to further conversations, which is what I was trying to do, editors need make certain random comments. But, with the exception of technical questions for Greg, I’ve never contacted an editor! How could I possibly have known? But, I assure you that I will not forget!:) I think that Plato has been misinterpreted with regard to Atlantis!


            {You Can Teach People How To Think Or What To Think; But, You Can’t Do Both! It Is Better To Teach People How To Think!!!}

          4. Thank-you For Your Timely Comment!

            I was simply trying to continue the conversation and I didn’t know how to understand Kat’s comment! I agree with you that all women aren’t B!+@&$! I hate sterio types. PC love, like all love, is beautiful, isn’t it?


            {You Can Teach People How To Think Or What To Think; But, You Can’t Do Both! It Is Better To Teach People How To Think!!!}

  2. Geothermal energy article
    One of the questions in this Geothermal energy article is, ‘You’re working on new drilling technology. How does this fit in?’ Jefferson Tester responds…

    ‘We feel that as part of a long-term view of the possibility of universal heat mining, we should also be thinking about revolutionary methods for cutting through rock and completing wells. Most of the drilling that’s done today is made by crushing and grinding our way using very, very hard materials to crush through and grind through minerals in the rock. And it’s been very successful. It’s evolved tremendously over the past century, and we can do it, certainly, routinely, to 10 kilometers. But it costs a lot. So we’re looking for a fundamental way to change the technology that would change the cost-depth relationship, and allow us to drill deeper in a much more cost-effective manner. It would open up the accessibility tremendously.’

    His response doesn’t tell us anything at all about this new drilling technology, or how close to fruition Tester’s research is at this point. Since Tester says this new drilling technology is needed to make geothermal energy production cost-effective, I find his reluctance to provide any specifics about his research… well, at least frustrating.

    From one of several comments about this article:

    Readers might be interested to know that there is a European project currently experimenting with energy extraction from hot dry rock (HDR) at a depth of 5000m (about 3 miles down). The project is well advanced at the main site, Soultz-sous-Forets in France. The project’s progress can be reviewed at European Deep Geothermal Energy Program.


  3. re Book of Revelation
    Actually I think it was written by Nostradamus! If one took the writing literally it really is an extraordinary collection of unintelligible stuff (sorry if I offend anyone who believes it to be real). It does, however, contain a lot of astronomical data.

    At the time the Bible was being printed for the first time many manuscripts were ‘found’ and added. I think it would have pleased old Nostra no end to include some of his predictions (which he had to keep hidden from the Church for fear of persecution) right under their noses in their very own book, and he lived in the right time range. Just my notion.

    Regards, Kathrinn.

    1. You Might Be Right; But,…

      Revelation was almost certainly written in code that early Christians used to communicate with each other. There is specific information for specific churches and general information for all churches. I don’t see how your comment, which is based on your opinion, could possibly offend anyone; but, I’ve been in Asia for a very long time!


      {You Can Teach People How To Think Or What To Think; But, You Can’t Do Both! It Is Better To Teach People How To Think!!!}

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