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News Briefs 19-07-06

I think I will move to the Arctic.

  • British outbred by Anglo-Saxon apartheid. Those Germans and their breeding experiments – seems like the most successful in the history of history.
  • Etna awakes with storm of fire and lava.
  • The boy who sees with sound.
  • Europe’s pyramid history unveiled. Much richer history of motes.
  • A Randi Vagina challenge. I have heard Pussies were used as familiars by witches in medieval Europe.
  • A little something on Tesla weapons.
  • Magnetic vortex in space.
  • Plenty of oil in the US.
  • Grow your own gold.
  • Terminator’s bionic arm only $170k.
  • The puzzling of polluted skies on climate.
  • Red spot junior buzzes its big brother.
  • Vitamins could boost attraction. This sort of thing already does work on humans – it is called ten pints of beer and causes attraction between men and lizards.
  • Earth’s writhing magnetic field could aid fusion research.
  • Virtual worlds to test telepathy.
  • Blooming good mental health therapy.
  • Brain-machine interfaces.

Quote of the Day:

Life isn’t long enough for love and art.

W. Somerset Maugham

  1. You had me at ‘Tesla’
    Great news day — articles about Tesla are always interesting. It pays to read to the last two paragraphs of the article you posted today: “Having tested the weapons, the Soviets must be aware that the ill-provoked oscillation of timeflow affects the minds and thoughts — and the very lifestreams and even the collective species unconsciousnesses — of all life forms on earth. They must know that these weapons are two-edged swords, and that the backlash from their use can be far more terrible to the user than was the original effect to his victim.

    “If we can avoid the Apocalypse, the fantastic secret of Nikola Tesla can be employed to cure and elevate man, not kill him. Tesla’s discovery can eventually remove every conceivable external human limitation. If we humans ourselves can elevate our consciousness to properly utilize the Tesla electromagnetics, then Nikola Tesla — who gave us the electrical twentieth century in the first place — may yet give us a fantastic new future more shining and glorious than all the great scientists and sages have imagined.”

    In the article about “Plenty of oil”, I wish the author had posted a link to Matt Badiali’s article in the Oil Report — otherwise it’s a bit nebulous.

    “Consciousness has overtaken physics in our land, and with a critical mass, we can change the plan . . .” Bradfield (Take the High Road)

  2. Plenty of oil in the US
    Shhhhh….It’s supposed to be a secret. We only want to use our oil when all the other countries have exhausted theirs. Then whatever we say … goes.

    1. My Oily Uncle:)
      worked for Atlantic Richfield in the 70’s. He was saying then that there where thousands of capped wells. The company would drill, find oil, cap it, and map it. Why use it when your getting cheap oil from abroud. And enough profit to find your own and use it later, when the others oil is gone.Then you make more money.
      We are in the middle of a twisted game. High oil rates, inflation, high interest rates, and less in our lives when its over. This is profit, and untill we find a way to grow these “great men” hearts , this pattern will continue.

      1. Oil and Gold
        Whitley Strieber’s Unknown Country, the source for, “Plenty of oil in the US” and “Grow your own gold”, seems to be as reliable as Pravda.
        The “oil reserves” in question are locked up in oil shale deposits and they have been common knowledge for over a hundred years. The problem is in converting it to oil in a profitable manner. No secret here.
        The bacteria that produce gold, is an interesting article, but not the rubbish that is written on, Whitley Strieber’s Unknown Country. “When he grew the bacteria in his lab and dissolved it in a liquid solution containing non-gold metals, the result was gold nuggets.” Compare this with the original, “Testing a theory for how gold grains form when it starts out dissolved in a liquid solution, he confirmed that the bacteria play an important role in the formation of this type of gold nugget.”

        1. Oily Facts
          You’re dead right about oil shale. I scratched prehistoric crocodile fossils from blocks of Queensland oil shale last year at the Melbourne Museum. Oil shale is not very good for making petroleum from, and is very inconsistent. The majority of oil you do manage to squeeze from it isn’t suitable for use in cars, trucks and aircraft anyway.

          I always washed my hands after excavating the oil shale blocks too! No way did I go eat lunch straight away and lick my fingers.

          1. Oily Facts

            This article from Wikipedia eliminates the mythology and misinformation that surrounds shale oil. The comments in this thread indicate that there’s a lot of misunderstandings. It’s all about money. Chavez in Venezuela is trying to get the rest of OPEC to agree to sell for no less than $50/barrel because Venezuela has an estimated 1-trillion barrels of shale oil.


          2. Cheap at half the price
            I think we’d all settle for $50 right now, with oil futures constantly trading above $70. How quickly things change, and how apathetic we all are…

            Kind regards,
            You monkeys only think you’re running things

          3. Insurance
            By keeping it above $50 he can insure that an investment in shale oil recovery is profitable.


          4. Exactly
            I understand Chavez’s motivations, I was just remarking on how quickly that figure has become outdated. I don’t think Chavez is going to have to work on keeping it above $50 at all, considering oil futures through to 2009 are sitting around $70.

            Unless we can trust Rupert Murdoch, who remarked before the Iraq war that one of the great benefits likely to come out of it was $US20 a barrel for oil. We live in hope.

            Kind regards,
            You monkeys only think you’re running things

          5. yes
            as opposed to the usual cowardly hero that you meet so often.

            Or are you getting on his cases because he is getting fat? Give the man break, his job is stressful. That can lead to consumption of some beers. Which in turn could explain the guts.

            But no, that’s not it.

          6. A-men! Power To The People!

            I couldn’t agree with you more! Viva Chavez!


            {You Can Teach People How To Think Or What To Think; But, You Can’t Do Both! It Is Better To Teach People How To Think!!!}

  3. Love the quote
    But then I always love the quotes.

    I have to comment on the Randi article, for no other reason than I feel that Randi has set himself up.
    There is no way he will pay out the million bucks, because he has his lawyers looking at loopholes in every situation.
    What a ratbag.
    I would have some respect for him if he could say he was wrong occasionally.


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