A lot of mindless reading for you to point and click with your bionic arms.
- Confirmation bias in the political mind.
- Meet the Malthusians manipulating the fear of terror.
- The freedom to ridicule religion and deny the holocaust.
- Critical Thinking: what is it good for, in fact, what is it?
- Heat really does relieve pain.
- Mindless reading seen as fundamental.
- Bionic limbs in five years.
- Global warming: crisis for earth? Jellyfish can save us.
- Miraculous garlic vodka treats diabetes and cancer. It’s quite a drink that gets you pissed, wards off Dracula and treats medical conditions.
- Large lake which disappeared last year in one night returns to its place.
- Fizzy bubbles or plasma layers?
- Deep space explosion baffles astronomers.
- Stupidity: how humans follow the dumb course.
- The return of nuclear fusion. It’s a 50ft bastard.
- 2300 year-old artefacts may change Ashoka-Buddhist history.
- Moyers: the secret government, constitution part 1 and part 2.
- The Enlightenment has been taking its knocks.
- Christopher Knight: who built the moon?
Quote of the Day:
The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creature that cannot.
Mark Twain