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News Briefs 14-06-06

Its nice to know I can do this one handed.

Quote of the Day:

Love truth, and pardon error.


  1. Links to Weird Nazi Crap

    I quote from the article ‘Tunguska-type blast repeat causes concern’, to which a link appears on todays TDG news page.

    “We import and mix with tens of millions of Mestizos from Central America with an average IQ of around 80 … we import and mix with Africans with average IQs in the 60s and 70s, the retarded range by our standards … much of our national wealth and energy and effort is soaked up by dealing with the horrible social costs of having these primitives among us.”

    This is just one of many examples of psychotic Nazi ranting to be found within this article. Is this really the kind of material you want to increase the readership of?

    Fuzzy Logic
    Christ Church

    1. Yep
      One even wonders how someone can come up with such twisted logic that the subject can start with Tunguska and the fear of impacts and end up in xenophobia.

      It does give an idea of the state of consciousness on this planet though.

      For all the ranting of the author, I did not find him to have much of a really intelligent mind himself.

    2. you…
      can pick and choose what u want there are plenty of articles – any you like? – but i dont WANT to increase the readership of weird nazi crap. You are better concentrating on major news outlets as a protest for that – BBC etc – in a world jam packed full of fascist governments it is hard to avoid weird nazi crap when it is very subtly the norm. The above article just contains more upfront and honest versions and in that sense it is definitely weird.

      Das Jameske

      1. Good Work
        Sorry if it sounded as though I was criticising the whole site – I wasn’t; I do appreciate actually the work you do here and have enjoyed reading most of the articles for more than a year now; it can be difficult to find articles on the paranormal by browsing oneself, and the prehistoric art thing was a particular find. I’m heading down that way in a few weeks and will try to get a look at the cave.

        Richard is right in pointing out that the ‘Tunguska’ article does begin sensibly… it’s just a shock when the ‘upfront an honest’ stuff (which actually is extremely offensive) kicks in.

        I support your view that it’s a good thing to know that these guys are out there, but the article could really do with a health warning on it.


        Fuzzy Logic
        Christ Church

        1. it’s fair
          to say it could do with a health warning. Quite frankly, I think it should be written on the gates of the well of souls, for all those thinking about reincarnation 😉

  2. new nukes article in the LA Times
    I know the LA Times ia a fine publication (really, no sarcasm). But they want me to register, and I am running out of fake names and birthdates.

    Can someone perhaps summarize what they are saying about these “new nukes”?

    1. For what I remember
      The will to build new, more reliable, nukes to replace the existing stockpile that is supposedly now unreliable.

      Of course, some will say that moving in this direction may trigger another arms race that would involve both Russia and China.

      The above is obviously a very short take on the article.

  3. David Ickypoo!
    I watched the David Icke video and a few comments come to mind. First, when he was hearing voices, he should have consulted a psychiatrist instead of a psychic. As everything the voices told him turned out to be false, it is obvious he was having a psychotic or schizophrenic breakdown. It can happen to the best of us . . . As for the psychic saying he was going to be famous and would be going against all odds was a no-brainer. He was already famous, and it was obvious what was going to happen when he ‘Came out of the Closet as Jesus’.

    But after all turned out to be false, and instead of seeking help, he goes on to point the finger at the whole wide world. By saying a secret Kabal controls all of us; he is saying that we are all weak minded Epsilons under the thumb of his room full of Alphas. He alone can stand aloof.

    Rather than face the fact that his being deranged caused everyone to point and laugh at him, he places the blame at the feet of the evil secret group. Everyone who is not deranged can instantly recognize someone who is, as the public did when he said he was the new Jesus. By his amazement at how it could come to pass that overnight he could go from a popular sportscaster to an object of ridicule only enforces the obvious fact that he is a very sick man. Know thyself, heal thyself. I though it was particularly well said when one of the people interviewing him said “Well, I think you’re an absolute nutter. Good Night.”

    The fact that people like him can get an audience is a tribute to the degradation and desperation that we are going through. It will get worse before it gets better, but get better it will.


    Ancientskyman (not an Epsilon, Beta, or Alpha, just ASM).

    The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.

    George Bernard Shaw

    1. Yes I think Icke is a nutter
      Hi ASM.
      I think that Icke is as weird as they come.But I can’t help thinking that he has an agenda.I saw something on TV about him and they said he sells millions of books.
      Maybe that was his agenda.
      To be as weird as he could be, knowing that it would sell lots of books.


      1. insane article
        that article about tunguska is horrible, its a platform for listing anti jew, nazi, white supremacy gossip and thrash

        i cant believe TDG lists this article without some form of comment, i love TDG as a daily provider of news and theories i love, but this is different, this hurts people.

        Dont want to start a discussion about wo II gassing, but there is no doubt in that, millions of dead and survivors, films, miles of paperwork from SS all prove without a doubt, from listeings of german compagnies, movies from soldiers, photos ectra ectra

        too think the world will come to and end if we re not ready is a childisch thought, the world is subject to change, thats the world we live in.

        the only treath comes from people who write thisgarbage

        1. Rense!
          A few years ago there was a great debate on TDG as to whether or not ‘RENSE’ should have a content warning attached to any link. Thankfully, the really bad articles on RENSE are few and far between.


          1. well if u read the article u
            well if u read the article u will have to agree this particular article should have a huge warning sign, clearly stating TDG is in no way responsible and maintains a independ role in postign articles

            Speaking personally they should state this trash is a example of the how its not suposed to be,

            this article has nothign to do with science, opinions and freedom of speech, its aimed at cahsing in on sentiment, as a forum for rascism and gatehring of lies under the cloack of science,
            the articel could easily have started with space exploration and then move on too the real insanem essage he likes to pass on to it,

            postign this article lowers the standard of TDG, a great forum for indepent views of mainstream and not so mainstream science, but always inside the bounderies of 1 planet where every human species has a righfull place.

            i check out the site and it has way mroe trash like that, it mkes me feel sick and shoudl serve as a warning for intolerance instead of a platform for spreading it.

            besides that, lol its a really bad article lol

          2. How about personal ability to judge?
            Do people really need warnings as if they all were to be nurtured into what is good and what is bad for them?

            This reminds me of a lawsuit that happened some years ago.
            A baby had put a plastic bag on its head and died.
            The parents sued the manufacturer, of course, and won their case.
            The company’s responsibility was established because there was no warning on the bag to the effect that putting it on one’s head could be harmful!

            It also reminds me of Atlanta’s Airport where you are coached every other step you take to ‘hold the ramp’, ‘stop walking’, do this, do that, because the train is leaving, the escalator carpet (whatever those are called) are moving and so on and so forth.

            Is that not symptomatic of our collective consciousness, by extension the personal state of consciousness, being constantly in need to be told what is to be made out of its environment?

            Should not individuals start learning to evaluate, see, take upon themselves to decide and allow themselves to be exposed to materials that are other things than happy fluff so that would make them feel secure even though everything is rotting inside and all that is left is the appearance of a pleasant form?

            On the contrary, I would say that posting the article is respecting the intelligence of the readers of the site who will know better, as made obvious by the fact that no support has come forth for the article.

            On the other hand, doing as if such things did not exist, because they are conveniently hidden and slid under the carpet by a magnanimous all-seeing hand, to protect us against the fear of seeing what the world is really like, would only contribute to hide an aspect of reality and to the false impression that we have attained the status of ‘civilized’.

            The individual can make out for himself the fact that the article is trash and there is no need to be coached into believing that it is trash or otherwise.

            One day, someone might coach people in believing that something is trash when in reality it really is a faithful portrait of reality.

            We will not see clearer from living in a psychologically asceptised environment, by not wanting to be exposed to what is out there as if because we do not see it, it does not exist. This would be the informational equivalent of reductionism, being to information what reductionism can be to science and that ends up being the prevalent mode of functioning of human psychology.

            If we only want to learn about happy things, those things for which we already have an affinity, we will remain at the level we are while believing we are moving forward. We will only be pleasing our intellectual ego within the shell of our impression of learning when in reality we are only reinforcing our state of relative ignorance.

            What we really need to learn are those things that make us feel uncomfortable because these are the things that have the potential to really affect us while the rest can only increase our numbness.

            That would be one point of view on this.

          3. Context
            Perhaps rephrasing the heading to, “Tunguska-type blast repeat causes concern … and white supremacist hate-mongering”, would have been more responsibly descriptive of the article’s contents.

            I didn’t click on the link because I thought it was just another science article warning us about the dangers of Earth getting hit by an asteroid. So it is misleading, and I think the complaints are justified. I do agree with you Richard, but I also think that this article is an exception and should come with a bit more information. As much as I like Jameske’s short and sweet style, a few more words here and there wouldn’t hurt (tho he only typed the news with one hand…). 😉

            Storm in a teacup.

          4. No storm here, really.
            I understand.

            Perhaps Jameske was hampered. After all he said he had to do this ‘single-handedly’.

            But you are right though, the title example you are proposing would have been more informative in nature than a simple ‘warning, if you cannot handle it don’t read’ type of thing.

            No storm there really and I was not pointing anyone in my text, just stating a principle.

          5. More Rense Anti-Jew Nonsense.
            Usually I don’t comment on this crap, but this was so offensive, I had to set the record straight. Without further ado. . . .

            In computer security, when you want to infect someone else’s computer so you can later control it, you try to install a ‘Trojan Horse’ virus that will give you a back-door access to the system. The prime point of the Trojan Horse is that it is a system wide (kingdom wide) danger disguised as something else. This article is a Trojan Horse article. It poses as an article on Mass-extinctions, but is really a virulent racist tractate.

            “Only the intelligence that brought us Western science can even detect the presence of such threats before it is too late, to say nothing of fighting them. Only the creativity that characterizes Western man can come up with solutions to the kinds of disasters that would forever wipe out lesser creatures.”

            Too many ancient cultures to catalog mention these specific threats, and state that we have been wiped out before. This is the first piece of unreasonable racist clap-trap. Thousands of years before the Greeks ever existed Sumerians were writing of the destruction Myth. It is well established that Utanapishtim is the prototype for Noah. This guy needs to study much more.

            ”The superstition, promoted by Jewish supremacists, of “racial equality” is leading the nations of the West to literally exterminate themselves through population replacement of their founding race with the teeming masses of the Third World”

            First of all, Jews do not believe in racial equality. They believe that God made all the peoples for his own reasons, and that all people, even within a race, are different. This guy also confuses education and intelligence. Intelligence is the native ability to learn and cognate, or to assemble pieces of seemingly unrelated information into a cohesive and usable whole. It has been shown in many studies that taking away cultural bias in IQ tests levels the field regardless of race. There are smart and stupid people from every race. Culture and education are great enablers or disablers of the ability to think for oneself, but has nothing to do with the individual. Only one individual out of tens of millions has the luck, wherewithal, and pre-disposition to change a whole society.

            ”And the peoples of the West themselves, with failing educational institutions and with religions under the thumb of Jewish supremacists and Jewish myths, are increasingly losing their grip on scientific knowledge and on reality itself, as they descend to an understanding the world thousands of years behind the times. “

            Umm, it seems to me as if scientific achievement is occurring at an ever accelerating rate. Ref: Ray Kurzweil. If it is to be the ‘Singularity’ that Ray says, I’m not sure, but we are progressing faster than ever. Jews and non-Jews are involved in this research, and regardless of race or religion, the successful researcher sees the truth, no matter what its form.

            The people the writer is referring too are called Fundamentalist Christians. These are the people who believe religion trumps logic, irrational faith trumps reason, and the powerful clergy trump all others. These are the misanthropes, throwbacks and lowbrows.

            It is true that some Orthodox Jews perpetuate the Messiah myth, but their version of Messiah is RADICALLY different that the Fundies version. The Fundies believe in Rambo Jesus, coming to wipe the slate clean. The Jews believe in the All Enlightened One, bring an era of No War, No Hunger, No Disease, and the end of constant struggle and turmoil that is the current human condition. If someone is arguing that the Messiah has or hasn’t appeared, he hasn’t appeared, by definition. When he appears, everyone will know it instantly and there will be no argument; or so says the Jewish myth. Not Fundie myth which sees a great conflagration between the forces of good and the forces of evil. Finally, Orthodox Jews make up about 5% of the total Jewish population, so this isn’t a representative population. This guy is really mixed up.

            ”Increasingly, instead of seeing the world as it is seen by the best minds of our civilization, our people see it through the lens of a school system that fails to teach them how to find France and Russia on a map, but does teach them about the roots of “hip-hop” and “White racism” — or through the lens of the writings of primitive and wildly ethnocentric non-White desert nomads whose knowledge of the universe was essentially zero. “

            Again he is referring to the Fundies. The non-White desert nomads brought us: 360 degrees in a circle, writing, arithmetic, law, history, record keeping, universities, museums, solar/lunar intercalulation, and on and on and on. What a bozo to not recognize that, or maybe he is just a product of the Fundie educational regime he laments about.

            This racist hatemonger shows his complete ignorance, but let the record stand corrected.


          6. Good take on the article I would say.
            It is also funny that he would refer to those “non-White desert nomads” as being ethnocentric after having talked about “the creativity that characterizes Western man”.

            It would appear that the creativity that characterizes Western man has seen much use against humanity.

            It is indeed a ‘Trojan’ message. This is a very good analogy you made there. I am inclined to consider that it will only infect the minds that are already geared to follow the thought pattern it represents and surely reinforce a dead-end but well incrusted argumentation/rationalization pattern amongst those people.

            It just won’t work for others.

            The likely problem though is that there may already be too many people that can still be tipped over that side of the fence, being that there are always too many people who are waiting for someone to give them a reason to think one way or another using the lure of racial or cultural supremacy.

            It has been done before as we all know and it has remained.

            Always the collective association, the people who belong to a race but not to themselves. We like to believe that we belong to ‘the race’ because in and of ourselves, we feel totally inadequate. I guess this psychological traps does in deed render inadequate, and for quite a long time.

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