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News Briefs 08-12-2005

We’re involved in an ice storm here. No, it’s not like snow. Where’s global warming when one needs it?

  • Rats and Europeans are likely to blame for the mysterious demise of Easter Island.
  • The tiny hobbit-like humans of Indonesia may have been the first Australians before they became extinct about 11,000-years ago.
  • Cave paintings reveal Ice Age artists.
  • Jungle discovery opens new chapter in Maya history.
  • The first 2006 hurricane forecast predicts an active season.
  • The six-legged fruitfly appears to have little in common with humans, but a new finding shows that they are really just tiny, distant cousins.
  • The brains of male bats shrink the bigger their testicles get, new research shows.
  • Researchers publish the dog genome sequence.
  • Bird lovers cry foul over parakeet killings.
  • A trust-building hormone short-circuits fear in humans.
  • The recovery of the Antarctic ozone hole may be delayed until 2065 because reservoirs of ozone-destroying chemicals may be larger than anticipated.
  • Coca-Cola Co., the world’s No. 1 soft drink company, said it will launch a coffee-infused soft drink called Coca-Cola Blak in various markets around the world in 2006. Get totally zonked.
  • Love is full of chemical reactions, steam, passion and joy. Coke should bottle love.
  • A German Protestant youth group has put together a 2006 calendar with 12 staged photos depicting erotic scenes from the Bible. Here’s a link to the calendar, but don’t open it at work.
  • Every lunar morning, when the sun first peeks over the dusty soil of the moon after two weeks of frigid lunar night, a strange storm stirs the surface.
  • Are these new daylight bigfoot photographs? Your call.
  • Russian researchers discover giants’ graves in Syria.
  • Is interstellar space flight possible?
  • Follow the money. A Taiwanese company has put up $20 million to build a UFO research base where aliens are said to have visited in 1994. [Third story down.]
  • Alien encounters and UFO sightings, along with a fascination for outer space, are alive and strong in Asia. (The author decided to belittle the belief by referring to ‘little green men’.)
  • Australian bloggers are Internet muzzled. Greg may need to comment on this one.
  • Physicists at Kiel University discover an unusual state of matter.
  • The USS George Washington (nuclear) aircraft carrier will replace the USS Kitty Hawk (conventional) at Yokosuka Naval Base receiving mixed reactions from local leaders.
  • Kecksburg to mark 40th anniversary of purported UFO crash.
  • Shadow Hunter, a new Canadian documentary series, explores the world of vampires and lacy panties. Rico, forget China. This sounds like more fun.
  • Nadolig Llawen! (Merry Christmas). When in Wales try out some of these strange Christmas customs which will put the traditional turkey roast to shame.
  • A Japanese space probe that landed on the surface of an asteroid last month may have failed in its mission to collect rock samples that could give clues to the origin of the solar system.
  • Astronomers are urging governments to face up to the threat of an asteroid which could hit Earth in 2036.
  • What does the KGB know about UFOs and other supernatural phenomena, life in space and secret agents’ secret methods.
  • The international Cassini spacecraft has found visual evidence that Saturn’s moon Enceladus is geologically active.
  • Nearly two years after NASA’s twin rovers parachuted to Mars, a Jekyll-and-Hyde picture is emerging about the planet’s past and whether it could have supported life.
  • Tantalizing hints of liquid water have been found buried under several kilometers of ice on Mars.
  • Russia places bets on future spaceship.

Quote of the Day

The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live.

George Carlin

  1. Hobbits
    Until the 1960s, it was fairly well known that pygmy-sized aborginals existed in Australia, mostly in northern Queensland. This article is an excellent resource of information, and includes photographs of the Hobbit-like aboriginals. Claims that the Flores Island Hobbits may have originated in Australia, or vice-versa, are very very valid.

    As for vampires and lacy panties, Bill, I’m afraid Buffy the Vampire Slayer finished a couple years ago. Who knows, I may just fit vampires and lacy panties in my China/UFO novel somewhere … 😉

  2. You haven’t been paying attention
    Global Warming eventually causes ice storms, extreme bad/cold weather and then an all-out ice age. (sometimes within a few years of ‘normal’/good weather/climate conditions) Stay tuned. It’s going to be a freezing ride.

    1. Global Climate Change
      Yep. The term Global Warming is a misnomer, coined in the 1960s to originally theorise that the Earth would get hotter, Greenhouse style. Within a few years, in the early 1970s, this over-simplified the Earth-will-get-hotter theory was discarded as more evidence suggested Global Warming actually means more unsettled, extreme and unusual weather and climate patterns — longer droughts, fiercer floods, colder winters, cooler summers, warmer winters, etc etc. Here in Australia we’re witnessing this to extreme degrees, especially droughts, floods, and the reverse seasons (cool wet summers and warm dry winters in the southern states).

      Whether this climate change is man-made or not, it’s still obviously happening and we need to deal with it.

      1. CO2 and warming
        Hi Rico,

        I was around when it was found that the data wouldn’t support the GW model. That’s when the GW folks switched to ‘Ice Age’. When the climate changes began, the GW folks saw an opportunity. Climate change must be caused by GW.

        Climate change may actually be an event that’s can be linked to the planet warming. But the atmospheric temperature has not changed; only seawater. This rules-out CO2 as the culprit.

        We can’t deal with it until we stop chasing phantoms.


        1. Atmosphere temp must rise for GW to be true?
          Hey Bill,

          I’m just a letter off from being Rico, and I’ve even posted some news in my day, hope that’s close enough. 🙂 I’m not yet convinced by your arguments for CO2 not being the culprit. Here’s the other side of the argument:

          Can’t I hold out some hope that the global warming is real so we can use it to terraform Mars? Fortunately, we don’t yet know of any oceanic conveyor belt that is possibly at risk of being shut down should human induced global warming be initiated on Mars, thus kick starting an ice age.

          Anyway, the machines (and/or human/machine hybrids) will be taking over in a few decades, and then evolution & learning will exponentiate. I’m sure they’ll get to the bottom of this matter soon after Kurzweil’s singularity if we can’t get it done today.

          Best Regards,


          1. Yes, atmosphere temp must rise for GW to be true.
            Hi Rich,

            After reading that link I said to myself, “He’s kidding, right?” These guys didn’t refute anything, they just said weasel words.”.

            Remember, I’ve never said the average temperature of the planet’s atmosphere is not increasing. NASA says it has increased by less than a degree over a period of 20-years or so, so I’ll accept that. But the troposphere is where all the greenhouse gasses gather. For a runaway greenhouse event to occur, the tropospheric temperature must increase significantly. Your link states that “satellite data needed to be adjusted for some measurement and calibration problems. These adjustments bring surface and satellite records into better agreement, both showing a warming trend.”, but they don’t state exactly what those adjustments are, how much warming is indicated, or who made these adjustments. I notice that they did not mention balloon data. The data from balloons sent to the troposphere indicate a cooling. The global warming proponents have a history of “adjusting” data to prove their point or just making stuff up. I also note they did not address the ice core sample results.

            If you’re going to terraform Mars you’ve got to come-up with a more efficient method. Your main problem is that Mars can’t maintain an atmosphere. You’ve got to put something up there that will stay in place and create an atmospheric pressure. Our most abundant greenhouse component is water vapor, something that Mars does not have in abundance. I believe it could be done, but it would be expensive.

            BTW, Kyoto has never nor will it ever reduce CO2 emmisions.


    2. Yes, I saw the movie
      Hi BlueWolf,

      I’m using the term “global warming” as it was used when the movement began. It implies a runaway greenhouse effect caused by excessive CO2 in the upper atmosphere. There is excessive CO2 in the atmosphere but the thropospheric temperture has, in fact, slightly decreased. Ice core samples show that CO2 increase lags temperature. The global warming model is inadequate. I challenge you to find any real evidence that links warming to CO2.

      The planet may be warmer, but evidence indicates that it is natural. In fact, the entire solar system is warming. Throw in undersea volcanoes, increased solar activity (even at minimum), and increased extraterrestial activity and you have a increased energy activity that may be causing the temperature increase.

      But don’t panic. Not even the GW people bought-in to the Art Bell/Whitley Streiber “Day After Tomorrow” nonsense. Like “Godzilla”, it was a movie and highly unlikely. We have an ice storm every three or four years. We’ll have more.

      Enjoy the ride in an SUV or whatever. It doesn’t matter how we get there.


      1. Global Warning
        Industrialisation, pollution, dependency on fossil fuels, deforestation, human-induced animal extinction … debunking Global Warming doesn’t excuse any of this, Bill. 😉

        The facts are our water sources (oceans, rivers, lakes) are more polluted than ever, we’re losing virgin forests at a greater rate than ever, automobile exhaust pollution is greater than ever, and the human population is getting bigger and bigger with more and more animals and plant species becoming critically endangered and extinct. Debunking Global Warming doesn’t mean everything is peaches and cream.

        I know, you’re only talking about the Greenhouse Effect theory, that was discarded by scientists and environmentalists in the late 1960s/early 1970s, but the media has kept alive since. But still, there is cause for concern.

        1. GW & Pollution – Seperate issues
          Hi Rico,

          I’m a rancher, a hunter, and I fish. I’m not a big fan of industrialisation, pollution, dependency on fossil fuels, deforestation, or human-induced animal extinction.

          And you are correct. None of that with this discussion.


          1. pollution
            I would really like to see more work on hydrogen burned in an internal combustion engine. All the work is in fuel cells.


          2. The future, today
            Car manufacturers have the technology. I know there’s a futuristic Holden that won’t be released for another 10 years. So long as they’re making money from today’s technology, and oil companies continue to make profit, then better, more environmentally-friendly technology will be stored away for a later date.

            I’m afraid it really will take an oil crisis for new engineering technology to be mass-produced and accepted by the public. But I’m even unsure about that — look at oil prices today, yet people just grin and bear it, even though there are alternatives. So long as we continue to pay for old technology, new technology won’t be introduced.

          3. Not to mention the SUVs, oil wells etc
            that you oftimes mention as belonging to you.
            We are all consumers and thus all to blame.


    3. I’m paying attention!
      The high (maximum) temp in Denver today was a record low, and tonight, it’s going down to 20 below zero F. (-29C) – a record low for December 8. And also a record low for my 7-year sojourn in Denver.

      Forty mile-per-hour winds in the mountains will give the folks up there a windchill of below -50F tonight.

      Two days ago, Denver had 94 mile-per-hour winds with all this early cold – which is as strong as a category 2 hurricane.

      There are two ‘stray’ kittens living in a space under the concrete walkway/porch outside my front door. I just ran a 100-foot heavy-duty extention cord out an upstairs window (putting insulating foam in the crack this made) and hooked up my oil-filled radiator-style electric heater in my next-door neighbor’s basement window well, to keep the kittens from freezing tonight. I’m hoping I don’t get chewed out about it tomorrow – though I can’t see why anyone would complain, since it’ll go on my utility bill. But even if someone does complain, that would be a small price to pay for these cute little guys.

      I can feel it comin’ on – somebody’s bound to ask why I don’t just bring them inside. Well, they’re about 3 or 4 months old, and so far, the closest I’ve come to civilizing them is getting them to touch their noses to the tip of my finger (which is an instinctual response to one outstretched finger). So I haven’t even managed to pet one yet – much less pick one up. But even if I had, do you seriously think they’d come out from under there in these temperatures?


        1. nature – bah humbug
          >>Let nature take its course, Kat.

          When I read that, the first thing that popped into my mind was something Scrooge said in A Christmas Carol: Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses? While it doesn’t literally apply to kittens, it is reflective of being cruel and cold-hearted. It’s not in my nature to think that would be the right thing to do. So I’m stickin’ with my plan to eventually tame them and then find homes for them. Although your comment didn’t change my mind about that, it did alter my perception of you, dear Rico.

          I went out to check on the heater this morning. My next-door neighbor opened her door and told me, when she got home from work last night and saw what I’d done, she thought, ‘that’s such a nice thing to have done.’ So the blowback I was worried about has instead proved to be that my neighbor, who’s barely said ‘hello’ twice in the 21 months I’ve lived here, now has a positive perception of me.

          She also said she’d managed to lure the small black kitten into her apartment (it won’t let her touch it either), and the people two doors down had the black & white one inside, but she’d seen the slightly older (maybe 6 months old) yellow kitten come out from under there to eat this morning, and said she was sure he really appreciated my heater last night.


          1. Kitties
            6 years ago we took in 2 feral kittens. It was not long before we were their people. They often run away from strangers, and they spook real easy. But they are so sweet. And keep the mice down in the garden.

          2. Kat, I bless you from the bottom of my heart
            These are little lives and worthy of saving.I know that in another life we will be judged by how we treated those unable to care for themselves.
            If people around the world thought like you do we would not need animal shelters.

            love shadows

          3. Mwahahahaha
            I’m only joking, Kat! I wouldn’t let defenseless little kittens freeze to death, even if I am severely allergice to the saliva they lick themselves with. I just have a cruel sense of humour.

            Take my kid’s book (which is mostly for adults, but kids will read). I kill the cat off in the first paragraph, and poor young Gretchen has to bury him herself, in the middle of winter (Copyright Rick M Gned 2003, so don’t even think about it Dan Brown).


            Don’t worry, he comes back as a ghost. Ghost-cats are non-allergic.

          4. I’ll give you mwahhaha
            You can be a little bugger Rick can’t you.You’re like my boys when they were little.I caught a mouse in a mouse trap and asked the boys to dispose of it so I didn’t have to see it.
            They did that, but then proceeded to tell me about it’s broken neck, bleeding eyes etc in gory graphic detail until I cried.
            You men can’t help yourselves.


          5. Poor mouse!
            Nah, I could never be that cruel, Shadows. I’m very squeamish when it comes to dead things, and I don’t like hurting anything living (spiders I’ll scoop up and put somewhere out of the way). I don’t set mouse traps because, well, I don’t want to see dead mice!

            Although I’m not quite the Tibetan monk, I do kill fish, but only because they taste so good with a sauce of miso paste and herbs, wrapped in linen and baked in the oven. Mmmm, mmm.

  3. Boxer ears
    Along with animal civility, I like to see that boxer in the dog genome article with ears still intact (they usually dock boxers’ ears). If they’re not show dogs, definatley leave them on (Great Danes too!).

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