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News Briefs 03-11-2005

Some interesting items found in today’s news call for your attention.

  • A team of archaeologists from China and the United States is saying that the greenhouse effect started about 5,000-years ago.
  • The first humans that settled Madagascar around 2000-years ago probably hunted to extinction giant lemurs and other unusual animals.
  • Archaeologists have unearthed one of the biggest Early Neolithic (4,000 years ago) settlements ever discovered in the UK.
  • Male mice sing for sex. I hadn’t thought of singing.
  • An indigo boy, who says that he was a Martian being seven meters in height in his past life, predicts mammoth catastrophes in 2009. Relax, get comfortable, and enjoy this one.
  • Mel Gibson’s latest passion: Maya culture.
  • If you’re open to the Hollow Earth theory, here’s some blog-fuel to add to your fire. A Russian oil surveyor and crew spot a large animal that exited through the polar opening only to freeze in the harsh surface climate. With video. I love this stuff.
  • The evolutionary process that Charles Darwin discovered almost 150 years ago, responsible for transforming dinosaurs into birds and allowing the walking ancestors of whales to take to the seas, is still quietly at work in humans today.
  • Zahi Hawass, head of Egypt’s Supreme Council for Antiquities, stands against the farmers that threaten the Pharaohs.
  • Zahi Hawass, the general secretary of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, stands to correct the wrongs of past museum curators, as he ‘discovers’ what may be the greatest trove of antiquities in Egypt – the uncharted basement of the Egyptian Museum.
  • The EU will spell Jesus Christ with a lower-case ‘c’, thus becoming Jesus christ. That solves everything, doesn’t it?
  • Intelligent-design decision dissected.
  • People who endure hay fever may one day find relief in a bowl of genetically modified rice.
  • America Goes Cryptozoology Crazy, but who could resist Bigfoot as a hairy lesbian, subterranean Reptilian humanoids or cave people wearing Viking helmets.
  • 2K Games, a publishing label of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc., is creating The Da Vinci Code game. Just in-time for Xmas – now why didn’t you think of that?
  • Two Italian boys were recovering in hospital on Tuesday after a 70-year-old man shot them with his hunting rifle because he was frightened by their Halloween costumes.
  • Music therapy helps treat cancer.
  • More than a symbol association with early English monarchs, lions once roamed the Tower of London. PETA would have had a conniption fit.
  • This article claims to reveal the source of several superstitions, but are you buying the Friday 13th explanation?
  • ’Peak Oil’, the idea being that oil production worldwide would increase until it reached a peak, followed by a decline to zero, the point where we run out of oil, is a ‘failed theory’. Black Gold Stranglehold is available at Amazon US and UK.
  • Astronauts will land the Moon with spades to dig for helium-3.
  • Astronomers from NASA believe they’ve captured traces of radiation from stars born during the universe’s infancy.
  • The upcoming mission to Earth’s evil twin planet should be full of surprises.
  • Astronomers zoom in on our galaxy’s glittering heart.
  • A giant ‘black widow’ is lurking in the Milky Way, spawning young and zapping its surroundings with intense radiation.

Thanks Dmitry ( and Thrustbucket.

Quote of the Day

The theories of Reed and Gardner found confirmation in the Arctic and Antarctic expeditions of Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd in 1947 and 1956 respectively, which penetrated for 1,700 miles beyond the North Pole and 2,300 miles beyond the South Pole, into a new unknown, iceless territory not recorded on a map, extending inside the polar depressions and openings that lead to the hollow interior of the earth….Admiral Byrd’s discovery is today a leading international top secret, and it has been so since it was first made in 1947. After Byrd made his radio announcement from his plane and after a brief press notice, all subsequent news on the subject was carefully suppressed by government agencies.

Dr. Raymond Bernard
The Hollow Earth (1979)
Amazon US and UK.

  1. Heheh, it’s ironic that the
    Heheh, it’s ironic that the two biggest polluters on Earth, China and the USA, are claiming Global Warming began 5000-years-ago. Hrmm, that puts it around the time the Pyramids of Giza were built. So they really were power plants!

    The Black Widow Nebula is amazing. I first thought of the Native American myth, of Spider at the centre of the Universe, spinning her web.

    Hollow Earth is something I must read more of. I lean heavily towards the theory that many alien encounters don’t originate from space, but from other dimensions … and from the ground beneath our feet.

    I’ll never be able to watch the singing mice in Babe with a straight face ever again. Neil Gaiman has some singing rats in his children’s novel, Coraline too.


  2. The Da Vinci Code
    As we should all know, the authors of Holy Blood Holy Grail are suing Dan Brown alleging he stole the their research for his book. While Brown claims The Da Vinci Code is largely fact, the research that Holy Blood Holy Grail is based on was long ago exposed as fraudulent. Moreover, Henry Lincoln, one of the authors of Holy Blood Holy Grail, knew this when he got together with Baigent and Leigh in 1986, according to this (Catholic propaganda?) site:

    Les Dossiers were fabricated by Philippe de Chérisey and by Philippe Toscan du Plantier, the latter being, Pierre Plantard claimed, a young disciple of his who operated under the influence of LSD.

    However, an even more shocking revelation is that it was Lincoln, under his original name of Henry Soskin in 1970, that added the further fiction that the Merovingians were descendants of the children born from the marriage between Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene.

    Yet none of the critics of the The Da Vinci Code or Holy Blood Holy Grail have paid the slightest attention to rationalist criticism of the Gospel stories themselves, which shows that both Jesus christ (little ‘c’) and Mary Magdalene were themselves probably fictitious characters.

    1. Sunken Giant
      Oh. My. Gods. The sunken giant has to be a hoax? Right? The head reminds me of a mexican walking fish, only a million times bigger. The composite image immediately reminds me of the classic chinese dragon. Surely this is a hoax?

      As for the frozen giant in Siberia, I just downloaded the video. I immediately began thinking, “this would make a fantastic novel/movie”, when I noticed the address on the video. Arkady is the name of a major character in the novels I’m currently writing.

      Thanks so much for these links, Element. If they were in the TDG news recently, i don’t know how the hell I missed ’em!



      1. time will tell
        Its also interesting with those two giants and seeing the supposed tsunami uncovered giant creature video from india a few weeks back (obvious hoax to me) what the deal with all these recent giant creature finds are suddenly comming to light? maybe the powers that be released the hoax(s) a few weeks before to discredit the real giant finds. ack there goes my consperacy theory mind again. Im still iffy on all the finds, your right it could be just more atlantis rising crap for a fiction movie or book. If so, I wish they wouldnt present it as real. Need more info, but theyve captured the imagination. Im ready for an expedition!

      1. Giants
        Has anyone bothered contacting Sony Playstation and asking them? 😉

        Also, someone needs to tell the genius at Museum of Hoaxes that Arkady isn’t an allusion to the town of Arkhamin HP Lovecract stories — it’s a bloody normal Russian name! Sometiems these skeptics think too much.

        The Russian video is obviously a hoax (Taurus Major is the name of one of the giants in the game Shadow of the Colossus, but the sunken giant in Southeast Asia is completely different.

        Very soon now a giant skull will be found in the Egyptian desert, and people will immediately think that Zahi Hawass was met with foul play …

  3. Gibson on the Maya
    Call me skeptical, but I just can’t imagine Mr. Gibson doing justice to the Maya culture. If his last movie is any indication, there will probably be a focus on the blood rituals.

    That said, with a big budget, maybe he will recreate a Mayan ball game which, even after seeing the courts in places like Copan, I can’t quite picture being played.

    Also, I heard the writers of the Black Gold book on Coast to Coast the other night, and had to turn them off when they agreed with Noory that Dinosaurs couldn’t be the source of all the oil.

    Ron D

    Ron D

      1. naptha
        Many ancient texts also speak of burning naptha raining down from the sky. I belive someday we will find oil is a very common natural substance that exists all throughout “space” and electric comets drag it around everywhere. Including into our atmosphere. Before we started using it up to the point of having to drill for it, it used to sit in pools on top of the ground.

        1. Re: naptha
          [quote=Element]I belive someday we will find oil is a very common natural substance that exists all throughout “space” and electric comets drag it around everywhere.[/quote]

          Or maybe we’ll find that it’s the result of a geochemical process that’s just not understood yet.

          yer ol’ pal,


  4. On the Hollow Earth theory –
    On the Hollow Earth theory – Very interesting video. I’d love to see National Geographic or someone like them go up there and do a special and show us just what was found. It sort of looked like mammoth hair that one of the guys was touching, but I couldn’t really tell.

    On the european Union spelling edict, I will now start spelling europe with lower case letters. What a bunch of politically correct cr*p!

    Celtic Coyote

  5. Greenhouses and Friday the 13th
    I maintain that our history (people) is so recent and sketchy as to render any conclusion about the earth-warming situation extremely ‘iffy’ at best. Horatio’s philosophy and science contains too many holes to come to the conclusions that are oft times made a part of our popular culture by those who would skew research and data to their own ends, whatever that may be. There are also what I call the catastrophe-mongers among us that have nothing better to do than to spread fear and even terror into the population. I don’t wish to write a tome on this here, but I do recall many examples of this dating back to ancient times. Someday I might write a book on this subject.
    “… are you buying the Friday 13th explanation?, wrote Bill. This has got to be the most outrageous hypothesis on the origin of Friday the 13th I have seen in a long time. The generally accepted notion about Friday the 13th is that it became ‘unlucky’ after the murder of the leader and majority of the Knights Templar. Some xtian types will do anything to persuade or attempt to dupe us into ‘their’ history to get themselves “off the hook” for anything that might look bad for them.

    1. Greenhouse Effect
      I agree that our understanding of the warming of the planet is limited to only our short time here. Isn’t it possible that it is a natural side effect of having life on the planet? If humans never evolved and say, for example, huge packs of flatulent buffalo roamed the world, couldn’t the same thing happen?

  6. egyptian artifacts discovered twice??
    Whilst Museum curators sit on their asses, Hawass assesses assets.
    Of the Museum, not the curators!

    It seems a little ironic to me , that Mr Hawass wants to bring to light objects that someone else has “pre-discovered.”
    By all means, Zahi, show us the wonders that may be unearthed from the bowels of the Egyptian Antiquities Museum, but please don’t forget what we all want to see…….., let us all see what is there on the Giza plateau. What is behind that door? What is there under the Sphinx? we are all dying to know…….

  7. I loved the video..
    … of the monster in the ice.It doesn’t matter if it is not real, it is wonderful.It gave me a lift and that’s what matters.

    I suppose the problems that Loren Coleman has are of his own making if he has pictures of Bigfoot as a big hairy lesbian.I mean, who could take that all seriously.I know I don’t.
    And yet, I believe that there are undiscovered species of animal all over the place.
    I read today in Cosmos mag that the scientists believe that there are hundreds of species of animals waiting to be discovered in the forests of Borneo.

    About Intelligent Design:I don’t know why a theory of design can’t be organised without it being referred back to the Christian god all the time.
    The entire evolution thing just isn’t quite right.

    I don’t think using lower case letters for JC is such a big deal.We have been using lower case for the buddha for years.Well at least I have.

    Thanks Bill, the pink bunny rabbit.


    1. Illuminating Shadows
      About Intelligent Design:I don’t know why a theory of design can’t be organised without it being referred back to the Christian god all the time.

      That’s a very good point, Shadows! The whole argument against ID seems to be geared towards Christian Creationism. So what about other faiths? Hindu creationism is still taught in Indian schools … and scientists would find that creationism according to the Vedic texts is pretty similar to their own scientific findings. 😉

      I’d like to see Evolutionists kick up a fuss with the Muslims and how they teach Creationism in their schools, and see how long they last. Christians, especially American fundamentalist Christians (and also Scientologists) are the easy target.

      rick (with a lower case “r”)

      1. I’d like to see ID taught…
        …without reference to any religion at all.What I mean is to tell the kids that we don’t know there is a god so we can’t say there isn’t.
        And for the kids to suggest how they think the universe came into being by an Intelligent Designer.
        It doesn’t always have to include religion.

        shadows (always with a lower case “s”.)

      2. Intelligent Design
        ID is not a theory. It never can be. Its very basis is irrational.

        Of course it will always go back to the Christian God because they are the ones pushing it.

        The whole argument against ID is not that it is Christian. It’s that it is not scientific.

        Of course Hindu and Muslim creationism should not be taught in schools. The fact that you bring it up at all shows your Christian bias.

        1. I don’t think any religious theory of creationism should be taug
          So I don’t know where you got that from.

          I don’t know why you say that ID is irrational.You’re not thinking beyond the square, Lee.
          Imagine if you will, a design made by something that knew it was making the design but was beyond our comprehension.
          It annoys me that everyone is so locked into the limitations of Creationism v Intelligent Design (that is, God.)

          Why do people expect to understand this?
          There is so much we do not know from our extremely limited perspective of life and the universe and absolutely everything.

          It appears to me, that by saying ID is irrational, you are hanging onto the scientific aspect because it is scientific.

          I am not saying I know there was ID of the universe.I haven’t got a clue, the same as you haven’t.
          It just annoys me that people state as facts that which they have no possible way of knowing is true.


          1. ID
            Imagine if you will, a design made by something…

            If you are going to use argument from imagination, then here is my counter-argument:

            Imagine there’s no heaven.
            It’s easy if you try.
            No hell below us
            Above us only sky.

          2. When it comes to ID
            All you can do is use imagination, but people do it all the time in SciFi.
            What did Arthur C.Clarke say? Or rather what did he quote from someone?

            The universe is not only stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine.

            Or something like that.

            And so I like to leave ID to my imagination, elimating religion and science which is very often wrong anyway.
            And I reckon my guess in the final analysis is going to be as useful as anything else.


          3. You Got That Right!

            Don’t get me wrong! I’m not a fan of Intelligent Design. But, nobody has all of the answers. We have a lot to learn! Personally, I don’t think we have as good an understanding of evolution as we think that we do! My guess is that it just happened. But, I don’t know! So, you have as much a chance of being correct as anybody does!


          4. Its anyone’s guess
            Kennc,I think the reason we don’t like the idea of ID is that it has always been accompanied by the religious teaching of a god that created everthing.
            My old darlin’ and I have argued for a lifetime about this.He won’t have anything to do with ID because of the religious affiliation and I keep saying to him to keep religion out of it.
            But he can’t.
            He keeps coming up with the word Creationism and I nearly go nuts saying NO, I mean something else other than the religious idea of a creator.
            He has the same problem with anything spiritual.
            He is the most spiritual person I know but if you say that to him he freaks out and thinks I am saying he is religious.
            I really think schools should focus on what the students might think was the beginning of everything, and then use evolution to show how mostly things evolved from there.
            Get kids to think about it instead of saying…this is what happened, and you can’t believe anything else.

            I hope you know what I am talking about.


          5. I Can Understand Jan And You!

            I’m somewhere in the middle; but, I closer to Jan! When I look at the world around me, I can see pockets of intelligence, but not intelligent design. I would view some form of biological engineering as a possibility, but a very slim possibility. I simply don’t know and I’m not claiming to know anything except that we don’t know enough to be dogmatic!

            I’m in very strong agreement with your educational ideas!!!


          6. This Might Help You Understand Jan’s Position Better!

            The major western faiths, Christianity and Judaism, proclaim that there is a loving caring God. This God is all powerful, always present with us, the transcendent ruler of the universe, knows all, sees all, and, at the same time, this God or Spiritual Force is a personal God or Spiritual Force that cares for us personally and always protects us!

            It is WWII. When you include all groups, Jews, Slavs, Roma (Gypsies), Homosexuals, etc., well over 15,000,000 innocent people are slaughtered in Europe and this figure does not include combatants, Pows, or victims of bombing raids! Jan lived through this! In this inhumane slaughter, “Where is this all powerful, loving, and caring God or Spiritual Force?” Is there a God or Spiritual Force? Does God exist? Does any spiritual force exist? How can this God or Spiritual Force allow this to happen? Is God dead? Have our religious leaders been lying to us? What do you think that Jan might think?


        2. Er … my “christian bias”??
          Er … my “christian bias”?? Heh, I’m anything but biased towards any religion! My point is that Evolutionists only seem to be attacking Christian Creationists in America — yet they completely ignore Hindu and Muslim creationists. Why? Because Evolutionists are cowards, and it’s more a crusade against Fundamentalist American Christians than against Creationism itself.

          1. You attack “Evolutionists”
            You attack “Evolutionists” (who are these people?); you attack Muslim creationists; you attack Hindu creationists. Yet you defend American Christian Creationists. It’s becoming clear that you are pro-Creationist, anti-Muslim, anti-Hindu, anti-scienctist, and anti-science. In other words, you are a useful idiot to the NeoCons.

          2. Rick is making a suggestion
            Based on his sxtreme desire for peace.
            He is THE Peacemaker on this site.
            You and earthling are both being a bit bombastic in your attitude that he is FOR Creationism.
            He is not.
            He is saying that no one criticises the other religions when they teach Creationism in their religious schools, so why does all this argument hang on the Christian theory of Creationism.
            I agree with him.
            Some people, and I have a son exactly like Rick, cannot stand arguments over things that you could sit down and discuss sensibly and then agree to disagree.
            Calling Rick an idiot is hardly fair.
            So apologise immediately.


          3. nicely done…….
            remember that paper i sent you??? then i mentioned ” follow the pattern”. this is not too different.
            ID had nothing to do with religion originally. So why has religion jumped onto it’s back???????????
            It’s not to hard to work out…………………..

            DISCLAIMER: the opinions and veiws in this post are mine only and are not those of others or of TDG. Any similarities are by chance only.

          4. Creationists are dangerous people
            Rico, scientists are not cowards. Creationalists in the United States are dangerous people – they are trying to take over control of the educational system. I have seen them do this over many years. Proposing the teaching of Intelligent Design is their latest attempt.

            They have tried before with Creationism.

            They have tried by lying about their beliefs to get elected to school councels.

            They have tried with bribery, scare tactics, death threats.

            Fundamentalist American Christians tell me that I am not a Christian because my belief is not precisely equivalent to theirs.

            Fundamentalist American Christians burn books – I have seen, in the history of my (recent) ancestors organizations who burned books, only to graduate a little later to burning people, on a large scale. And this was not the first time this sort of thing happened.

            That is why I oppose any attempt to bring religious teaching into science classes, and why I will call these people liars – because they are.

            Do I need to be more subtle than that?

        3. rational………….
          give me one GOOD reason why ID cannot be a theory!

          DISCLAIMER: the opinions and veiws in this post are mine only and are not those of others or of TDG. Any similarities are by chance only.

          1. Some People Believe In ID And Some Don’t!

            There are no reasons why ID can’t be a theory! ID is a theory! When I look at the world around me, however, I can’t buy into ID; but, that’s just my perspective. My perspective doesn’t alter the fact that ID is a theory and I’ll disagree with anyone who says that it isn’t a theory!


          2. kennc………….
            thankyou for your surport.
            BUT…………ID can be applied to what we were talking about awhile ago. Don’t you think? It does not have to be associated with the Christian GOD!
            A GOD may have created a first race ( angels to some ) then the first race created other beings. All with a master plan in mind. The DNA was encoded when created with the nessesary steps for the evolution of that race.
            Lets face it…if natual selection and evolution of the fittest was correct…then we would all be bacteria and slime. Or a cockroach! These things are able to survive were we cannot!
            Many things to think about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            PS. kennc, I thought you lived in Japan?????? jeeeezzzzzz man, don’t you ever sleep????????

            DISCLAIMER: the opinions and veiws in this post are mine only and are not those of others or of TDG. Any similarities are by chance only.

          3. You Can Alway Count On My Support, But Not On My Agreement!

            ID can definitely be applied to what we were talking about before! I totally agree with that; but, we disagree on evolution! In my opinion, intelligence and adaptability have more to do with evolution than any other factors. The fittest does not necessarially mean the strongest or the most powerful. Let’s take one example. Julius Caesar was considered to be a tall Roman. He was about 5 ft. 6 in. tall. The average Roman was about 5 ft. 1 in. tall; but, with organization, skill, and intelligence, they build a large empire. Most of their enemies were physically more powerful than they were! My argument is simple. Intelligent life in the Universe simply happened! I don’t think that it was planned and I’m sure that the odds were against it! But, after the evolution of intelligent life, ID makes sense in relation to the continued evolution of intellinent life. Have you ever considered the possibility that all intelligent life is not corporial! Maybe we evolve beyond our physical state or maybe our physical state is just a phase that we go through and what we call death is just a transition into a non-corporial state. I don’t know!

            What do you think?


            Yes, I live in Japan and I have my own free lance business. Sleep? I’m trying to remember! Oh Yes! I get about 6 hours of sleep most nights and I sleep on trains! I average another 90 minutes of sleep a day while going to visit my clients! The public transportation here is great! I stopped driving almost as soon as I got here and I gave-up my driver’s lisence over 13 years ago! Energy crisis? What energy crisis?

          4. not falsifiable
            ID relies on a Designer who is beyond any measurement, beyond this world. There is no way anyone could come up with proof that ID is incorrect, since anything inconsistent can simply be attributed to a “miracle” performed by the Designer.

            This means it is not a theory in the scientific sence, since it can never be disproved.

          5. ID Can Be Neither Be Proved Nor Disproved!

            The fact that ID can be neither proved nor disproved does mean that it is not a theory in the scientific sence. It means that, for now, we can’t test the theory and the same thing could have been said in 1905 about many implications of Einstein’s Theories. But, they were theories none the less!


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