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Radio 26-08-2005

Here’s the rundown on the radio schedules for the second half of the week:

Whitley Strieber’s Dreamland: This week’s guest is John Major Jenkins discussing his discovery of an Aztec codex that reveals the meaning of 2012.

Coast to Coast AM: Friday is open lines, on Saturday medical maverick Dr. William Campbell Douglass talks about the health benefits of tobacco, Sunday’s guests are Brendan Cook and Barbara McBeath with recorded voices of ghosts (EVP).

Fate Radio: This week’s guest on Fate Radio is Roger Leir, who discusses a UFO crash in Brazil.

More details including relevant websites are available at the linked pages above – Fate Radio is a Real Audio download from the link above. Remember also that while Coast to Coast is subscription, it can be listened to through KOGO, while Dreamland is free. Dreamland also now offers a podcast of the most recent show.

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