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News Briefs 04-03-2005

Welcome to the ‘Michael Jackson-free’ TDG news zone …………..

  • Australian archaeologists discover a hidden chamber containing a pristine mummy that is almost as fresh as the day she was buried, 2,500-year ago. Zahi Hawass maintains his status as the most famous archaeologist that has ever lived by unveiling the mummy.
  • Critics silenced by skull scans of of Homo floresiensis, aka the ‘hobbit’.
  • Plans are being made to free a woman of a stone-carved scarab from the tomb of Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun, which she believes has cast a curse on her family.
  • An archaeologist says Germany’s ‘Sky Disk’ is a fake.
  • The high tech of prehistory.
  • Two thousand years ago in Peru, a mysterious and little known civilization tore itself apart.
  • The ancient Chinese used rice pudding as cement.
  • Evolution: It’s only a theory, but one worth teaching. However, turkey mating games challenge theory of ‘survival of the fittest’.
  • Brazil clears way for GM crops.
  • Bill Gates received his honorary knighthood, but don’t call him ‘Sir Bill’.
  • A scientist has rated bird IQs. Your parrot has an intellectual superior.
  • Animal stories that may melt your cold, cold heart: An adult goat at a nature preserve has adopted a baby rhinoceros whose mother was killed by poachers. Wyoming woman rescues lost giant tortoise.
  • Animal experts admit that they had no explanation for a spate of what appear to be canine suicides – all from the same spot.
  • What about ‘plant’s rights’? New research opens a window on the minds of plants.
  • A strange world of see-through shrimp, crabs and other life forms teems around a newly explored field of thermal vents near the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Germans discover a cabbage-loving gene. I like cabbage, but not sauerkraut.
  • Scientists discover why the North Pole is frozen.
  • What we see and how we perceive things isn’t always a matter of black or white.
  • In an opinion piece, Thomas Keyes believes that you’re a fool if you believe in superstition, magic or religion.
  • God under a microscope.
  • Town considers removing Carlisle’s ‘Cursing Stone’.
  • Is telepathy truth or fiction?
  • The Collapse of Societies: From Easter Island to Iraq – to Western World?
  • Laser-boy sees people’s illnesses in the mirror.
  • The man who died a hundred times.
  • Russian scientist predicted tsunami two days before it hit Southeast Asia.
  • Adventurer Steve Fossett became the first man ever to make an around-the-world trek solo and without refueling.
  • Remember the word – sonoluminescence – a star in a jar. Researchers strive to create and harness bubble-driven desktop fusion.
  • Researchers have found new evidence that the laws of quantum mechanics apply not just to microscopic particles such as atoms and electrons, but also to large electronic devices called superconducting quantum bits (qubits).
  • Two filmmakers, researching for their movie about extra terrestrials, were detained over the weekend by government agents outside the infamous government facility known as Area 51. Maybe they really mean it when they say ‘Keep Out”.
  • How is it that a huge (football field size) UFO is seen by 50 or more people near Mt. Beacon but the event goes unreported? There’s a reason for that.
  • What would you call an dinosaur-skinned, agile, erect, three or four feet tall, two-legged creature with eyes the size of hens’ eggs, long fangs, and multicolored spikes down its head and back that is hopping animatedly in the yard outside your house? Some call it el Chupacabra (the Goatsucker).
  • NASA satellite sees ocean plants increase, coasts greening. Chicken little is disappointed.
  • More than 7,000 people have signed up for Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic space ship.
  • A mystery object near the center of our galaxy is sending out powerful pulses of radio waves. What made the five strong radio bursts at the center of our galaxy?
  • Given the immensity of the Cosmos, it is a mathematical impossibility that we are alone. The chances are very high that you will encounter another intelligent life-form in the course of your life and when you do it may come as a big surprise. It’s time to prepare for our first encounter.
  • The process that formed the giant planet Jupiter may also have spawned some of the tiniest and oldest members of our solar system — millimeter-sized spheres called chondrules, the major part of the most primitive meteorites.
  • A team of European astronomers have discovered a highly structured cluster of thousands of galaxies at an incredible 9 billion light-years away. In other words, this structure was highly evolved only a few billion years after the Big Bang; a situation that should be impossible, according to current theories.
  • New images reveal volcanic hotspot on Mars.
  • Jupiter’s second-largest moon, Europa, may have more than water under its fissured, icy crust – there may be life hiding in the cracks. Europa, The Ocean Moon is available at Amazon US and UK.
  • Can a human survive a trip to Mars?

Thanks Marlin.

Quote of the Day

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

Arthur Schopenhauer

German philosopher (1788 – 1860)

  1. Welcome to the ‘Michael Jackson-free’ TDG news zone
    I’m glad this is now a MJ Free Zone. I’m sick of hearing about that case. It is the top news on all stations and it is not the most important thing in most people’s lives.

    Celtic Coyote

  2. Survival of the Fittest
    The author of this article has actually misinterpreted the term ‘Survival of the Fittest’ himself. His opening line indicates that his interpretation of the term involves combat! He doesn’t seem to realise that the kinship selection is still just a part of natural selection and that it may still be beneficial to the individual. As far as I know, cooperation and altruism are just genetic behaviour…

  3. 50 or more people near Mt. Beacon
    lineage SSW(football) NNE(fans) the cause for zero reports were that the folks realized the insignifficance of the event for their daly routine or alike … ha! it was they were considering themselves ordinary people ! now ! they sayd if anything such is going to be part of our society then there (by me: most probably) would be a lot of enthusiast-carierists (i hope its english) who would form the (my term:)culture exchange commitee (me off) in between developed civililizations and ! ordinary people – thats them and also not alot change to their daily routine, yo hoo(=recollected on a run)

    by Plutos’

  4. Blog turnover
    Hi Greg,

    Considering the number of blogs produced these days, could you be persuaded into lenghtening the list to say 20 , this would keep interest and discussions alive longer and possibly create more depth too.

    ” do unto others as you would have them do unto you “

    1. Area 51 Alien Brain Gutted
      I do not know what I read about those film makers is true or not?????WHen they spoke of having footage of an Alien’s brain getting gutted, it reminded me of the Roswell Alien Autopsy film, and if these fim makers deem that to be tru??? I think anything at this point can be deemed real…I think this si a hype story , kind of like a press release in a way for them to promote their new movie…First I would like to know where they got the footage, if it was the two guys who are making the film , and if so, how could they get that close to film the autospy without being busted then?????
      Also, I may be mistaken here, but the story said area 51 became famous in the 50s when a space ship or UFO crashed there….Well, that is like Roswell in 1947. I was born in Las Vegas, right near area 51 perspectively, Nellis Airforce Base is right there in front of Sunrise Mountain. AS much as I hve investigasted UFOs even when I was very very young,there were NEVER any rumors about ships dropping in that area. Area 51 became “famous,” during the late 80s and mostly 90s…..George Knapp and Bob Lazarr were “doindg” it…Geroge was a televsion news reporter in Vegas…So this news story does not seem right to me….did any one else notice any similarities with Roswell?

      Dr. Colette M. Dowell ND
      Circular Times
      Moving Forward Publications

    2. In between
      Hi Tox,

      I’ve stretched it out to 15, see how that goes…we’ll move up to 20 only if necessary. Don’t want too many long lists about the place.

      Peace and Respect
      You monkeys only think you’re running things

      1. yowies
        Greg, where are you going yowie hunting?
        Kilcoy reckons they’ve got yowies but I don’t know about that.There seem to be some in the hinterland from Noosa I hear.
        I hope you see some,


  5. MJ free
    First of all Bill, thank you for keeping this a MJ free zone.I appreciate it.

    Chinese use rice pudding for cement.What’s so new about that.If you talked to my sons they would rell you stories of cement I have made over the years that became infamous in the history of our family.Rice pudding cement is only one of them

    The dogs suiciding….could they be seeing something that no one else is?
    That’s a very strange story.

    That is not MY parrot to which they are referring when they say how smart crows are.That is everyone elses’ parrot.
    MY parrot is thinking of studying medicine next year once I teach him how to use a stethoscope.

    About Roswell and the aliens, as Colette wrote, I never did believe there was a UFO crash at Roswell.
    Sorry, but you have to be a bit realistic about these things.I don’t know what is going on at Area 51, like the rest of the world, but I think a few people with their intention of cashing in on the UFO phenomenon have badly misled the public.
    The UFO situation I believe to be nothing at all to do with little grey men with large eyes and reptilian creatures.
    It is far more than that and far more mysterious.
    See Jeff Nisbett for underground sites.

    Well done Billy,great links today,


    1. 04-03-2005 News
      Hi Shadows,

      Of course, your parrot is the exception. ;o)

      I found the article on dogs committing suicide very disturbing. Suicide is not typical of canines. “See” might be the wrong term – “sense” might be better. That’s downright scary.

      I disagree with you on Roswell. I would believe almost anything rather than by the government’s explanations. They’ve had four official explanations over the years. On Area 51, visit this site: That’s not an endorsement, it’s just interesting.


      1. area 51
        Billy, is this the sort of experiments you do?
        It looks very dangerous to me.
        I suppose you live close to it and it is convenient, but you know yourself it is not very safe.
        Take care,


        1. Triagle Ship Graphics on Seekers
          Hey, I checked out that Seekers page with the triangle craft…..The graphics are really good. THe picutre of the triangle craft in the mountains was done deliberately wasn’t it, I mean that was a cut and paste job, right? That was made just to give the viewers an idea of what the craft might look like in the mountain valleys during the day time at that perspective????? THat picture is not to be considerd real is it????

          Hey Bill, do you build these or is Seekers your site? I just went to that page you had listed….Roswell might have happened, I am not saying that, I am saying the article about the film makers in area 51 didn’t seem right to me…..It was like the story of Roswell but in a different location. I am just curious how in the world did “they” get in to film the footage of the gutiing brain of the aliean, if this is a different footage then the Alien Autopsy, or if it is the same footage. If it is the same footage rom the first film ALien Autopsy then it is a fake….So I just am wondering….
          When I was young, we saw many “UFOs” but that was because we were right virutally inside of Nellis airforce base and its flyzone…Las VEgas’s boudaries hit Nellis…I was born in 1957…I have seen Vboth Vegas and Nellis develpoe, although I have not been to Vegas in a few years. My grandmother owned the land near Sunrise Mountain where NEliis expanded. She sold the property to them in the late 70s or just when it turned aorund 1980 or so……I think….can’t really remember. But, one time I do remeber my father calling inot the sheriffs department and Police and Nellis and HUghes Airport…(Back then Howard Hughes owned the localairport)….anyway, he reported a UFO tht had followed us from Interstate 15 ???? into Vegas,from the Death Valley area, right hovering over our neigborhood, so he wanted to know if any one else had reported an unusual craft as well. THere are a few more instances when we actually stopped the car and my father took out his binoculars and his hunting telescope. We watched soem crafts drop smaller crafts from something like a mothership….I saw this too and watched it through his telescope. I remember that very well. THat was on Interstate 15 too. I was probably 5 or so…..THere was also Beatty test site, blowing off bombs all of the tiem and shaing the ground, the chandeliers would swing in circles all of the time….There was alot of testing going on with bombs, flying aircraft and who really knows what all. THe area expanded because of the desert and fly area bing free…It is pretty recluse, or it use to be, only horny toads and cactus….only dirt roads to where you wanted to go, except for very few secondary highways….I do not know what it looks like now over in that area…I hear many stories from a friend of mine that still lives in Vegas and he knows truck drivers that go in and out of that area hauling construction materail and also some kind of equipment…Bill, are yuo saying they made this triangle craft over there at area51? I have now forgotten and I do not want to go backwards on my browser….but anyway, nice pics.

          Dr. Colette M. Dowell ND
          Circular Times
          Moving Forward Publications

          1. UFOs
            What I do is no more dangerous than growing roses. Those things have thorns.

            That site I linked is not mine. I would guess that the first two pics are real (maybe); the rest are pure imagination.


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