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Skeptical of Randi

The Skeptical Investigations website has a new ‘skeptic of the month‘, with Professor of Biology Lewis Wolpert getting the latest gong. Also available on the website is a new feature article titled “The Randi $1M Challenge – So what?“, by Randi’s fellow ‘psychic entertainer’, Loyd Auerbach. Plenty of other interesting content to browse as well if you haven’t visited before.

  1. I’m with Auerbach on this one
    I totally agree with Auerbach on this.Who cares about Randi’s million bucks!!!!
    The reason why Randi will never hand over this money is that paranormal phenomena is extremely hard to prove.Randi knows this and sits there laughing.
    How are you going to prove that a dying child saw the people who came to take her home to the afterlife when she didn’t want to die, as I know happened.
    How are you going to prove that a friend of mine has his dead grandfather come to visit him whenever something momentous happens to his family in another country.The new he receives from the grandfather always turns out to be true.
    But how could you prove that to Randi’s satisfaction.
    How are you going to prove that another friend of mine was chased in her car by a huge revolving UFO that buzzed her car and acted like it was trying to cut them off the road like a steer from the herd.That the trauma that this caused to her and her teenage daughter on a dark and lonely road far from the town has never left them after 30 years and that she cannot talk about it, only whispering it in secrecy to me one day because she knew I took an interest in such things.This woman had never heard of UFOs, she was a farmer’s wife, and thought it was a visitation from the devil.
    How could you prove to Randi that the dead remain behind sometimes and stay around like in a hospital I worked in once, where the ghost of an old nursing sister walked the wards at night checking on all the patients.And was seen by every student nurse that ever worked there.No I wan’t a student nurse, and did not see it, but believe that hundreds of people would not make this up.
    How would I prove to Randi that whenever I ask my dead mother for a sign she sends me one.Sometimes it takes weeks, and I have to look for it, but no matter how bizarre it is, it arrives.
    How would you prove to Randi the synchronicities of life, that I call signposts,that prove to you that you are on the right road, and this is where you are supposed to be at this point in time.
    You cannot prove these things and I don’t care to try and prove them anymore.For those people who scorn such phenomena I can only have pity as I think they are missing so much that could colour their world.
    The skeptic of the month who says that an open mind only lets things fall out is obviously speaking for himself and not the rest of the world.
    What sort of society would he be living in now if people like Gallilleo and Newton and Voltaire and Edison and so many others had accepted the status quo and not wanted to change our ideas.
    These skeptics should welcome the fact that we live in such a colourful and wonderful world that we could not possibly have even a 10% knowledge of.


    1. Sleight of Mind
      The only way to “prove” the ‘reality’ of psi to the Great Amasculated Randi, is to hand one of his “panelists” a card which he (Randi) cannot see (because his back is turned in a room without mirrors, windows or hidden camera attached to secret monitor), and for someone of ability in the energetic manipulation department, to give him a ‘heart attach’ (a ‘palpable’ [palpitating] example of power?), and then tell “The Amazing Randi” either ‘fork it over, or cross over’ and see where his ethics/imagination falls. (And I hope you all know I’m joking here.)

      But I still agree with Auerbach. Anything short of bringing fire cascading from the skies in front of the entire memebership ot the pathetic “Sceptic” community, would not be enough to convince.

      And even then, they would claim that the “psychic” had somehow mass hypnotised the audience into seeing what they “saw.”

      Ignorance is bliss. (Especially in the “Sciences.” ‘I think, therefore I skew my protocols.’)

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