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News Briefs 12-11-2004

I’m getting that achy, tired feeling that usually means the flu. I hate that.

  • The fearsome Tyrannosaurus rex gnawed bones like a modern-day dog.
  • African rock art under the threat of – guess what.
  • A fossilized jaw found in an Alberta gravel pit may have cleared up a mystery for researchers wondering how brown bears originally made it across North America.
  • Here’s a 26-minute video on Ice Age humans in South Carolina.
  • American Indian languages are dying off.
  • Archeological discoveries dating back to about 10-thousand years ago reveal the ancient practice of make-up application that women and men used in what is now Iran.
  • Extinction in the ocean’s mud presages key ecological changes.
  • Spinach power adds muscle to batteries.
  • Scientists unleash a pack of phorid flies to stop the relentless march of red fire ants across the United States.
  • While Hurricane Charley was pounding Florida, the fish sang.
  • The arctic is melting fast and may swamp the U.S. coasts by 2099. Let’s just round it off to 3000. Global warming to expose Arctic to oil,gas drilling.
  • While the south-east of Australia has gone through years of drought, new research shows the rest of the country including the center, is getting wetter.
  • Indonesia peat fires may fuel global warming.
  • Talks at the United Nations appear to have failed to avert a new U.N. confrontation over a U.S.-led drive to ban all cloning of human embryos including for stem cell research
  • Do not ignore the danger of cell phones.
  • A new airborne combat robot prepares for duty.
  • A scramjet team funded by the U.S. and Australian armed forces will shoot for Mach 10.
  • The Double Slit Experiment, the simplest of quantum weirdness experiments, has been the basis of many of the unintuitive interpretations of quantum physics. You will have to read this four times to even pretend to understand it.
  • Ghosts stop a barn demolition.
  • Mind control: The Zombie Effect.
  • Americans expose the Russian X-ray Girl.
  • What best explains the UFO phenomenon?
  • Theorists tackle astronomer’s mysterious ‘baby’ planet.
  • An ambitious new Dutch program intends to get a glimpse of an ancient moment, 13 billion years back, when the first stars winked on and primitive galaxies began to form.
  • Europe’s Mars Express spacecraft has taken its most detailed image yet of the Red Planet’s largest moon, Phobos.
  • Avast, spaceman. Unfurl a lightweight, football field-sized sheet from your spacecraft and set sail for Mars.
  • There will be no surfing on Titan, Dude.
  • A second black hole is found at the center of our Galaxy.
  • New photos of Uranus reveal a ringed planet in flux.
  • Europe’s first lunar spacecraft is set to go into orbit around the Moon on Monday.
  • Taking a CAT scan of the early universe.

Quote of the Day:

What I am going to tell you about is what we teach our physics students in the third or fourth year of graduate school… It is my task to convince you not to turn away because you don’t understand it. You see my physics students don’t understand it… That is because I don’t understand it. Nobody does.

Richard Feynman

  1. Flu

    Go get a Tamiflu shot — TODAY !!! That’s not a vaccine — it’s the antiviral shot that works against flu, but only it you get one within about 24 hours of developing symptoms.

    1. math skills or humor?

      I saw The Day After Tomorrow this week. What a hoot!

      I was thinking more on the lines of MST3k or Mystery Science Theater 3000 – science fiction. The models used don’t include cyclical changes or real-world climate factors like dust and clouds.

      Too subtle, huh? Pass the Nyquil.


  2. Quantum 2 slit experiment
    The two slit experiment is not too difficult to grasp if you go slow. General theory of relativity is harder, and so is calculus.

    Understanding this experiment is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Although materialists are loath to admit it, and they engage in endless sophistry to deny it, the two slit experiment along with non-locality, conclusively demonstrates that the world is not a “material” world in the sense we normally mean it.

    Materialism is a religion, and those who adhere to this fantasy/fear are religious fanatics just as blind and arrogant as members of any other religion or belief system. They stare right into the face of the next giantic revolution in science (this experiment) and still fail to understand what the implications are.

    Students of mysticism and meditation will find that the quantum issues that are so puzzling to the materialist are, in fact, exactly what one would expect to find in a consciousness based universe. Every year brings more and more startling physics discoveries that fit perfectly with “universe as a big dream” and absolutely do not fit “material is all there is”

    The two slit experiment is a supremely important and valuable thing for anybody and everybody to grasp in it’s entirety. I am astonished that it is not well known by every educated human being. It is the single most beautiful and fantastic discovery of science to date, and hardly anybody knows about it. I have been studying it and using it in various meditation experiments for years.

    Our bodies and everyting else in the universe are nothing more than a great big collection of these weird little subatomic doodads that are used in the experiment. To this day mainstream science does not have a clue what they are made of, and cannot explain their illogical behavior.

    What is the point of trying to understand reality (or anything else) through Evolution, Aliens, Biology, Botany, secret bible codes, DNA research, Chemistry, et all, when none of these disciplines has a fricking clue what the basic unit of construction is for all existance? This is like trying to study a language by memorizing the words, but not bothering to find out what they mean.

    Study the two slit experiment my DG brethren! You life will be forever enhanced by this. Two best places to read about it are in Feymans book “6 Easy Pieces” or Brian Greens new book “Fabric of the Cosmos”


    1. quantum mechanics
      Hi Dashour,
      My brother told me years ago that I should study quantum mechanics as I have a good brain.It took me years to stop laughing, and I still break out into a guffaw each time I think of what he said.Hurhurhur.
      Is there a book that is of the Dick and Dora ilk,so that people like myself whose eyes glaze over at the sight of a stack of numbers can easily handle it?
      I absolutely hate it when I get a great book on alternative theories and then come across pages and pages of graphs and such.


      1. Quantum Astronomy
        This was the first article of a four-part series, each article having a separate explanation of different quantum phenomena. Since there appears to be interest, I shall link the remaining three when they are available. The discussion is appreciated. We’ll all get smart together.


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