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News Briefs 15-10-2004

Join me in a little tour of things that I found interesting and wanted to share with you. The value of this knowledge will be revealed at a later date.

  • One more time. In the dino-extinction debate, dinosaurs and science writers are the losers.
  • A sleeping dragon in a bird-like repose has been unearthed.
  • It may hard to believe, yet lush ferns and dinosaurs coexisted in Canada’s great north 240-million years ago. A mere-152 million years ago dinosaurs were tromping through Switzerland.
  • The 3,600 year old Sky Disk of Nebra — the world’s oldest image of the cosmos — is the centerpiece of the biggest Bronze Age show of Europe.
  • The world’s oldest staircase is discovered in Austria.
  • More than 300 years before the Soviet Union launched its Sputnik satellites and American astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped on to the Moon, England had its own ambitious space program.
  • Blindness may have provided an evolutionary advantage to a certain kind of fish that lives in dark underwater caves.
  • An image of how John Lennon would have looked if he were still alive has been created by scientists.
  • An ancient Chinese folk remedy packs an anti-cancer punch. A Japanese heart surgeon is getting good results in treating diabetics with an old cure once practiced by Australian Aborigines – maggots. We wonder if these tomato vaccines against Hepatitis and AIDS work. Energising alternatives.
  • The state of Florida is moving ahead with plans to reroute water through the Everglades in an effort to save the precious wetlands. A good start might be to quit draining swamps to build Disneyworlds.
  • Israeli wildlife experts are desperately searching for hundreds of stolen baby crocodiles sold as household pets. Uh, when they grow-up they …. oh never-mind, you’ll find out later.
  • A middle-aged Australian woman sleepwalker sneaked out the house to have sex with a series of strangers. That’s your story, lady, stick with it.
  • Lava has begun to ooze out of Mount St. Helens. NASA’s keeping a space-eye on it. Great pics.
  • Mathematical “truth serum” promotes honesty. Truth wizards know when you are lying.
  • Physicists at NIST have proposed a new way to slow light down to almost one-millionth its usual speed–to the mere speed of a jet aircraft.
  • An electronic robot tongue gives sweet tastes a licking.
  • There is a growing community out there with absolutely no desire to have sex. Sorry.
  • Pot heads can’t stop puking. Now there’s a visual for you. Here’s another – Furry teeth can be a wine drinker’s friend.
  • Scientists find new clues underlying mood disorders.
  • An earthquake shakes up gravity.
  • British scientists believe they have found an environmentally-friendly alternative to petroleum to power cars.
  • An unexplained jump in greenhouse gases -evidence of accelerating global warming or is just a blip.
  • Throughout the world amphibians are in deep trouble.
  • So what have we here, another dead Chupacabra in Texas? You’re closer to Lufkin than I, Cernig. Go take a look.
  • A woman tells her story of being married to Bigfoot. No, we don’t make this stuff up. [Check the non-endorsement at the bottom of the page. We wonder if Xerox doesn’t recommend reading Pravda.]
  • Summit makes a big, hairy deal of Texas town.
  • Scientists prepare to plunge through a haze of hydrocarbons and methane clouds onto a surface of seven-kilometer-high ice mountains and liquid methane seas.
  • A newfound star cluster may be the final Milky Way ‘fossil’.
  • UK astronomers scan the skies for threat from space.

Quote of the Day:

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

(Anything in Latin sounds profound.)

  1. Bad Links
    Dear Bill,
    I was suprised today at the number of bad links found at The Daily Grail. I was interested in the ‘Puking Potheads’ & ‘Hairy Toothed Wine Drinkers’. But especially the article ‘I was married to BigFoot’ because, you see, that I too am married to BigFoot, however I could never call her that to her face & survive.
    Thanks for all the information.


    1. Bad Links
      Hi Jreichel52,

      Your comment caused me to re-check every posted link. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with any of them. I guess you got me.

      You must have meant ‘bad links’ in some other way that I thought. I guess if the three articles that you mentioned are applicable to your sitution then you would consider them as ‘bad’ reminders.

      Sorry about that. :o(


  2. Texas Chupacabra
    There has been some suggestions that this animal is (was) a Muntjac, a small antelope-like creature imported to England from China. Here is the address of one article on the animal but there are many more.
    It seems to me that if this creature was a Muntjac, then it may be warning us of some kind of environmental catastrophe looming on the horizon. So-called experts say that the huge canines are the result of mal-nourishment in dogs, coyotes, etc. If so, why was one eating mulberrys and the other pears? This proves they were herbivores and lends credance to the Muntjac theory. Yet, if they were eating food and yet still suffered with necrotic skin tissue, some really hideous disease is affecting them. I also think that these creatures need to be examined with a Geiger Counter, just to make sure that the radiation sickness element is ruled out.

    1. Texas Chupacabra
      Interesting post. There are many exotic game ranches in south Texas. Perhaps this animal escaped and couldn’t survive in an unfamiliar environment. Starving doesn’t look good on anything.


  3. Pot Vomit
    Sounds like this poor schmoe was smoking paraquat sprayed weed. More hysterical articles to daemonize a poor innocent plant.

    Forced Anonymous by our Perilous Times

  4. Hydrocarbon Titan
    There was this guy that had a theory that the primal Earth was full of hydrocarbons, that got trapped in the mantel from a variety of mechinisms, and bubbled slowly to the surface through fissures and such. He said any oil field would eventually refill over decades. I can’t remember this guy’s name, nor can I find any reference about him on the internet. I know he’s not a figment of my imagination. . . do any DGer’s remember the guy I’m talking about? Anyway, the findings from the Titan probes would have vindicated him. If the early Earth looked like that, then all the oil we’ve consumed since the dawn of the industrial era until today is but a tiny spit of the total amount available somewhere within the Earth. How to get it becomes the question . . .

    Unlimited Oil . . . any talk of the contrary could be a control ploy by the power elite.



    The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.

    George Bernard Shaw

      1. Thomas Gold
        Yes, this is the guy. Based on his theory, the amount of primordial hydrocarbons locked in the crust and mantel is staggering. We would pollute our whole biosphere to death before we even put a dent in those kinds of quantities. . . and if this were true, the whole oil scarcity geopolitical turmoil that we are going through is the heart of the ‘GREAT LIE’ as foretold by George Orwell in his book ‘1984’.

        Peace is where you find it.


        1. More Gold
          Hi Skyman, I was in Sweden about ten years ago when Gold was getting a wildcat drilling job done with cooperation with the Swedish government. The whole point of the effort was to confirm his theory by looking for oil in a place that he could predict, but wouldn’t have fit the standard profile. Unfortunately, it was apparently a dry hole, so I think he is still looking for validation.


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