Join me in a little tour of things that I found interesting and wanted to share with you. The value of this knowledge will be revealed at a later date.
- One more time. In the dino-extinction debate, dinosaurs and science writers are the losers.
- A sleeping dragon in a bird-like repose has been unearthed.
- It may hard to believe, yet lush ferns and dinosaurs coexisted in Canada’s great north 240-million years ago. A mere-152 million years ago dinosaurs were tromping through Switzerland.
- The 3,600 year old Sky Disk of Nebra — the world’s oldest image of the cosmos — is the centerpiece of the biggest Bronze Age show of Europe.
- The world’s oldest staircase is discovered in Austria.
- More than 300 years before the Soviet Union launched its Sputnik satellites and American astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped on to the Moon, England had its own ambitious space program.
- Blindness may have provided an evolutionary advantage to a certain kind of fish that lives in dark underwater caves.
- An image of how John Lennon would have looked if he were still alive has been created by scientists.
- An ancient Chinese folk remedy packs an anti-cancer punch. A Japanese heart surgeon is getting good results in treating diabetics with an old cure once practiced by Australian Aborigines – maggots. We wonder if these tomato vaccines against Hepatitis and AIDS work. Energising alternatives.
- The state of Florida is moving ahead with plans to reroute water through the Everglades in an effort to save the precious wetlands. A good start might be to quit draining swamps to build Disneyworlds.
- Israeli wildlife experts are desperately searching for hundreds of stolen baby crocodiles sold as household pets. Uh, when they grow-up they …. oh never-mind, you’ll find out later.
- A middle-aged Australian woman sleepwalker sneaked out the house to have sex with a series of strangers. That’s your story, lady, stick with it.
- Lava has begun to ooze out of Mount St. Helens. NASA’s keeping a space-eye on it. Great pics.
- Mathematical “truth serum” promotes honesty. Truth wizards know when you are lying.
- Physicists at NIST have proposed a new way to slow light down to almost one-millionth its usual speed–to the mere speed of a jet aircraft.
- An electronic robot tongue gives sweet tastes a licking.
- There is a growing community out there with absolutely no desire to have sex. Sorry.
- Pot heads can’t stop puking. Now there’s a visual for you. Here’s another – Furry teeth can be a wine drinker’s friend.
- Scientists find new clues underlying mood disorders.
- An earthquake shakes up gravity.
- British scientists believe they have found an environmentally-friendly alternative to petroleum to power cars.
- An unexplained jump in greenhouse gases -evidence of accelerating global warming or is just a blip.
- Throughout the world amphibians are in deep trouble.
- So what have we here, another dead Chupacabra in Texas? You’re closer to Lufkin than I, Cernig. Go take a look.
- A woman tells her story of being married to Bigfoot. No, we don’t make this stuff up. [Check the non-endorsement at the bottom of the page. We wonder if Xerox doesn’t recommend reading Pravda.]
- Summit makes a big, hairy deal of Texas town.
- Scientists prepare to plunge through a haze of hydrocarbons and methane clouds onto a surface of seven-kilometer-high ice mountains and liquid methane seas.
- A newfound star cluster may be the final Milky Way ‘fossil’.
- UK astronomers scan the skies for threat from space.
Quote of the Day:
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
(Anything in Latin sounds profound.)