What’s on the radio over the weekend? Take a look:
Whitley Strieber’s Dreamland: This week on Dreamland you’ll hear the latest on the Roswell Dig Diaries – the highest-rated documentary ever shown on the Sci Fi channel. Don Schmitt will fill listeners in on the very latest information, and asks the question: is Roswell about to be blown wide open?
Coast to Coast AM: Friday night Richard Hoagland of Enterprise Mission will present an update on Mars as well as material on Friday the 13th, followed by open lines. On Saturday, Founder of the Academy for Future Science, Dr. J.J. Hurtak and his wife Desiree, will be discussing The Keys of Enoch, a paraphysical textbook that offers theoretical teachings for a 30 year period shift in human consciousness. Sunday night is just Art Bell and open lines.
More details including relevant websites are available at the linked pages above. Remember also that while Coast to Coast is subscription, it can be listened to through KOGO, while Dreamland is free.