Is it political to post items about the military or the environment? Is it anti-religious to post news about the Rev. Moon, a would-be Pope or anything to do with evolution? I think I’m safe with the one about the dog-boy…
- Paranormal investigator Kenneth Biddle gets steamed about scruple-free journalists slandering his activities. Now he knows how the neo-pagans feel.
- That nasty “dead zone” in the Gulf of Mexico may be contributing to increases in shark attacks along the Texas coast.
- What goes around comes around. It looks like acid rain may actually reduce global warming from bogs and marshes. However, the article doessnt mention the effect of acid rain killing all those trees.
- A genetic analysis of the Australian dingo suggests the dogs tagged along on an epic expansion of people out of southern China around 6,000 years ago.
- In case you missed it: a woman says she was cursed and is now followed by a hail of stones.
- A boy in Siberia was reportedly brought up by a dog. I refuse to make the obvious crass comments about doggie greetings…
- Psychosurgery. Brain implants. Mind control. The stuff of movies – like The Manchurian Candidate – or a glimpse of the future?
- Fifteen crop circles in Southern England in less than 2 weeks. My, those guys with the boards and the rope have been busy…dont they have jobs to go to?
- A Japanese hiker has discovered six bones believed to be from a dinosaur that lived 78 million years ago. No, not Godzilla.
- A Pentagon report claims abrupt climate change is possible, but according to its author the report is being buried by Pentagon beaurocracy.
- The General who was in charge at Abu Graib alleges a high level conspiracy kept her ignorant of the abuses at the prison.
- The San Antonio Chupacabra is to be sent for DNA testing in an attempt to identify it.
- Alchemist, wizard, scientist: Sir Michael Scott was the prototype renaissance man and a new drama may help revive interest in his life and work. I had to include this one, as he is my direct ancestor.
- Wherever man may go, lawyers are quick to follow, and for some decades now, a forward-thinking cluster of attorneys have their sights set on outer-space. I loved the bit about the three brothers who sued the US claiming they inherited Mars from their ancestors 3,000 years ago.
- North Korea fields two new ICBM systems …meanwhile it looks like the funding for part of the technology may have come from The Rev. Moon, who was recently crowned “Messiah” in a well attended senate event.
- A new study reveals that retreating Alaskan ice may trigger earthquakes.
- The fortune tellers of Los Angeles are safe from a police crackdown, and won’t require licenses. But of course they already knew that.
- Shock news! Over half of male college students drink heavily! A report on the negative effects of binge drinking.
- The Australian Government is funding a school ran by the doomsday cult of William Kamm. Mind you, he isn’t the only person who claims to be the true pope.
- The ethical arguments over increasing the human lifespan. A thought-provoking subject.
- Russia is to begin charging the US for deliveries to the International Space Station.
- Studies show that feathered dinosaur had a bird-brain and could probably fly.
- Human’s hearing is like a Barn Owl’s in some ranges, like a gerbil’s in others
- The tale of a ghost who likes modern conveniences, from Tennessee.
- The Red Planet had active volcanoes much more recently than everyone thought.
- A look at the world of dope-testing for athletes in advance of the Olympics.
- Astronomers discover a new class of cosmic explosion more powerful than a supernova.
Quote of the Day:
My own opinion is that belief is the death of intelligence. As soon as one believes a doctrine of any sort, or assumes certitude, one stops thinking about that aspect of existence. The more certitude one assumes, the less there is left to think about…
Robert Anton Wilson, “Cosmic Trigger”.