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Important Note – Please Read

Whoah, what just happened? If you use the theme with the black background, you should have noticed that the page has returned to the old “Daily Grail” look (if not, try a Shift-Reload with your browser or even clear your browser’s cache).

The reason for this change is that, due to the massive success of Simon Cox’s Cracking the Davinci Code (Amazon US and UK), the DUAT Magazine project has been on the back-burner for a while as Simon deals with the necessary publicity commitments etc. As such, I’ve returned the site to its old form and name: “The Daily Grail”. Please note that Simon and Mark are still committed to producing DUAT Magazine when time is available, and that I fully support their efforts in doing so.

Those who come to this site using the address – if you would like to keep viewing this page you will need to change your bookmark to, as I will be redirecting back to its original site. If anybody has any questions or problems, feel free to email me via

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