If you’re missing some rainfall, I’ve probably got it. I’ve seen Junes with no rain here. Water’s spilling over the tops of the dams; the lakes are beyond full. Where are the Ark plans? Rain, rain, go away …….
- Global warming. Rising sea levels. Massive volcanic activity around the world. Widespread erosion. It’s not a scene from the latest Hollywood disaster film, The Day After Tomorrow, but the Earth as it appeared during the mid- to late-Cretaceous geological period, 135-million to 65-million years ago, when the largest dinosaurs ruled the planet.
- The smallest dinosaur was the size of a sparrow!
- Dinosaurs did not engage in head-to-head combat.
- Rat study elucidates long-ago human migration.
- A Mayan priest comments about the rare Venus transit. Yeah, well, what does he know? ;o)
- Allowing a mammoth expansion of North Dakota’s largest coal mine would cut a devastating swath through American Indian graves and cultural symbols. Easy call if one doesn’t need electricity from that coal.
- Archaeologists have dug up a thousand-year-old padded bra.
- Spiral patterns carved into a small jade ring show use of complex machines more than 2500-years ago.
- A former circus owner bought Wookey Hole a year ago and said the bones of a witch should be returned to the cave there. Toss-up.
- Building starts on Texas Stonehenge.
- It was not wars, but water woes, that ended Angkor’s empire.
- Hoping to learn more about undersea volcanoes, scientists capture an underwater eruption on tape. Do those eruptions make the water warmer?
- Why the ‘Lost Gospels’ lost out.
- Soaking string in the blood of a black dog and wrapping it around homes offers protection from the dreaded phi porp – a female ghost that kills married men and eats their innards. Some days it just doesn’t pay to be a black dog.
- A dead wallaby discovered on a remote Scottish island sparks a mystery.
- Mad-Cow disease in cattle and human beings.
- Follow-up: Everyone’s got an opinion on the photo of a mysterious creature.
- Here’s some good news for those people who talk to dogs. That’s you, isn’t it?
- The world’s most famous endangered species, the Chinese giant panda, appears to be in much better shape than previously thought.
- New research shows that the seasons may be involved in the onset of menopause.
- Clowns can strike terror into some people’s hearts. I’ve never liked clowns.
- The tale of a boy whose brain keeps telling him he’s still hungry.
- Lights-out policies in cities are helping to save the lives of thousands of migrating birds.
- It’s big head and bulging eyes, this ugly-cuss, rare sea creature washes ashore. Click on the ‘IMAGES’.
- Pumping energy to nanocrystals from a quantum well.
- Top quark measurements give the God particle a new lease on life.
- Microscopy moves to the picoscale.
- UA study on near-death experiences looks at brain.
- See the flood plains on Mars courtesy of the the ESA Mars Express spacecraft.
- Pterosaurs are still living on the islands of Papua New Guinea. Lots of videos of people that have seen Pterosaurs; no video of Pterosaurs.
- The giant blast over New Zealand is believed to be a meteor.
- Researchers have for the first time detected molecular nitrogen in interstellar space.
- This odd black hole defies explanation. Don’t they all?
Thanks Priscilla.
Quote of the Day:
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils.
Hector Berlioz