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News Briefs 04-06-2004

We’ve deviated off the beaten path today in celebration of Friday, or something, so be careful. Hang-on the the sissy-bar if necessary. Comment at will.

  • Geologists digging deep into the Chesapeake Bay impact crater are uncovering more signs of a space rock that smacked us 35-million years ago.
  • A Danish student found some dinosaur footprints that were left by a sauropod 170-million years ago.
  • An ancient belch may have have triggered extinctions like the demise of the dinosaurs 10 million years before the Eocene.
  • A helmet-shaped critter that dates back 600-million years may be ancestor of most animals.
  • The ancient Egyptians enjoyed political satire, scatological and vomiting humor, jokes concerning sex, slapstick, and animal-based parodies. Doesn’t everyone?
  • Pollution in North America falls 10-percent over three years.
  • Does the Atlantis myth represent a memory of major Earth change?
  • Were the ‘Giants On The Earth’ really genetic experiments?
  • Soldiers in Iraq help preserve 5,000-year old archeological sites.
  • The trial of two men accused of stealing ancient artwork from an American Indian site has sparked a discussion about the best way to protect artifacts — by keeping them secret or posting signs.
  • What goes on in the brain of a gambler? Seeing the other side of eleven’s tummy on the first roll isn’t a bad sign, is it?
  • The Techno Maestro’s Amazing Machine. This is either bogus or incredible, I can’t decide which.
  • The Catholic Church has enlisted a retired chemistry professor to determine whether religious objects in a Brisbane church are actually bleeding and weeping.
  • Baby food could trigger meningitis.
  • Can nuclear radiation improve human health?
  • Put your phasers on ‘stun’. An invisible beam tops list of the Pentagon’s new, nonlethal weapons.
  • Huge, freed pet pythons have invaded the Florida Everglades.
  • Scientists are finding strange life forms in the Great Salt Lake.
  • Plants are living creatures with feelings.
  • If it is true that big cats haven’t lived wild in the U.K. for 2,000 years, then there’s a lot of large house cats now roaming the British countryside.
  • Love really is blind…..
  • A 17th-century solar oddity believed linked to global cooling is rare among nearby stars.
  • A meteorite accompanied by sonic booms lit-up the skies in the U.S. Pacific northwest.
  • Chemtrails and terror in the age of nuclear war.
  • One of the UK’s best-known scientists, Professor James Lovelock, claims that we should fear the wrath of Gaia.
  • A seven-spoked, 166 feet diameter, ‘wagon wheel’ crop circle has appeared in a wheat field in Peach Orchard, Arkansas.
  • The Portuguese air force has been on alert since late on Tuesday, when several authorities and witnesses reported seeing a silent, luminous UFO. In English, even.
  • Let’s zoom-in on this UFO in Provo Canyon, Utah. Man, that thing looks like a classic flying saucer.
  • It’s time for a retro-UFO tale – an arrowhead-UFO sighting that lasted for three-days.
  • It is now June, the Impact is coming. Here’s an end of the world warning from ‘Aussie Bloke’. Better tie-up those loose-ends; don’t say you weren’t warned.
  • It’s not quite a fox, or a cat. Wait! It’s an ….., uh, unidentified creature photographed in North Carolina that stumps the experts. With pic.
  • The ability to write backwards in the form of mirror writing is probably inherited. I worry more about people can taste sounds and hear colors.
  • The Centaurus A galaxy’s last big meal was a spiral galaxy, now twisted into a parallelogram-shaped structure of dust.
  • An astronomer has turned observations of the early universe into a sound clip that represents a primal scream from the first million years after the Big Bang. It doesn’t sound like a bang.
  • A major galactic mystery has been solved that will help astronomers in their quest to understand the chemical evolution of the Milky Way.
  • Nearing the end of its seven-year journey to Saturn, the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft has primed its engine in preparation for the real mission scheduled to begin 30 June.

Quote of the Day:

I looked, and I saw a windstorm coming out of the north-an immense cloud with flashing lightning and surrounded by brilliant light. The center of the fire looked like glowing metal.

Ezekiel 1:4

  1. PANic

    That’s no way to start the day, your end of the world link is disturbing, specially considering the very unusual level of activity from the navy ‘s-, of which i read some only yesterday, and the big increase of money put out there by the fed – i read the safeheavenarticle a week ago and whilst i thought it was to shore up the bush campaign when all that money kicked in to gear 3/4 months after the money flooding of the market, now i wonder .

    Well, these last weeks there were plenty of links pointing to the agitated state of our solarsystem, i guess we needn’t wait with this doomsay, thats 2 weeks from now for it’s first impact and in 3 days a change in light intensity would be noticable. But hey, wouldn’t it be madness to send a large part of your army in harms way if one knew that something like this was coming…then again i never figured why labour PM blair joined the bushcamp either.

    Then again how about this
    or this
    As i said we won’t have to wait long, however the current massive deployment of the navy remains remarkable.- the deep sea is the savest place to be.. ach so and more on tsunamis at the bottom of this

    ” Fear accomplishes nothing but destruction. Fear is the greatest enemy of all that exists on Planet Earth. Fear is bondage, fear is not freedom”

    1. Ending Everything
      Hi Tox,

      When I was a kid and we went to the city, I saw people walking around with signs reading, “REPENT – THE END IS NEAR”. Not being PC back then, we called bedraggled-looking people bums in those days. The sign-carriers always looked like bums. The signs always said “near” or “soon” without stipulating a particular date. As a kid, I wondered if they really believed what they had written, or if they were just bored and looking for attention. I also wondered why they would bother to tell me about the impending doom, and why they weren’t out enjoying themselves instead of carrying that sign. Anyway, the world didn’t end; the bums were wrong.

      Jump to 2004. Everyone has access to the Internet. Anyone can hop on the Internet in a public library and write anything and call themselves anything they wish. They can claim special knowledge from God or the Pentagon, or they can say that they are aliens or time travelers, or whatever. Instead of a sign, they’ve got access to megabytes of blank pages to mix some truth with their dire predictions giving themselves false-credibility. Like the bums of years ago, they might even believe what they write. Who knows?

      But I’m still wondering why they are bothering to tell me. If I had special knowledge like that I would be in Las Vegas maxing-out my credit cards and living like a king. I certainly wouldn’t be on the Internet using a false name writing stuff to Rense or anyone else.

      The odds are that the bums are still wrong. And ships move all the time. Since the prediction included a date, it will be fun to see it through with nothing happening. I wouldn’t worry about it at all. I just put it in the update because it was interesting, like the bums with the signs.


      1. How soon is “soon”?

        When you were a kid you thought “soon” meant the same day, or week. Now that you are an adult how do you take “soon” to mean?

        The Bums were right all along!

        The world IS ending, have a look around.

        Or are you telling me that there are hundreds of years left? Thats not what I see.


        1. Soon
          Hi Toniclogic, (typo or name change?)

          IMHO, ‘The world is ending soon’ must be a near-term event. That month would be acceptable, within the year would be pushing it – depending on the prediction-month. Five-years is undesirable, a decade is completely unacceptable, anything beyond the century mark is inadmissible, and some event scheduled for the next millennia is beyond interest. The bums gave us bad information.

          Yet, hundreds of years from now bums will probably still be around giving us the same dire predictions with some change in format. That’s what they do.


      2. bang a gong
        HI Bill,

        I don’t worry about it, rather senseless and i’m not afraid to die either. But, if one’s able , preparedness doesn’t harm. The story you brought to our attention is a strange one, meanwhile debunkers have debunked themselves.
        If what this man has said is true then it is clear that over the past 20 years the certainty of impact has grown over time. This would inevitably create a break in the worlds economic systems, a point after which rearrangment, read scrapping of debts becomes a desirable feature of an impact event, it will put a big emphasis on control/ownwership, regardless of previous commitments(debt). On the 8th the g-8 summit will take place aswell as the bilderberg gathering, i predict plenty of ‘staring death in the eye’ smiling faces.
        Going back to the story, something is up. Just as the official facts that our solarsystem is currently in an agitated state
        [in all three pages of excellent background information even if one chooses to disregard hoagland and wilcocks interwoven hyperdimensions theory-which i find myself rather prone to.]

        All of us are aware that if there would come government confirmation of this, hell could brake loose in our urbanised world. Holding on to impact doubt, or averting an impact, would make a policy of non disclosure common sense. From a cynical point of view it would make even more sense to create a diversion, take peoples minds off from all the end of the century comet of doom tales, and start them concentrating on their potentially hostile neighbours instead of a “great gig in the sky”.

        It’s fortunate this doomsay will be over soon.

        toniclogic, bitter isn’t it ? However it’s not me

        ” Fear accomplishes nothing but destruction. Fear is the greatest enemy of all that exists on Planet Earth. Fear is bondage, fear is not freedom”

        1. Big Smack
          Hi Tox,

          I’m not a big subscriber to conspiracy theories, but as they go, that’s a good one. Some believe that there are no coincidences. Maybe you’re right. We don’t have long to wait to see if there is validity to the story.

          This Impact Crater Calculator might come in handy.


  2. amazing machine

    Now this story holds rather more positive perspectives. The magnetic induction engine looks to be the same kind that is currently undergoing roadtesting on a public transport bus in apeldoorn (netherlands) electric wheel motors power the bus these motors are supported by a small diesel engine which keeps the system going, but on the whole the energy required is much less of what was previously consumed. Sounds remarkably the same as the 330% energy output from the ‘amazing’ story.
    Read more

    ” Fear accomplishes nothing but destruction. Fear is the greatest enemy of all that exists on Planet Earth. Fear is bondage, fear is not freedom”

  3. Chemtrails and terror
    Well, it was on Rense I know, and I should not have been surprised. But this one was way over the top. 4 limited nuclear wars in recent years? I don’t think so.

    It is a pity because certain points in the article could be food for thought, but the overall impression is a delusional rant from the fringes.


    1. chemtrails and terror
      Hi Nostra,

      11,000 dollar a second militairy spending how over the top do you want it Nostra ?.
      It’s how one defines limited nuclear war, in this case it’s clear that the wholesale dumping of nuclear waste in the form of bombshells is seen as limited nuclear war. It may not correlate with our idea of oa direct nuclear explosion, the consequences long term are probably much more serious.

      That said, the rest of the article is almost to disturbing to consider. What madness reigns in these DoD, Pentagon circles. They are totally bunkers if you ask me, is there no common sense left in these quarters. Who do they think is/will be benefitting from their activities, what bible do they read ? I’m beginning to give creedence to these stories that nasa, the pentagon and the DoD are invested with aliens.

      ” Fear accomplishes nothing but destruction. Fear is the greatest enemy of all that exists on Planet Earth. Fear is bondage, fear is not freedom”

        1. It’s a Conspiracy!!!!!!
          Have you ever wondered why there are so many right wing fundie loonies writing apocalyptic prophecy on the world wide web??? Is it true that Rense and other sites which post the opinions of crackpots and bigots are secretly funded by the CIA and MJ-12??? Their aim is to create a disinformation saturation so that the Illuminati and the Teletubbies(an esoteric code for aliens with cabbalistic powers of magick) can work undisturbed by public scrutiny!!!!! This has been revealed to me by crystal-using dolphins from Atlantis while undergoing holistic colonic irrigation. To emphasise how true all this must be I will use multiple punctuations!!!.

          (Oh how I wish there was an emoticon for extreme sarcasm. By the way, if joint US/UK naval fleet exercises involving 40 or so vessels are a clear indicator of the pending doom of the whole planet, then the world must end about every 4 years. I mustve slept through the last one.)

          To sit in silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men

  4. James Donahue, Primus Illuminatus and dodgy artist
    According to the website cited above, Mr Donahue “summoned and then drew” the 72 Goetian Demons of Solomon, thus discovering that they are really aliens who are still amongst us. I am pretty certain that there is no-one alive who could summon all 72 of these demons, if they exist outwith the plane of the Jungian collective unconscious, and live to tell the tale. If there were, Im pretty sure they would be ruling the world or something, not writing about the artwork. Laugh? I nearly paid my taxes.

    If there is anyoneTo sit in silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men

    1. You need to sudy all the facts before you speak
      The goverment has known about this meteor hit for sometime now
      in fact the Navy’s of the world are acting out to show there is indeed
      something up!!!!

      1. You know, I wasn’t implying t
        You know, I wasn’t implying that the article I posted had any truth in it, I was merely posting something that has been generating a lot of racket around the place.

        Here in Canberra, a lot of people are talking about it.

        And some, have gone and investigated the supposed Dr. Gartrell, who lives in Adelaide – and who, just as the internet poster finished posting – has gone on a holiday to Swizterland (his neighbour confirmed he went with all of his family)

        It was a rather elaborately designed hoax, because all of the details match up… and the hoaxer did his research rather well. Or this Gartrell guy is dellusional and thinks the meteors are really coming our way.

        (either that, or its true.. I guess I can’t leave that out;p)

        But its just interesting to see all the coincidences going about.
        And ignoring the meteor, do you know about the economy? Its likely it will crash! Thats scary enough… The reserves are way too high after an injection of M3. (At least, thats what we’ve been discussing at university, my investments lecturers are pretty distressed about their money;p)

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