Roll the window down, this cool night air is curious…
- Plan to classify Silbury Hill as a building to stop it falling apart from human traffic.
- Scientists endorse Atkins Diet. Study sponsored by the Atkins foundation.
- Why move an asteroid? Ever seen that movie DEEP IMPACT?
- Sci-fi writer Ray Bradbury testifies to President’s Commission about our destiny in space, five centuries from now.
- Ghost-busting team says former RAF base in Wales is definitely haunted.
- Kenyan rock art stumps experts.
- Diabetes increases risk of Alzheimer’s Disease.
- Got a heart disorder? Why not try microwaving your ticker (don’t try this at home kiddies).
- For the first time in 120 years, geologists have added a new time period to human history – the Ediacaran Period.
- Scientist says he knows why the Earth wobbles. Personally I think it’s a result of too much dancing – please stop people!
- Latest UFO and abduction reports at Profind.
- US to accelerate its approval of new HIV drugs for the world’s poor from four years to as little as six weeks. Why not for other life-threatening diseases?
- Medicinal GM crops produced. Not to mention, GM crops could help feed the poor. How long before the brand name Panacea appears?
- Scientists uncover anti-aging enzyme target.
- THE DAVINCI CODE for kids – CHASING VERMEER. Wonder if they replaced Teabing with Barney the Dinosaur.
- Fred Crisman – key man in JFK/UFO Conspiracy cover-up? Busy man.
- Texas man captures UFOs on video. Mexico, Texas…heading to Washington?
- Richard Dolan gets a little feisty about the debunkings of the Mexican UFOs.
- Human settlements existed in the Amazon Basin some 4,000 years ago.
- Megalithic-style Oseirion in Abydos under threat.
- Unearthing the mysteries of the Anasazi in Chaco Canyon.
- Cloning resets cellular clock.
- Study finds passive smoking kills one bar worker a week.
Quote of the Day:
We expect that our analysis will show that certain areas in the United States have had an abnormally high number of reported incidents of unidentified flying objects….we recommend that one or two of these areas be set up as experimental areas. Many different types of aerial activity should be secretly and purposefully scheduled within the area.
US Military (“Pentacle Memorandum”) – 1953