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News Briefs 26-02-2009

A nice Paella of news for you to enjoy. Buen Provecho!

Thanks Rick, Kat & Greg.

Quote of the Day:

“True wisdom is less presuming than folly. The wise man doubts often, and changes his mind; the fool is obstinate, and doubts not; he knows all things but his own ignorance”


  1. Flying humanoid, loving pareidolia
    Pharynguloid’s to the rescue! 🙂

    I’m sure you know how I found this site but my reason for registering has to do with the “flying humanoid”. I just HAD to post a comment about this! 🙂

    I’m 99% confident that the “flying humanoid” is really just a bird on a wire. Why do I think this? because the same website has the video that the pics were taken from on the very next blog post. Watch the Video[Inexplicata]

    the first segment seems to obviously be a bird on a wire (you can’t see it for most of the video, but the tell-tale signs are there periodically. The wire is a straight line from bottom left to top right), the second part is too fuzzy to determine any characteristics, and the third part is only barely clear enough to conceive that it is a gliding bird in flight.

    While I obviously don’t know for sure, incorrect identification of objects in extremely fuzzy images is very easy and prone to pareidolia[wikipedia], especially after a suggestion as to what it might be. Whatever it is, it is certainly NOT a flying humanoid.

    It should also be noted that the video (and the subsequent still frames cropped from it) is from a poor quality camera at what is evidently FULL zoom and obviously NOT on a tripod.

    Loved many of the other links though!

    1. Thanks
      Thanks for the comment.

      There’s also the possibility that these flying humanoids are nothing but balloons filled with helium. Maybe someone went to a sexshop to play a little prank? However, since some of those accounts in Mexico city were made in street blocks that are very close to the Airport, that would be really worrying, since something like that could provoke a terrible accident with a landing plane; and yet, as far as I know, the authorities have not made any inquiry on those cases.

      There has also been another recent case of witnesses reporting a flying man; this time in England. On of the witnesses was convinced he saw the testing of some sort of jet pack; it is very possible, but I don’t know why other didn’t report a bulky object strapped to the back of the man. There wasn’t also any mention of noise, and when I went to see a Michael Jackson concert (Yes, I know I know) to the Azteca Stadium, I remember the jetpack he (or rather his double) used was somewhat noisy.

      It would be nice that someone has finally figured out how to make a working jetpack that can actually be used to fly to the office and back. God know we need something like that here in Mexico city, PRONTO! 🙂

      It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
      It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

      Red Pill Junkie

      1. Hmmmm
        [quote=red pill junkie]There’s also the possibility that these flying humanoids are nothing but balloons filled with helium. Maybe someone went to a sexshop to play a little prank? [/quote]

        Perhaps you’re just projecting there RPJ…

        Was the British humanoid over the Cannock Chase region? Either that place is a hotspot of strangeness, or there’s some kick-ass hoaxers in the neighbourhood.

        Kind regards,
        You monkeys only think you’re running things

        1. Yes, it was Cannock.
          No, I wasn’t projecting… much 😛

          It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
          It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

          Red Pill Junkie

    1. the primordial gods.
      That’s why I suspect cats were the primordial deities back in ancient Egypt. So the Sphynx had actually not only the body but the head of a cat as well.

      The great Pyramid? The high god’s royal litter box. That’s why there was no mummy in the king’s chamber—the stone ‘sarcophagus is where the cats did their thing— and that’s why it also needed ventilation.

      So the humans rebelled against their tyrannic masters. You see, Osiris was the liberator of Egypt, that’s why He is always depicted covered with bands like a mummy: because of all the scratches the poor chap suffered (and he’s green because he was allergic too)

      Eat your heart out, Graham Hancock! 😛

      It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
      It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

      Red Pill Junkie

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