Happy Birthday, Charlie old boy!! Oh, & you too Abe :0)
- We all live in Darwin’s world, so get used to it & quit monkeying around!
- Interview with Paul Bettany, who’s portraying the man himself on an upcoming film—Russell Crowe plays the part of the poo-throwing chimp.
- Much to the disappointment of certain members of the Scientific establishment *cough Dawkins cough* after 150 years of ‘Origin of the Species’, Life has preserved its mystery.
- So what was the trigger of our Evolution? The usual: an explosion.
- In America, fewer than 4 in 10 people believe in Evolution. Maybe we should begin a tradition of giving gifts to children on this day.
- Even the Vatican is showing Chuck the love, and giving Creationism the cold shoulder. Maybe the Creationists should consider convertng to Islam.
- But let’s face it: there are still some questions that Darwinism cannot answer (like bras for boys…WTF!).
- Loren Coleman asks the Evolutionary & Creationist cryptozoologists to reconcile and stop arguing over their differences. Will He succeed, or do the two factions need another couple of centuries to make peace?
- Bigfoot lives! How Cryptozoology is quickly evolving into a respected scientific discipline (H/T The Anomalist).
- Ok, but what about the Evolution of life elsewhere? For that, we’ll soon launch the Kepler telescope to find some answers.
- With the launch of Safir-2, the ‘League of Space Powers’ has evolved from an exclusive country club, to a mere Price Club membership.
- New Evolution in space endeavours: for the first time, two satellites collide in orbit.
- Evolving our preconceptions about UFOs, thanks to NASA’s plan to erradicate sonic booms.
- UFO experts go ape with dramatic film of a UFO buzzing over the British coastline.
- Whitley Strieber discusses the recent ‘virtual disclosure’ of UFO files, and explains why The US government needs to evolve past the denial of UFO activity.
- With tornadoes killing eight people in Oklahoma, Our climate is evolving… into a mean predator 🙁
- Mexico unearths mass grave from Spanish conquest, where a clear Evolution in burial traditions is manifest.
- In China, executions evolve… and go mobile.
- Recipe to evolve quicker than in Mother Nature’s scheduled plan: dump weapons-based plutonium to a public waste pit (H/T Unknown Country)
- When trees evolve into ents, they start migrating north to avoid Global Warming.
- The Evolution of ringtones into annoying generational barriers.
- Evolving the Drug Paradigm: while the head of the UK’s drug advisory body argues that ‘ecstasy is no more dangerous than riding a horse’, the Latin American Commission on Drugs & Democracy pleas for the drug repression efforts to go the way of the Dodo (more info here).
- Koala rescued from Australia’s wildfire wasteland. Koalas: the pinnacle in the Evolution of cute ^_^
Thanks to Kat, Perceval & Greg; 3 of the most evolved people I’ve met in my life.
Quote of the Day:
“It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change.”