As a desert is arid and desolate, so too is Certainty. Let’s rather explore the forests.
- Entangled particles are like affectionate ex-girlfriends: benefits exist after links are broken 😛
- Six Biggest Mysteries of our Solar System (#7 is where’s Nibiru).
- MIRA: Think of it as one of God’s sperm cells.
- One small step for man, one giant leap for broadcast television.
- Project Orion: the atomic spaceship that never was… so far as we know of.
- Argentina: UFO Fires “Rays” Over Rosario (Watch the video).
- Star field camouflage on large V-shaped craft near Cape Canaveral, or bold ABC marketing scheme to increase The View’s ratings?
- David Cameron seeks the vote of the tinfoil-hat-wearing Brits. I’m sure he has Mckinnon’s vote.
- ABC greenlights new adaptation of David Ickes’ favorite TV show.
- Jurassic ER: Medical students learn how to recognize tumors in 150-million-year fossils… there’s less risk of malpractice lawsuits from extinct patients, too.
- The Prestige on MRI: Magic reveals the brain’s response to the impossible.
- Nobody invited you to the prom night? Blame your genes… and your braces.
- David Attenborough’s hate mail, written by the people who preach about the love of God :-/
- Momma needs some serious over-hauling y’all; so what are the most effective Climate engineering solutions?
- Don’t be fooled: An iPhone CAN be a deadly weapon. Maybe that’s the REAL reason why custom agents will be allowed to peer through your playlists?
- In the Google era, it should be outrageous that so few hospitals automate medical records.
- Aircraft carriers made of ice, and other bizarre Military experiments that make one suspect eggheads are really crackheads (Warning: PG-15 language).
- But those days of retarded Military ideas are over, right? WRONG.
- Lord of War: Doctors Spooked by Israel’s Mystery Weapon.
- How would the world’s leaders prepare six billion people for the end of the world? The answer —according to Roland Emmerich: They wouldn’t (Video).
- Fifty thousand years ago, were we learning to use simple tools? Or, were we flying through space, colonizing, building pyramid-power stations and cloning ourselves?
- 1800 years ago, instead of Jedis or G.I. Joes, the kids of Jerusalem liked to collect figurines of boxers.
- Coffee was the fuel to the age of enlightenment (Video). Think of that as you serve your 5th cup of the morning.
Thanks Perceval, Rick & Greg.
Quote of the Day:
“There was a faction in the MoD who said ‘We want to shoot down a UFO and that will resolve the issue one way or another’.’’
Nick Pope